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DS2 Cheats..??

Found these - don't know if they work. though - DS2 is uninstalled at the moment..

While playing a game, press [Enter] and type [Plus] followed by one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

To disable a code, type [Minus] followed by the code

Code Result
+bushsux-oluaowr - teleport (*)
+iraqsux-eszaryz - silver ring
+luvtana-aeviyaa - silver ring + weapon + garment
+krisrox-lzjlcoj - less chunky
+superchunky - more chunky
+quwhba - instant kill (*)
+drlife - All party tag is one "god"
-drlife - vulnerability
+movie - record a movie
-movie - stop recording
+version - display version^
+quwhba - Instant kill
+opnauticus - Ring of knowledge
+twilightzone - Activate teleporters

Thanks for posting these in the spoiler section.

What exactly does "chunky" and "superchunky" mean? Makes me think of peanutbutter... :P

Nobody must visit my site. Sad I have had this page up for about 1 year now.

Sharkull's picture

kathycf wrote:
What exactly does "chunky" and "superchunky" mean?

+Exploding bits of bodies when you kill beasties. :twisted:

sjr wrote:
Nobody must visit my site. Sad I have had this page up for about 1 year now.

I do...but I don't look around for cheat codes though. Smile

Thanks for the explanation, Sharkull. I always wondered about that.

Hmm, a belated apology for that faux-pas, sjr.. :oops:

- had I spotted it over at the Abstraction site, I would have posted a linky instead..
..I actually found it in the Cheatbook Database.. (- shame on me!!)

- so anybody out there who hasn't been over to Abstraction yet..
- get moo-ving..!!

Hi, from DS2 i mean De Sims 2 and i am netherland but i living in belgium 8}