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Derelict Team now Recruiting

LoneKnight's picture

Okay, never thought I'd see the day, again, but the doors are now open for recruitment into the Derelict development team.

Because of the pinch of real life and the ever increasing amount of work being put into this project, all of the hard work our crew is putting into the community may require some help from the community. Email me at . I will respond to you within 24 hours.

Positions available:

Mapping: This is the largest field that we need work in. Most of the team consists of mappers, and the maps are about 45% done. That means a lot of work is needed to make it happen in the time we need it done. As a mapper you receive respect from the entire team, for we all know how tough a task it is. You will deal with the newest models and objects, hot off of SiegeMax and never seen by the likes of the community, or in their wildest dreams. We need a lot of dedication out of you guys, and we'll accept just about anyone who has any knowledge of mapping. It's that easy; no professionals needed, just anyone who knows which way this gun fires. A professional is liked, but at this point, if you know it, we want you.

Publicity: We need someone to go out there and knock on the door of the community websites out there, and tell everyone the name of the game, and what it's about. One of our publiciters landed us with an interview and article on us for PC Gamer upon Derelict's release (Thank you Thunderess).

Recruiter: We need someone to go out there and look under the rocks and put your ear on the door to find the right members to the positions we need. An easy task, yet invaluable.

Lore: No positions at this time
Storyline: No positions at this time

Website Manager: As a manager, you would help keep things under your control. We need someone to handle the daily upkeep that comes with a high-demand site. It's all paid for; we just need someone to control it.

Website Designer: While there's already flash being added to our website, any design/building that we can have added to the website crew is invaluable. We also would like to have a myspace for Derelict and an article added in Wikipedia.

Voice Recorder: No positions at this time
Music Creation: No positions at this time
Sound Creation: No positions at this time

General: Monster programming is the main thing you'll be doing. Rewriting templates and making the players tick. You are the heart and soul of this game.

Skinning: No positions at this time

Modelling: While the bulk of the models are in, we need someone who has understanding of how to make basic, low-poly models that we can use to beef up the eye-candy and improve this game. Some important models are needed as well, so we need help with them, too. Modellers are gods among modders.

Also, if you know anyone who participates in the fields above and aren't up to much lately, tell them about us, and try to get them involved in this project. We're working hard to help the community, now, we need your help.

Again, that email is . Be a part of the action.

We are shooting for a Christmas release.


Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

-My spells for derelict are coming along nicely...
-Many of my other general items i made that i think are nessisary are also liked and may be seen. Look out for the "lootstones". :P