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Server Upgrade tonight

techiem2's picture

There's a VPS upgrade available that requires a migration, so I'm planning to do that sometime this evening/tonight.
The server will probably be up and down a couple times while I get it all done.
The migration portion estimates 96 minutes to complete, then I'll be doing the upgrade, so expect a couple hours of downtime.

I don't have an exact timeframe since we'll have family over for a while, but it will probably be late evening.

techiem2's picture

Aaand we're done. So that only took about 20 minutes to migrate the node and upgrade the disks. Wee!

I'm so glad! Thanks.


And a big thanks to people who delete all spams, scams, etc - the site was hacked?

Hey Ulyss:

No, we weren't hacked.

Some spam is easier to deal with than others. The junk that was posted over the weekend was a bunch of spambots registering with the site and then inundating us with yuck posted all over the forums. This yuck makes kathy a sad panda.

It took close to an hour last night to get rid of all the posts and to block the "users". We don't usually get so much but at least some of it was a little funny to read...(*cough* natural male "enhancement" *cough*) Shock .

So no worries. It took a bit longer this time around to get rid of that junk because the staff has varying schedules of when they can check in and do clean up.

Don't cry Kathy (sad panda) or you loose all make-up (mascara) around your two eyes (black glasses or black spots) - see picture Panda Eyes.jpg

Ulyss wrote:
Don't cry Kathy (sad panda) or you loose all make-up (mascara) around your two eyes (black glasses or black spots) - see picture Panda Eyes.jpg

Nooo, my mascara has washed off! My precious! Sad

(btw, that poor panda looks like he or she just got in after a rough night.)