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Lance's gmax importers updated - also for DS2 and BW

I re-zipped the versions of Lance's gmax import scripts that I'm currently using and put a copy up on my web site.

They will import any content up to and including Broken World - with varying degress of success. With the ASP importer, you may get twisted bones and have to export and re-import a few times to finish a full 360 degrees and get back to the right position, but you should always get a mesh and a full set of linked bones to play with. The PRS importer may not handle all versions (I don't use that one so much, so I haven't done as much work on it). The SNO importer worked on the last node I tried, so it may be good in general.

Awesome, I will move this to our tool section once I've gotten around to creating it.
Haven't had much time to work on the site after I got back from my little vacation. :/