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Minecraft DS Armor..

So I made a pretty good recreation of Lorethal's Legacy that I plan to use to replace the Gold armor in Minecraft. I don't plan on making an entire resource pack or anything, but I wanna replace the textures for the armor and the weapons for personal use.

So far I'm thinkin'...

Leather Armor= Studded Leather Armor, Windstone Armor or Archer Armor

Chain Armor= Chain mail (Perhaps without the metal plates on top, and with an open-faced helm) or Mercenary Armor

Iron Armor= Chain mail with the plates on top? Maybe Snowbrook Soldier armor recolored in Iron grey. Or a bulked up Archer Armor.

Gold Armor= Lorethal's Legacy

Diamond Armor= I'm not sure. I was thinking the Undying Warlord set recolored Diamond Blue instead of Blood Red.

Let me know what you think~! And give me suggestions.

P.S: Ignore the lack of face- that's of course supposed to be whatever your face is when you equip it as armor, but I put it on as a Skin not Armor so there was no face.
