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Shield from Shroud of the Avatar Mod

Package icon Shield From Shroud Avatar Mod.zip528.83 KB

It's a magical shield similar to Dupre's custom shield (from Serpent Isle).
It has the same defense points as a regular magic shield.
A mod for Ultima geeks.

Where do I get it?
It will be the reward for vanquishing the Shadowlord of Falsehood.
Ask Lord Shalineth at the Lyceaum for a reward after the deed.

Do I have to start a new game?
Possibly. If you are nowhere near the Lyceaum when your game first lords,
then probably not.
If you are presently at the Lyceaum when your game loads,
then take a moongate to somewhere else and at somewhere else wait a bit.
Maybe camp for 24 hours.
Then take another moongate back to Lyceaum (via Moonglow).
This will unload Lord Shalineth and load him back into the game,
adjusted with the new reward.
However if all else fails, just start a new game.

How do I install this mod?
Copy the CG_ShieldShroudAvatarMod.dsres into your game's Lazarus\Resources folder.

How do I uninstall this mod?
Remove CG_ShieldShroudAvatarMod.dsres from that location.

Why is this mod?
Two reasons.
First, because I made it and it works.
And a real Ultima nerd may want it.
Second, there was once a reward for vanquishing the Shadowlord of Falsehood.
But Project Britannia got rid of it.
Lord Shalineth's dialogue still promises a reward,
but no longer gives one.
And this will fix that issue.

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