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High resolution textures (DS1)

I stumbled across this interesting post at Moddb. An individual called AntonioR has taken the time to create and upload high resolution textures for the game. You can check them out here. The screenshots show quite a difference in detail and overall quality.

I played the game today with and without the better looking textures.


(I never noticed that there are zucchini squash growing among the cabbages and corn. Oh, the excitement!!) Tongue


Hello, I am the author of this texture pack, you contacted me on ModDB. Looking at these screenshots I can see you are not using anisotropic filtering and the game looks blurry. You really should enable it through your GPU control panel. Even without my texture pack it will make the game look much better, especially the floor in the distance which is very blurry in your screenshots.

Old Textures, no anisotropic filtering

New textures, with 16x anisotropic filtering - you can see even the floor and path in the distance is much sharper now and not blurry

New textures, no anisotropic filtering - you can see how the floor is blurry in upper part of the screenshot, with new textures it looks basically the same as old textures

antrad wrote:
Hello, I am the author of this texture pack, you contacted me on ModDB. Looking at these screenshots I can see you are not using anisotropic filtering and the game looks blurry. You really should enable it through your GPU control panel. Even without my texture pack it will make the game look much better, especially the floor in the distance which is very blurry in your screenshots.

Okay, thank you, I will try out the anisotropic filtering as you suggest. I *do* see a difference between the old textures and the new ones even without the filtering, but the new textures with anisotropic filtering is much improved.

Welcome to the site, I'm glad you dropped by. Smile

I think this is an improvement. I'm using the 4x filter and it looks good to me. Thanks again for undertaking such a huge task.

You can safely use 8x or 16x filter, unless you are playing the game on a very old computer or a laptop with integrated graphics card. Modern graphics cards handle it easily without a noticeable performance loss.

When I started this, I didn't think about just how long all this will take, it seemed to never end. But I am almost finished, I hope to release the final version in the next week or so.

and use dgVoodoo (version 2) to enhance the game like Color Adjustments (Brightness, Color and Contrast) + other things like Texturing, Resolution, Antialiasing, etc ,etc

More explanation here but it's not update:

File: Tab 1 (Page 1.png)


Just to show Tabs 2 and 3 :

File: Tab 2 & Tab 3


Ulyss wrote:
Just to show Tabs 2 and 3

Is this something I should use in addition to my video card? I read the thread you posted but it seemed a little confusing.

I want to let you know I have finally uploaded the final release. It contains 3929 updated textures and is 5.97 GB large (compared to original textures that are 700 MB). All terrain textures have been updated, 750 world objects, as well as bosses and some larger enemies and NPCs.

You can watch the comparison video here:

You can download the texture pack on ModDB (there is also alternative link in description):

This took way too long and is too much work for one person, I have burned out several times while working on this. That is one of the reasons it took so long. I needed to take breaks, so I can be fresh to really give it my best. I think the final result is great and I hope many people will use it.

Thanks for all these texture tunings. Makes really mood to play DS1 again. Smile

Your work is appreciated. It really does make the old game fresh looking.

Yep, its looking good, I'm gonna give it a run through and all new recruits will be retrained as a melee fighter, let the blood and guts spill out, gallons and gallons of it. (Suki says) "steady on old boy you're getting carried away again".