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Legendary Mod - Gom Ok, so Originally I got to this guy at level 35 with the level adjustment mod enabled (default included version). I was able to down his first form no issues. However, when he got to his second form, he summons 1 sekh and by the time that sekh is dead, whatever damage i did to him, is healed back to him. Considering I can't tell one guy to attack sekh and the other guys to attack gom (could use grasping vines and just ignore add i guess, but I still have to take the 1 second to target the guy, in which time gom regens his health a little).

i decided to level up a bit, and come back later with more skill points allocated (stuns, crits, weapon damage, freeze, spell daamge etc) At level 48 i came back feeling a bit more confident.. and couldn't beat first form.

Ok. Soo..what's the strategy here. I am supposed to stun him/freeze him so he doesn't heal while i deal with the addd either by kill or cc and take away his health slowly . However, I cannot even do enough damage and what little damage I do is healed instantly. I updated the level adjustment mod today to newest version 5v. I also applied newest version of hotfix.

I am running

H - fist of stone/guardian
1 - combat mag duel wielder
2- berserker
3 - blood assassin with bow
4 - healer with minor combat magic
5 - hybrid caster with focus on freezing

all thes characters are level 48. all skills active (minus the healing/time to regen one), same with blood assassin.

I'd appreciate any help Ic ould get at this point, as I seem to be stuck in a predicament where the only way to beat this guy is play the rest of the game modes and come back at level 70 with the level adjust disabled.

i can't find any guides or videos on this either as anything related to the legendary mod and ds1 seems non existent Sad

To fight the GOM I always make sure to have at least 1 nature mage that has Heal operating in auto cast mode. I also have a combat mage that can also heal. I also have a minimum of 2 rangers that can auto cast heal. My parties for years have never had melee fighters as they tend to get killed a lot.

… I know, because I did it. I found I was getting nowhere so changed tactics. I just don't remember all the details.

My desktop has died, I have some saves on DVDs, but don't have the game on my laptop to check them out. (The laptop is less powerful. I've found a second-hand tower around which to rebuild my desktop system but its audio isn't working so I may have to start again.)

I got into testing the Legendary Mod as a DS1 player who'd tried DS2 a bit to see what it was like. It showed in my gameplay (I seldom used powers). I ran balanced parties using different tactics for different enemies which meant characters developing secondary skills for different situations.

I was playing on DS 2.2 (as opposed to BW), with MLA in local mode usually. Level 35? Was my group higher than that? Just from killing everything on the one map.

Did I quickly go for what Gom-2 summoned, or did I ignore them? I don't even remember what they were. What I had to do to Gom-2 himself was keep attacking physically - melee fighters and rangers with their weapons, and mages not with spells but summoned creatures and melee attacks from their staffs (which they had practised with a bit) so as to keep their mana for healing (auto?), summoning and de-buffing (be buffed up for a good while before starting). Using spells is what I'd found didn't work because Gom-2's health lasted longer than my mages' mana, and stopping to drink mana potion gave Gom-2 too much time to self-heal.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

… I know, because I did it. I found I was getting nowhere so changed tactics. I just don't remember all the details.

My desktop has died, I have some saves on DVDs, but don't have the game on my laptop to check them out. (The laptop is less powerful. I've found a second-hand tower around which to rebuild my desktop system but its audio isn't working so I may have to start again.)

I got into testing the Legendary Mod as a DS1 player who'd tried DS2 a bit to see what it was like. It showed in my gameplay (I seldom used powers). I ran balanced parties using different tactics for different enemies which meant characters developing secondary skills for different situations.

I was playing on DS 2.2 (as opposed to BW), with MLA in local mode usually. Level 35? Was my group higher than that? Just from killing everything on the one map.

Did I quickly go for what Gom-2 summoned, or did I ignore them? I don't even remember what they were. What I had to do to Gom-2 himself was keep attacking physically - melee fighters and rangers with their weapons, and mages not with spells but summoned creatures and melee attacks from their staffs (which they had practised with a bit) so as to keep their mana for healing (auto?), summoning and de-buffing (be buffed up for a good while before starting). Using spells is what I'd found didn't work because Gom-2's health lasted longer than my mages' mana, and stopping to drink mana potion gave Gom-2 too much time to self-heal.

also having same issue with nosirrom. get him to half health and he just instantly heals to full.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

… I know, because I did it. I found I was getting nowhere so changed tactics. I just don't remember all the details.

My desktop has died, I have some saves on DVDs, but don't have the game on my laptop to check them out. (The laptop is less powerful. I've found a second-hand tower around which to rebuild my desktop system but its audio isn't working so I may have to start again.)

I got into testing the Legendary Mod as a DS1 player who'd tried DS2 a bit to see what it was like. It showed in my gameplay (I seldom used powers). I ran balanced parties using different tactics for different enemies which meant characters developing secondary skills for different situations.

I was playing on DS 2.2 (as opposed to BW), with MLA in local mode usually. Level 35? Was my group higher than that? Just from killing everything on the one map.

Did I quickly go for what Gom-2 summoned, or did I ignore them? I don't even remember what they were. What I had to do to Gom-2 himself was keep attacking physically - melee fighters and rangers with their weapons, and mages not with spells but summoned creatures and melee attacks from their staffs (which they had practised with a bit) so as to keep their mana for healing (auto?), summoning and de-buffing (be buffed up for a good while before starting). Using spells is what I'd found didn't work because Gom-2's health lasted longer than my mages' mana, and stopping to drink mana potion gave Gom-2 too much time to self-heal.

well, i can tell you right off the did not ignore them since the legendary mod makes ignoring them impossible..that's part of the issue lol.

ok. so i have figured some things out, mainly waht I was doing wrong. It was mentioned here that flasks slow down fights drastically. I have noticed this greatly impacting the game in parts. Knowing this, I am assuming also that auto cast spells (embraces, marks, wraths) also cause issues. What I have been doing is going in with my default loadout and just using M and H while my characters autocast spells everytime they expire. I'm assuming the boss is debuffing me removing my buffs and this could be compounding the issue.

On top of this, it was mentioned that I should go in with a lot of nature matures and less melee. I am just cluing in to the fact I can bump everyone from my party who isn't a nature mage and my default hero and focus on leveling up those other mages I have acquired from both the main game and LOA so far.


I am assuming after I combine all these things into one strategy and go into the fight with 5 nature mages and my main hero, who are focused on freezing the guy with 1 healer , no auto cast spells and manually using mana and healing potions (by pressing space lol) that I will be able to progress.

let me know if I'm on to something here LOL.

Those moments when you feel like an idiot..

Thanks so much for all your pointers and helping me out. I still haven't downed the guy, but I least I'm starting to formulate an actually strat now instead of being stuck in a corner.