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legendary mod unplayable post loa content (return to ahrok)

As soon as i started REturn to ahrok, the mod went haywire.

Characters will not attack, often just jogging in place, stopping attacking , standing there then dying.
Autocasting of summon spells is no longer possible
Telling healer to heal a character results in them starting the casting animation, then stopping in their tracks confused. I'd like to think this is LOS or range issues, but standing right beside someone with nothing blocking the patch kind of negates this.

Can't progress through game at this point as fighting even low level trash mobs results in my whole party being wiped out due to standing there doing nothing, running off by themselves pulling everything and not casting the spells i'm telling them to.

Also, there are 2 cellars in the town which are nigh impossible to escape from as you cannot click to move anywhere to reach the exit. i noticed that in this content instead of just casting whatever embraces/wraths on the whole party, the ai is trying to cast specific ones on certain party members based off skill. I think this has something to do with the no auto casting pets.