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A mod? I think not

This weapon is unbelievably unbalanced. Was this just a test weapon? Or was someone in GPG just goofing off?

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Lord_Claw_II wrote:
This weapon is unbelievably unbalanced. Was this just a test weapon? Or was someone in GPG just goofing off?

It has to be a goof weapon, too stupid, and too deadly - for a mug.

Also, it seems to be a spoof on the Ds1 weapon "Axe of kill kill carnage" which was a legit weapon in elite, with damage of about 320 - 480.

edit- You can use a free imagehosting site, so you do not have to waste STD's bandwidth. Once you recieve a link to your uploaded image, paste between a "[img]" and "[/img]" to show it in your post.

Yeah, sorry... I didn't really think to do that, hehe.

EDIT: Hey, what's your account name on DS2?

I see this under level design tools. I think it is some sort of test item.