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Hi from another old friend!

I guess we all get sentimental as time goes on, huh? My monkey brain makes me cry when I see this old site. If you remember my username, you know who you are. Look through my old blog posts and you will see the people I remember; I don't really think it's necessary to sit here and list them off. My deepest gratitude to the codger keeping this site alive, I know for a fact he's thinking the same way. I hope this place is alive or backed-up somewhere accessible to Google for as long as I am able to remember it. I hope you all see this one day if you're still kicking, and I hope you all know how foundationally important you all were in my life for a long time.

It's funny, and it's not something you would ever say in the moment-- only when having that moment of 'looking back on the good times'. I was an actual child when I first came to this site, never quite revealing that but I think it was pretty obvious. I have countless memories of downloading the mods here and browsing through the resources and projects, even as they were already falling into disrepair by then. Countless cycles of friends being made, ambitions coming into being, that I only caught the tail end of. I was happy to watch the Legendary Mod progress. Being in various places from my father's to my mother's, even half-adopted grandparents I really almost forgot about until DUNGEON SIEGE brought me back there. This place and this... fringe sub-culture of like 30 people off the top of my head, got me through a lot of hard times and that's something I didn't realize until recently!

I regret that life has limited time and I didn't get to know some of these people better. Now, I am 25 and still mentally ill but have crossed the threshold from taking life for granted, to wishing I could do it all again. I am sorry for all the time lost, and I am grateful for all the time had.

Now as far as sentiment goes, besides my bleeding heart laid out for you to peruse over crackers and tea, Dungeon Siege is the core inspiration for my entire 'taste' in Fantasy. I could go on but suffice to say it is fantastic, it is grounded, it is colorful and grim, it is Tolkien and it is WoW and it is reality, it is rugged and it is smooth, from Arhok to Aman'Lu it's delivery of world-building and time period, Dungeon Siege II and Legends of Aranna form the deepest divide in my soul when trying to choose. I would probably lean towards II, but the sheer ATMOSPHERE of LoA is absolutely, absolutely, critical.

Again I could go on, but before this turns into an off-the-cuff review, it has been so inspirational to me that many names and concepts from it I have, uh, stolen.

Now, Conan Exiles... Conan the Barbarian is by no means my favorite world or universe but I have gathered an appreciation for it as for the last two (?) years my dearest friend in the universe and I have been running an RP server where we use various admin mods & tools to create our own hybrid fantasy blend.

We have named it Eirulan, and while the references do not end there, we do not claim to take place in Aranna or in the universe of Dungeon Siege whatsoever. However during our tenure we have explored everything from tree cities to a place called Kalrathia, which is in fact, the exact same desert fortress layout only on top of a towering cliff.

Do not feel compelled to check it out, but if you like RP or just want to poke around, allow me to leave a link to my life in case any of those folks or anyone else would like to come around to see it.


This is our permanent link-- but if it should change, or if the unrelenting wheel of time means our little adventure is already over by the time you saw it, then I hope you still smiled at the sentiment. We can also be found by searching for Conan Exiles RP on the Guildtag website, as can many other great servers.

I know other Discords exist now for modding and playing Dungeon Siege now, a new generation, a new culture, I hope they make memories too. I may check them out one day. Thank you for enduring my soppy speech, I love you all! <3