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system_detail.gas updated to support new resolution on new videocards.

Updated system_details.gas to support more native screen resolution with modern video cards.

Copy the file in your Dungeon Siege folder.

Resolution supported:


- how do I copy this info over - is it for DS1 or DS1LOA?

so far, I have copied it to a notepad .txt file,
but how do I get it to it's correct destination folder/file?

- I'd love to have these options available, in-game

Sharkull's picture

Right-click, save as...

Then replace your existing file with this one (I don't know if it's for DS1 or LoA though).

Same file should work for both.

It isnt working. I know i saved it right.

The link above is broken, does anyone else have the file (or can tell me how to change the file myself)?

TheTantrum wrote:
The link above is broken, does anyone else have the file (or can tell me how to change the file myself)?

As several of the posts in this thread note the link has been broken for many years. Try this link, it may have your video card. If not it also gives you a way to fix it yourself.

thanks. didnt know such a page existed to help users update their system detail.gas

i have always been doing it using gpu-z to grab the deviceid of my video cards and copying the settings of the best/fastest card for the particular vendor and pasting it.

that page will make it so much easier for less tech savvy ppl to keep their system detail.gas up to date.

Elf rulez!

After using the custom .gas file creator and running the game, I didn't notice any difference. I had to tweak the configuration file in order to get the resolution I wanted, and it seems to be holding up just fine. Were there meant to be extra options added to the list of preset resolutions offered by the in-game menu? If so, I did not see these.

I have the desired result all the same, though it will take a little while getting used to my interface being so relatively shrunken.

bare_elf wrote:
TheTantrum wrote:
The link above is broken, does anyone else have the file (or can tell me how to change the file myself)?

As several of the posts in this thread note the link has been broken for many years. Try this link, it may have your video card. If not it also gives you a way to fix it yourself.

TheTantrum wrote:
After using the custom .gas file creator and running the game, I didn't notice any difference. I had to tweak the configuration file in order to get the resolution I wanted, and it seems to be holding up just fine. Were there meant to be extra options added to the list of preset resolutions offered by the in-game menu? If so, I did not see these.

I have the desired result all the same, though it will take a little while getting used to my interface being so relatively shrunken.

The quoted link above is for DS2 only!

For DS1 try:

As far as experienced adding the screen resolution in the system_detail.gas file may not be effective (no idea how Elys did it).
The DS(2)VideoConfig tool is able the read it out though, unfortunately only the .ini file of the basic game version will be updated, the addon however will be ignored usually.
So it's very probable that you still have to add width=xxx and height=yyy manually in the DungeonSiege.ini file (resp. in DungeonSiege2.ini or DungeonSiege2BrokenWorld.ini for DS2).

--- Edit (link update):
For DS1:
For DS2:

This worked great. At game start I would get an error saying my graphics card doesn't support this resolution.
But after clicking OK, it still worked with no problem.
Full wide screen.

The only issue it does give me, which is why I reverted back to original resolution,
is every time I took a screen shot in a custom resolution,
the bmp image ended up being blank.
Seems DS screen shot function doesn't work on custom resolutions?