Goodbye and Thank you
Submitted by kathycf on Thu, 2006-05-04 20:06 | ||
I am no longer considering myself a part of any Dungeon Siege community sites due to a few issues and problems. It was nice to meet folks and I hope everyone is well. Take care. Kathy forums: |
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I hope there were no issues with community members that made you leave? Never-the-less, it was nice to meet you, and good luck on future ventures.
So long Katcf, and good luck. It is always sad to see a member of the community go.
Please try to drop by and say "hi" every once in a while...
Take care.

Thank you,
Lone Knight, Loup_Ombrage and Sharkull.
Sometimes decisions made in haste can be repented at leisure. Should I stay ( I want to ) or should I let stubborn pride dictate to me?
I have plenty of the stubborn pride thing going on but part of being a "big" girl is not to let such foolishness stand in the way of friendships. Well, at the risk of looking a fool, I think I will let the pride float away and stay. Hope ya'all don't mind.
I don't think an issue over pride arises at all. You can stay if you want, which I'd prefer, considering how nice a person you are. We wouldn't think less of you.
hey - it's a brand new day...!!
Good to see ya' gal..!!
8O Why would we mind you staying? Of course you're welcome here.
Thank you everyone. I guess when I said "stubborn pride" I meant that I said I was leaving and I *should* do as I say. Well, nuts to that.
To all.
I never wanted ya to leave either
. Glad you chose not to.
Thank you Wyvante;
I think you might have an inkling about one thing that made me consider leaving (remember psychology...) I know that sounds oblique but I was very upset about that at the time. Well, I must let bygones be bygones, as hard as that is at times.
I am glad that you have decided to stay
Thank you, TAS, nice to see you over here.
Yeah, I was ready to leave for a while back, but I chose to stay.
That would have insulted anyone, imo. I don't consider it a valid view and is very much an old manner of thinking. The view is completely wrong so never let it bug ya. Much funner to laugh at it, since the view is foolish.
It wasn't so much about the opinion expressed as it was about the nastiness that followed. I mean I disagree with people alot, but I don't think one has to resort to personal attacks in order to make one's point, you know? And it isn't even that I dislike the person in question either, he used to be pretty cool with me.
But I was glad to see so many supportive people. I think I had about 10 PM's going that night. Ah well, it's in the past.
Just PM whoever did the act, as I must have not been on the chat server at the time, and explain them how they hurt you, and for them to apologize.
Usually that would be very good advice, LK, but I don't think it would work in this instance. This is a person that makes assumptions (as many of us do, myself most definitely included ) and the problem is that he makes erroneous assumptions and applies them to me, so it is a misunderstanding, but I don't think he would be receptive to my input.
Which is ok, because not everyone is obligated to like me, even though if they do, they show such a high level of good taste. (HAR HAR, jokies!)
Seriously though, I have to look on the biright side and think of the people that DO like me and be happy about that.
It really wasn't any ONE thing that prompted me to make my earlier desicion, it was several *bad* things that seemed to happen all at the same time and I freaked out.
Glad you decided to stay.
Thank You, Loup, and all the other nice folks for your kind words.
Hey, Kathy... Would a good pummeling do him any good?
:? ?????
No need for resurecting an old topic with pointless spam about pummeling...
Oh, I decided to stay back in May, by leaving I would miss out on too much. Pummeling?
Heh, it is ok. I am pretty much non-violent and I made peace with that person a while ago. Thanks for the support though!
Except in DS, that is.
Had no idea I could spam with one post of ten words and an emoticon...
I'd consider it necroposting vs. SPAM... The comment didn't add significantly to the discussion, which had been dormant for a few months. Also, there was an implication of real physical violence, which is not wanted on SiegeTheDay. BTW, the number of words is not the important thing... the message is.
As you know, being non-violent IRL has little to do with affecting pixels on a computer screen (while playing a game like DS/DS2).
Well, it is true that this thread is a bit dated. I appreciated all the supportive comments that I received and truly appreciate all the nice people here in the community. However, since I have no intentions of leaving, I think it is time to say goodbye to this topic.
I had the first word, and now I shall have the last.
PS: LK, I am a grand old warwitch in DS! (When I am not being a nature girl or shooting arrows...:P)