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volkan's picture

Wondering what exactly the frustum_height and frustum_width affect. Does height mean up/down (3d) or top/bottom (2d). Trying to make minimap larger and know frustum is the key, but utraean peninsula can wig out if the frustum is not set correctly.

Edit: Found the answer Smile

// Extra tall frustum, since there's a huge elevator in the dungeon.
	mood_name				= utraean_world_newbie_dun_2;
	transition_time			= 5.0f;
	interior				= true;

		frustum_width		= 45.0f;
		frustum_height		= 90.0f;

volkan's picture

What is the significance of the x and f in the moods.gas file. It is not used for all maps and the game engine does not seem to care if they are added or not. (At least that I can tell)

	  x fog_color = 0xFF000000;
	  f fog_density = 60.000000;
	  f fog_far_dist = 95.000000;
	  f fog_lowdetail_far_dist = 85.000000;
	  f fog_lowdetail_near_dist = 60.000000;
	  f fog_near_dist = 80.000000;

The character in front of the name is a type declaration. X is for hex string, f is for float, and you'll also find b for boolean and i for integer. Those are all I remember using.

Whether you can omit them or not depends on if it's an overriding value, (in which case the original definition has the type) or a new one for which this is the only definition. Much more common in skrit than gas.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Duh! Should have thought about elevators. ^^ Couldn't think of a good reason to be able to control the frustrum heightwise.
Not the brightest crayon.. Laughing out loud Thanks for the post.

volkan's picture

Thanx for the reply Ghastley. I wasn't sure what they were designated for, but if the original had them, I left them alone (just to be safe). Smile
And :sun:, my crayons are dulling with the years also. Wink