DS2 on Windows 10: Creator's Update
Submitted by DrakeIsGod on Sun, 2017-11-12 21:26
Has anyone figured out how to play DS2 full screen on Windows 10- Creator's Update yet? I've held off for too long and I'm having withdrawals I finally decided to play the game with the 'fullscreen=false' settings and now all of the hero skins are invisible (except for the head) for some reason. No changes to mods. As usual I'm only using the Legendary Mod and Aranna Legacy, and as I have also recently updated Aranna Legacy I can confirm the missing hero skins do not belong to it. This can only be a Windows 10 issue as it seems. Anyone got some tips? Perhaps I'm overlooking something? |
I did, however, notice that the dwarf and utraean skins are fine
I have seen this glitch but only when using a third party injector to try to force or trick the game into using fullscreen mode under Win 10: Creator's update. I was actually looking for other threads about this issue when I noticed your post (I know it's been posted elsewhere a few times about the mouse issue with DS2 under Win 10: Creator's update but not in the technical support forums.
I also know a few players have even rolled back Windows to an earlier version so they can play the game but eventually that won't be viable since I doubt Microsoft will ever make a fix for the issue as they'll probably say its a game specific problem - which is true.
I have tried the Borderless Gaming app, which does indeed give the impression of playing full screen. However it makes playing the game very difficult as the positioning of the mouse inputs aren't remapped. You have to click away from the character or command menu in order to actually click it. For re-arranging inventories for example it is very frustrating.
So I looked for alternatives. I'm currently using ShiftWindow, http://grismar.net/shiftwindow/ and while clunky it works perfectly in emulating fullscreen in DS2 with full and accurate positioning of the mouse cursor. It even fixes the portrait of your hero, which goes missing when playing in a window - very disconcerting.
Autokey also works but will hide your taskbar until you restart Windows. Kaldaien's mod SpecialK did actually force the game to play fullscreen with a mouse but it kept locking up the game so its not a viable solution. It was while using this mod while tinkering to find a solution when I got the invisible heroes.
I believe the issue with DS2 is that GPG has it start up in fixed 1024x768 resolution in Broken World and 800x600 resolution in retail DS2. Once a game session is started or loaded, it then switches to whatever resolution you specify in the options or ini file. I believe DS2 is programmed to start like this as the main menu doesn't tile or expand with increases in resolution. The mouse is handled differently in the menu than in the game.
Woh! You seem to have much more knowledge on this than I've seen anyone. I'm going to try out ShiftWindow to see how it is. Does AutoKey work perfectly too aside from the taskbar disappearing until Windows reboot?
Actually, the weirdest thing is that vanilla DS2 is the only one that does show the textures for hero skins and Broken World doesn't. I've tried using ShiftWindow but it loads the game without hero textures still. It's the oddest thing. Same with Borderless gaming. The only thing that was really unique was SpecialK as it actually loaded the game right, but the cursor couldn't click anything whatsoever. Then again, I'm not sure what settings I should've used for SpecialK.
I'm a bit confused at this point. With these options it seems so close, I'm just saddened that I still can't play without any hero textures or fullscreen in the least.
Have you tried with a new party? Or does the glitch only happen with your current party?
Why I ask is that I just discovered that my main hero I used to playtest Kingdom of Ehb Beta34a has disappeared. It's different to what you describe as my hero has completely disappeared and can be replaced by another party member. So I can play with a party without a selected hero.
This isn't the first time this has happened to me and it's not specific to Win 10 as it has happened at least twice in the past with Win 7. I've always put it down to me always tinkering with mods and different test builds and I figured that was the cause. Except this time it can't be that as I haven't made any significant changes since finishing the KOE playtest.
So see if your glitch can be replicated repeatability in Broken World (v2.3). If it does look at where your mods are located. They should be in the DS2 resources folder not the Broken World resources folder (if that's already the case, try moving them to the Broken World resources folder as a test). I doubt it's a Win 10 Creator update issue as the skins work in DS2 and the dwarves & utraeans'skins also work and they are located in the Legendary Mod resources file. So I'm thinking in this case that it's a mod priority load issue.
I tried a couple of things. It might've actually been an issue with Steam. I uninstalled the Killah Fix and I'm waiting for that new one Killah will be posting soon to test things out again. I'm thinking that something may have went wrong with the registry component or something.
In any case, I found my retail copies of DS2 with BW and installed it and DS2:BW runs fine (minus the fullscreen with cursor issue)
On a side note, I did have my files in the BW resource folder as you stated, I'm not sure why when I knew better than to run it that way. However, I moved them to the main resource folder and tested it out again and got the same issue. So, at this point I'm just waiting to test it out again with a fresh install of Killah's fix to see if it fixes the problem Steam-wise. The retail install I recently made will at least, for now, allow me to play normally