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Can i share mods that i found?

Hi, I'm new to siegetheday haven't played DS like 10 years. I've came back to play it again than i saw the mods. And i've lost myself in it ^^

And after talking a few people on steam and a russian torrent uploader I've found like 50-70 mods. And i guess some of them are lost which means they are not uploaded on anywhere (on or or or

mods like Nivisec 10000 item mod

My question is can i share them here? I can upload to and put a link here? Russian guy's mods are well categorized but steam guy send me a rar file and i even don't know what they do... Maybe we can categorize them all? together? :/

Ah and btw is a blank site but a part of it "" is still alive! Did you know that? Technically its not alive... Last post was on 2008 But I've found LoA_CutieGirl_Revived_v2 mod which I haven't use it. But on Siegetheday download we have only v1 I guess.

And it is the Russian guys site of Dungeonsiege

I don't know Russian but i used google translate. It has good links. And its his google drive:

And he gave of his FTP server i guess? It also have mods inside.

Thats it.


Mods that i get from {KILLA}Najsik!ckVGjYwS

Yes, as long as they are properly credited and not illegal they would go in the downloads section.


hmm i can give his steam name and other's mail as credit :P And they are all user made mods i guess. Whatever :3 you can delete if something wrong

Expsy wrote:
hmm i can give his steam name and other's mail as credit :P And they are all user made mods i guess. Whatever :3 you can delete if something wrong

No to post a mod on this site you must give credit to the actual author and not the person that gave you the mod. If the mod comes with a read me file you must include that. For example if Sigofmugmort gave you a mod and I was the author, you would have to give me credit and post it exactly like I originally uploaded it.


But there is like +100 mods there i cant write all the author's names sadly :/ but i included all the readme files. My only intend is to prevent loosing mods made by people which isn't active anymore. I tried so hard for that Nivisec mods for example. They could have been lost maybe in a year. Can't we just add every mod on "Download" section than find every missing author and readme files? I just wanna protect mods :/

Expsy wrote:
But there is like +100 mods there i cant write all the author's names sadly :/ but i included all the readme files. My only intend is to prevent loosing mods made by people which isn't active anymore. I tried so hard for that Nivisec mods for example. They could have been lost maybe in a year. Can't we just add every mod on "Download" section than find every missing author and readme files? I just wanna protect mods :/

If you wish to upload a mod you MUST
A. Show the Author's Name
B. Include the Read Me File
C. The mod must be unaltered
D. If the author in the read me file says that you can not upload the mod you must abide by his or her request.

If you are unsure of the author's name or if the author allows the mod to be reposted PM me the name of the mod and the staff here can do a bit of research for you.


I understood, I'll do everything i need to do.