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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/


I'm back for a short time as it is christmas break, so I have access for a while.
I will have to leave again soon for what probably will be a while.
I ask that when I leave again you dont go 'Poof'.
Especially bareelf and KillerGremal, as you two seem to be the most active Anyway
Msg me, anyone, if you wanna chat or something.
-Raymus Eutrae Vai'Kesh

If the Internet is here, and the site is here I will be here


Good to hear!
But I'll still be here a while before...
Unfortunately it doesnt matter much, not only am I not a modder, but they closed the servers on DSII!
I can still play online with 1 but... still, y'know?