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What type of Mod do you most often create?

poll description: 
Just wondering what type of mod you most often make or use when you play the game.
Maps & Siegelets
28% (8 votes)
Balancers (Like Monster Level Adjust)
7% (2 votes)
Graphical User Interface
3% (1 vote)
10% (3 votes)
14% (4 votes)
3% (1 vote)
Cheats (anything the increases the character's power, speed, recovery or level growth)
0% (0 votes)
10% (3 votes)
Other (make sure to post a comment as to what)
10% (3 votes)
10% (3 votes)
3% (1 vote)
Total votes: 29


I have made weapon and armor mods for all versions of Dungeon Siege. Some of them have been released, most however are works in progress or of a nature that would not allow me to post them without violating site rules.


Voted other, because I couldn't pick just one.

And where were the categories for Tutorials and Resources?

ghastley wrote:

Voted other, because I couldn't pick just one.

And where were the categories for Tutorials and Resources?

I added tutorials and resources. I also checked them for you.

I voted other... I think all of the above lol

Maps and siegelets but most them never get released Sad . It's hard to finish them alone.