The Nick Name Game
Submitted by LoneKnight on Tue, 2006-04-25 19:41 | ||
Here's how you play it. You come up with a nickname for the person who posted before you. Make sure they don't go against the rules set by SiegeTheDay. Otherwise, happy naming. Nick: LoneKnight forums: |
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O single adventurer wandering through the Lands of Dallan.
Lone Dude
/me risks being nicknamed...
Kathy the caffeine induced Blog Mistress...
Shark"Gummy choppers"ull.
Czar of Moo Cow Disease.
Sojourned the cow stands
Jerky is made from Cow dweebs
rare is the best beef
Loopy lies the Ombridged version of realities stain
Escaped Asylum Patient
Sir strides a lot.
Sincerely yours, the caffeine induced blog mistress...
Kimono Kathy
Sonic in pin stripes
Lunatic #2379
Wolf on Steroids!
Solo Kaniggit
Great Bloggalies Doodielies! or, GBD.
Wicked awesome Katty. :P (trying to work in that Boston area accent)
Mmmmmooooooo Master Modder

Defiler of all thats good
Mr. Crazy Dude (or MCD)
You ARe the MAN. (geez, I hope you're a dude... otherwise, add a "wo" in the appropriate place)
Jaws in a Buisness Suit
(Don't ask, thats just what I thought of)
Breath Mint Needed
Hmm...looking at Shadow's avatar inspired this (somewhat dopey) nickname:
Shadow "Where are my damn pants??!" smile.
Sweetness wrapped in a wicked Accent
Kinky My Dear = KMD
Sorry, the best I could do!
"clash"y kathy
(reference to the song "should I stay or should I go", in light of recent drama) :P
She who snarks last, snarks best...
(remember, a snark is a GOOD thing, a fun type of laugh
Ok, this wasn't a nickname for Sharkull, so skip me and think up a very spiffy nickname for him. :P
Old Kathy the Alley Cat :P
Dragon Face
Something from a coat of arms
TASmanian Devil
"The Omnipresent Eye"