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Decal display problem in Siege Editor

garthagain's picture

I have this problem when using the DS2 siege editor (haven't tried DS1 yet).
The decals show through the nodes, walls are invisible where they showing through. When you zoom in close, everything is ok. I have Windows 10 with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 graphics card. I've tried a few things to fix it, but no luck. Any ideas?

[Added observation] In my post "For NVIDIA Graphics card users" I related a problem I had with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 graphics card. This problem likely has to do with that card as well.

Image icon decal problem.jpg311.82 KB


Yeah, I've had this same problem too with the Dungeon Siege 1 Siege Editor. Not really sure how to fix it, as it's on and off, and once I zoom in, the issue goes away. It's not game breaking for me or anything, just annoying.
Maybe something with preferences? I haven't really worked with the Dungeon Siege 2 Editor, so I don't know how it's configured. Just a thought though.