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[DS2] Erthos Struggle Map

Any news about the (maker of) Erthos Struggle map?
No doubt such a big must ruin a single man's life...

Well the guest book on. . .
. . .looks terrible and is untended since weeks/months. Sad

So are there any vital signs from this map project?


Edit (15-Jun-2013):
Meanwhile there is no more sign of life at all, so I have set up an auxiliary mirror website
(link updated/re-directed above) with the map content still available after all that time.

have you checked the forge??

New ds2 map: Ethros Struggle

What if the hokey pokey really is what it is all about????

firebat's picture

I'll ask pac later today.

LoneKnight's picture

That site is pretty amazing. Is Erthos like sponsored by GPG in some way, or is it entirely a modder creation?

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

saraibrahim wrote:
have you checked the forge??

New ds2 map: Ethros Struggle

Thanks for that link, i have made a post there.
Probably there will be a reaction.
I just like to know how this great map project is going on (at least i hope it will).

Unfortunately i have the bad habit to make mods for all i think it should be different, even now just for playing/testing i consider the levels of the monsters in the map as a bit critical ;).
But making a mod always needs a lot of time and maybe wouldn't be necessary at all since the map is still beta and changes are (very) probable.

About "Erthos Struggle Map" all links are dead snif

Please if it's possible to put new link(s) for everybody can download this map (beta 3a - 24,5 Mo). Thank you

Can you post the links here?

brkopac wrote:

Can you post the links here?
Download: Erthos Struggle Map (Beta3a, 24.5mb): always give me a very very small file (423 bytes)!

@Ulyss: Sorry for the inconvenience, I had to move the file recently without properly updating the location - until now. So just retry!

KillerGremal wrote:

@Ulyss: Sorry for the inconvenience, I had to move the file recently without properly updating the location - until now. So just retry!

Thanks a lot KillerGremal - Time to play again this big map ...