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Diablo 3 Announced!!!

Sharkull's picture

:dance1: :dance2: :dance3: :yahoo:

(Just spotted the news on another forum and thought I'd share here Smile ).

The trailer and gameplay clips look great... I wonder how many months / years I'm going to lose to D3 when it comes out. Laughing out loud I haven't checked out the whole site yet, but will do so when I finish playing the gameplay demo movie (it's LONG... ~200MB).


...probably won't make it into the game (unless it can be modded!)

I'm just wondering about what crappy DRM/Copy protection system they may add to Diablo 3 (>_<)

ghastley wrote:
...probably won't make it into the game (unless it can be modded!)

Well Diablo 2 could be modded a bit already with some hacking.

Blizzard do not like their game to be modified, it's even stated on their FAQ. So far the only really thing they want people to modify is their WOW client interface.

So I really really doubt that Diablo 3 will be moddeable if not by some hacking of the game resources and DLL like for Diablo 2.

Sharkull's picture

Actually Blizzard has commented recently on their views of DRM. Basically, they think a Spore type system has no place in their games because they already have the protection (i.e. you need a real and unique key to play on the realms).

I just did a quick Google and found an article that has some quotes on the subject. It even mentions their plans to not include the "phone home" on launch idea (for SP DRM "protection").

Wired: Along with that, there’s a huge segment of the fanbase and a huge segment of the media who came down on EA recently when they released Spore and it had that ridiculous DRM system that only allowed you to put it on three computers. There was a huge uproar. Obviously you need some kind of DRM otherwise people would just blatantly pirate your game over and over again. What kind of solutions are you guys looking at for Diablo III?

Pardo: The thing that I think helps us, is that since our games have such a huge multiplayer component, really is our most effective DRM.

If you wanna play online on with other players you’re going to have to have a legitimate copy. That’s really kinda been the thing that’s always saved us from a lot of the PC piracy that I think hurts a lot of other single-player-only games.

Wired: You’re not going to have something where the game has to phone home every time you turn it on?

Pardo: No, there’s no particular plans for that. We do now have the online store where we’re doing digital distribution on your account. In those particular cases you have to be online to actually download the game, but once you have it, you're fine.

Well that sounds good as long as there is securom or starforce shit as well Tongue

New monster added to the community site. The unburied:

OT: Hehe.. "Old Farts of Grizzly Hills". :P

Sharkull's picture

Has some pictures of the UI, and some new information. A good read for anyone interested in D3.

Looks not bad, but hopefully Blizzard will allow a generous amount of inventory space, because this item-outsourcing-on-mules non-sense made me leave D2. No wonder crafted items never got really popular - you never had the required items with you and farming bosses needed less time with higher chance on a extra-ordinarily good item...

Actually i guess the lack of inventory space wasn't really unplesant to Blizzard since it made all the item-junkies buy a further game-key because 'muling' with two accounts was so much easier. Shock
If i should note similar approaches in D3 will stay way from it. Keep in mind Blizzard is a specialist in pulling out player's money and time.

Sharkull's picture

They have said that transferring items between characters will be easier (eg. an item-mail system, a shared account stash...) but they haven't finalized exactly what they will implement. You for sure won't have to keep a game open 5 minutes, drop stuff on the ground, switch characters... anymore.

The fourth character class is now on the community site: Archivist

Slow and dies in every video for spells. Laughing out loud

A part of me wonders if it is for real... An elaborate April fool's joke?

Or maybe the developers drank from the wrong bottle...

Sharkull's picture

Yes, it was an April Fools joke (a pretty good one...).
Some more of the fun (community reaction and more commentary from a Blizzard rep.):

Confirmed as a joke here:

Now I've just GOTTA build one for DS!

Expect it to be ready April 1st 2010.

Sharkull's picture

Hehe, that was a great prank. They really put some work into it.

