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[DS2] Faolrn Islands

shadow smile's picture

The begining is the same as Treasure Island except more detailed. Very large right now, monster filled. Almost all weapons equipable in the beggining, and stronger weapons as you go along the island. Some weapons you might reconize from classic games. Some quest if I can figure out how to work em and, just good ol kill fest. Might add teleporters if I can get some one to do it for me, but other than that its going to be great. More islands will come when I have time to add connecting ones by dungeon. This Mini-map will be out as Version O.8 by at least late April.

S.O.S. is no longer going to happen as I stated late last year. I have another Mini-Map im working on called Under Siege, but it will not be out until maybe middle late summer.

If you can do some technical stuff like teleporters or some pointers for quest please respond.


Sharkull's picture

Teleporters aren't that hard... the SU2 sections on Start Positions and Teleporters are quite good (just ignore the stuff about the cloth map if you're not implementing one). I had the teleporters working in my_test_world quite quickly after reading through this material.

Quests are a little more involved, depending on what type of quest you're talking about. First you need to set up the journal properly, and then you'll need some flicks for quest progress. Again, my_test_world has a simple quest for you to look at... all the basic structures are there, but your quest flag changes will likely be called by other means (i.e. monster kills, conversations... see GPG's maps for examples of these). If you're using NPC's for your quest control, you might want to look at this SU2 section on Quest Indicators. Note: the quest icons that you see on the mini-map are set up in a different way (see my_test_world's example...).

Hope this helps. Smile