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LNC File

Has anybody ever taken a crack at to what actually gets written out to the siege_nodes.lnc files for the regions?

Hm... not sure what you actually mean..

However region information form...
- terrain_nodes/nodes.gas
- lights/lights.gas
- decals/decals.gas
...are used to produce the LNC file (among otherfhiles possibly, but nodes.gas is essential).

So you are looking for a tool to exmane the LNC in order to get the data as detailed again as it was in the *.gas files?

Side note: As experienced once, in SE2 it's possible to load a region without LNC file.

DS uses the LNC as the binary representation of the files you listed out. So yes, I'm essentially looking for a program / snippet that will explain where / how each section was written. What are the ds load times without the LNC files?

I'm sorry, I have no information about the internal structure of the LNC file, and opening with an hex-editor doesn't really the create the impression that there is a evident/simple structure at all...

The game itself won't run without LNC file as far as I remember (unless there would an unknown option to do so).
The SE2 (and SE1 probably) however can load a region without LNC file, gathering all the information required from the *.gas file - which takes remarkably longer since e.g. all the light calculations need to be redone.