Sharkull's picture

The animation for the Lunatic is hilarious... great for some comic relief. Overseer looks cool.

Sharkull's picture

Gamescom is going on in Europe and some videos / pictures slipped out (most of the videos have been squashed though). Youtube still has some:

Lots of tidbits being discussed on the official forums, but nothing major so far. A few previews / reviews linked from here:

Blizzcon starts later today (Friday), and I (and many others) have high expectations for new D3 related news. Smile

Sharkull's picture

New class: Monk

The Blizzard site is really slow right now, but YouTube has the trailer and gameplay videos up.

At first I was a bit disappointed when I heard the name "Monk", but after checking into it further, the new class actually looks like it might be fun to play.

Sharkull's picture

The Female version of the Monk class was released this week:

...and some new screen-shots were released recently too:

Blizzard has released all the male/female models for the existing 4 classes now. Hopefully the unveiling of the final class (Assassin?) will be upon the release of the game to stores. :woot:

Sharkull's picture

Hopefully, yes... but soon? Not likely. Blizzard has pretty much stated that D3 won't be ready this year. The character art may be near its final state, but there are significant portions of the game they haven't even started yet (itemization is one example, game balancing is another...).

And I think consensus and common sense leads us to the probability that the fifth class will be some form of bow user (at least as a build option, with bow skills). Each of the previous Diablo games had one, and it is a major archetype for the genre... No archer would be a significant departure and I doubt that Blizz would open themselves up for such criticism. BTW, the D3 monk is very similar in play style to the D2 assassin so I think it's safe to say the fifth won't be anything like that.

Sharkull's picture

BlizzCon is starting today, and with a significant amount of new D3 information...

The final (5th) class, Demon Hunter:

And... well, read for yourself (passives split into their own tree, PvP arenas, charms fit into the Talisman...):

Sharkull wrote:
BlizzCon is starting today, and with a significant amount of new D3 information...

The final (5th) class, Demon Hunter:

And... well, read for yourself (passives split into their own tree, PvP arenas, charms fit into the Talisman...):

The Deamon Hunter looks similar to an Assassin anyhow...!?

Are you going to the BlizzCon, Sharkull? Running around with rubber axes and dressed like an Ogre maybe? ^^
However the ticket price of $150 is not bad, transportation and overnight stay exclusive. Visitors shell get a 'goody bag' though - wondering what is really inside...

Sharkull's picture

Amazon / Assassin hybrid seems to be the consensus that I've read.

And no, I'm not at the convention... I'm not that much of a fanatic to travel a couple thousand km's for something related to gaming. Can't afford it either. :-P

Probably be my first character pick for D3. Looks like a lot of fun to start things rolling. Smile

Sharkull wrote:
Amazon / Assassin hybrid seems to be the consensus that I've read.

And no, I'm not at the convention... I'm not that much of a fanatic to travel a couple thousand km's for something related to gaming. Can't afford it either. :-P

Well, some thousand km is relative. It's not so much and maybe worthwhile to go!?
I mean, see what rendez-vous you possibly have missed:   Wink

(Source: BlizzCon 2007 Costume Contest)

Sharkull's picture

KillerGremal wrote:
Sharkull wrote:
Amazon / Assassin hybrid seems to be the consensus that I've read.

And no, I'm not at the convention... I'm not that much of a fanatic to travel a couple thousand km's for something related to gaming. Can't afford it either. :-P

Well, some thousand km is relative. It's not so much and maybe worthwhile to go!?
I mean, see what rendez-vous you possibly have missed:   Wink
< snip >
(Source: BlizzCon 2007 Costume Contest)

lol... I think I'll survive.

Sharkull's picture

May 15

I'll likely wait a bit before buying... no need to be on the bleeding edge, and I have some things in real life which demand attention right now.

I've been playing this. Not too bad.

Sharkull's picture

Cool... still haven't bought it. Picked up a Wii in the summer, which is where I get my gaming fix right now.
