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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

Reopening the doors

I finally updated my site a bit, it's been quite a while (approx. 5-6 YEARS) since I've done anything with it.

I stole the layout from the design I was making for xmen90s dsmmorpg site, but he stopped working on it so it is obviously not done. There are definitely a few things I'm going to change with it (it's horribly ugly), probably remove the applet, move stuff around, etc. I might have to re-learn some of my HTML again before I do that.

But yeah, it's definitely not finished, although this time I do have forums! Yay! They seem to be working right now and I'll probably play with them a little bit too once I gather some stuff and ideas together.

I'm not entirely sure if I will be getting back into modding yet, but remaking my site a bit has definitely put it on the top of my considerations list.

So yeah, anyway, same link as before:

Yup, there are ads from gamespy and proboards on it, can't be helped right now. Perhaps I'll end up registering my own domain, but that's quite a bit down the road from now.