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DS2 on Ubuntu linux?

ive tried many things cause i never got to play this game...i bought it and i cant run it on my system...i have tried the main ubuntu forums and i have had no help. alot of people say they have gotten it to work with wine and cedega but i cant and ive tried both...i doubt i will get an answer here i just want to really play the game i payed one has been able to help me. install goes fine but when i try to run the program it just completely crashes no errer messages or anything Evil plz help


Have you tried the Cedega forums? DS2 should run without problems with the retail version of Cedega, but without multiplayer capabilities. I don't think the game works with the cvs version of cedega or wine for that matter.

I am running Ubuntu myself but never made a real effort to get it to work with linux, I dualboot instead.