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Necroposting as a rule?

I just found out what Necroposting is, that is, posting on an old forum thread. I also found that this is, for whatever reason, often against the rules on various forum sites.
That seems like a strange thing to put a rule against, posting on an old forum. Seems like it's only a 'rule' to make it more convenient for the mods and not for any ACTUAL reason.
Pretty sure anyone should have the freedom to post on an old thread, unless I suppose, whatever question posed in that thread has already been answered and your post adds nothing relevant. But that isn't always the case.
What do you think?



Depends on the post. If it's a good post that adds meaning, then why not. But if it is just a pointless addition then it's just annoying. But having a rule against any posting to old threads seems problematic. ^^

I agree, As long as it's a good post there is no good reason to have a rule against it.


I can see no reason to post to an old thread if it's a good post that adds something of value to a thread, like the solution to a problem, then go for it. However if it is just a pointless nattering then Sol77 is quite correct in that it's just annoying. Annoying posts of no value, or repeating posts because your question has not been dealt with can always be removed. I do read every post so Annoyances will be dealt with. Just follow the site rules here and you should be just fine Raymus.


OOHHHH Kitty eats necro posters. *wink wink*

Some people necro post just to be annoying or to be useless, that is why there are rules against it in other forums. But, as the others say, if someone has something relevant or useful to add then that is different.

There, I "necro" posted in this thread just to add something barely relevant. Laughing out loud

Web Sites that fear Necroposting have thanatophobia, I don't have thanatophobia unless the thanatophobic post is otiose.