[DS1] Derelict Project
Submitted by LoneKnight on Mon, 2006-01-02 15:50 | ||
I already posted this at Siege Network, but it's posted here to reach more people. In the effort to restore and repair the scars that DS2 left this community, a massive siegelet will soon be created. This siegelet will contain everything a good campaign needs - new nodes, music, characters, weapons, armor, monsters, ships (not stolen from Britannia, mind you ), ridable horses, ridable dragons, branched conversation system, and high quality audio NPC voices - a new in Dungeon Siege modding. We are also developing our own NPC scheduling system (not stolen from Britannia, mind you ). A large group of modders has been assembled - over 20 - to create this siegelet. It has a long, compelling, and richly detailed story, and a world that will take weeks of gameplay to discover all of its hidden secrets. You enter a new land, filled with beautiful locations and various peoples and races - each with their own military alignment and agendas. Not only that, but your character now can take part in large scale battles that have many opponents and allies on both sides, yet it runs smoothly and without lagging. Derelict is slated to be released in early summer of 2006. *Derelict is a creation of Aesir Gaming - a soon-to-be gaming company made by your fellow Dungeon Siege community members. If you have any questions comments, or suggestions, please feel free to state them here. forums: |
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Good luck with your project, it sounds very interesting.
New Updates:
Trailer is being made, new pics. Check them out at our forum.
That is looking very impressive...
Keep it up...
*Edit - hmmm, posted twice...how odd....
I deleted the duplicate...
Hope things are going well with your project LK.
Siegelet is still going quite strong. Many new models coming in, along with new music, spells, and animations. The map has picked up the pacing too. Weekly updates are found at SiegeNetwork, in the General Discussion section.
I am the spellmaster of this siegelet and i would like to greet you all
I hope the siegelet is going well... and welcome to TAS!
Hello, what exactly does a spellmaker do?
Why i make the spells and mystical magics sold in Derelict
Hey, just wondering what happened to the webpage...I tried to go have a look at the screen etc, but says something about account has expired... The Project looks really coool...I hope things come back up soon
Yeah, strange thing, that. The guy who runs it dissapeared, so it's in the air as to why the site went.
So, for now, look at the thread on Siege Network when the site is back up.
Hmmmm, I can't get there either...gives me a DB error.
anyway just keep us all updated...
It's nice to see Derelict's team members active here at STD. Good luck on the project and welcome guys
. I look forward to seeing what you do with the ds engine.
That quote is from the first post in this topic...
It's almost summer so for far are you already? And when are you going to release it?
My spellwork is going slower than expected :oops:
Yeah, mapping is slowing down a tad bit more than I'd like. If anyone is interested in doing some mapping work for me, PM me ASAP.
Do you have a new site for Derelict? I was keeping tabs on your project ^^ .
I'm in the process of buying one.
I'll have some screen shots in a few days. I've just been busy getting a lot of new modifications working.
ok, good news. You can do a lot more with paid hosting ^^ .
Definately. Hosting is a big one, especially since Siege Network bit the dust. I'll have some screen shots tonight.....I promise.
Well, well, well. Things certainly have changed here. But, I have a duty to report what needs to be reported, so here goes.
There are so many updates since the last post, I don't know where to begin.
Music is 100% completed. For those of you who can remember Eccentricity, aka Charles (RIP), push back your memories to his siegelet that was never completed - Darker Shades of Red. The same composer who created music for that has also joined the ranks to make music for this. We have over an hour of music created by this man, Justin Durban. Another majority of music was created by a modding guru, Adam Cooper, also known as |)ungeon Siege. He played a key role in projects such as Elemental, Cat Mansion, and several weapons mods. We have a newer composer known as Eli Gunn as well.
Mapping has gone exceedingly well. We're doing things that have never been done before, and the maps look jaw-dropping. I'll include some shots tomorrow.
Modelling has worked out to our expectations, as well. We have just about everything we need in for that field, save the bad guy boss of the game....Our lead mapper is Uriah, who has quite a talent in his field.
Much of the interface has already been created, giving the game a whole new look. It's new, but not too radical.
We're implimenting some uses from Project Britannia, such as the conversation system, chest/box system, and NPC scheduling system. These add a realistic touch to the game, and allow it to exceed Dungeon Siege's previous limits.
As promised before, you can expect new weapons, armor, about 200 new spells, potions, about 30-40 new monsters, a storyline that will take weeks to complete, and a world that will take a solid month to completely explore.
Oh, and I almost forgot, we've been recording voices. This has been working exceedingly well, with very good quality. Every NPC, main character, and even YOU will be voiced. Because of the size that all of the voice files will be, I am thinking about making two versions of the siegelet; one full-voiced, another without voices.
A lot of work is going in to this, and we've added so much into the story, as well as decided to allow a whole lot more content, we're pushing back the release date so we can finish it without pressure, and get everything we want done without rushing. Therefore, I am stating that the release will be around Christmas, 2006. Hell of a Christmas present, eh?
With all of this extra time to do spells, expect even better ones from me! I think i will also add about 25 extra spells too.... Ill need to play some DS2 and NWN to get concepts, but should be no problem. So It should be *around* 225 spells.
Glad to see Derelict is still in the works, sorry I couldn't help you guys out more than I did.
Glad to read about the update, you guys. I was going to post a question about a week and a half ago, but didn't want to seem too naggy. With all those voice files, will the "fully voiced" version be a very very large download?
I assume so, concidering that the voices file in DS2 is 216 MB alone. :P
The size of the voice files was not mentioned in Lone Knight's post re: Derelict, that is why I asked. Why do you mention DS2?
I assume dialup users will have to download the version without voices.
This will be a big download indeed, if we want the version with voices. It seems like it will be worth it though.
I look forward too it.
Looking good, only problem I see is 'mentioning a release date' - you should never do that, code always takes at least twice as long as your most generous estimate :twisted: