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BW Rules Brilliance Mod


Brilliance skill Mod for the Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World Expansion v1.00
main download link
alternate download link @ mediafire

This version of the mini-mod changes the combat magic skill, brilliance, to raise mana regeneration slightly as well as raising the max mana slightly. It also causes npcs that are added to your party to lvl up to the same level as your main char.

it adds 5% to max mana and mana regeneration at skill lvl 1. the progression is linear at +5% to max mana and mana regeneration per lvl to a max of 150% to max mana and mana regeneration at skill lvl 30.

I made this mod to show that skills are not hardcoded and can be modified via skrit.

Credits: many thanks to Elys who showed me that skills can be modified via skrit and are not hardcoded.


This mod requires the Broken World expansion to work. This mod will invalidate your savefile. Therefore, u must use elys' allsaves fix. also, do NOT use my DS2 Rules Brilliance Mod with this mod. it will cause a mod conflict.



1. Put the BW Rules Brilliance Mod.ds2res file into your Broken World Resources folder.

2. Run DungeonSiege2.exe or DS2BWAllSaves.exe to play.


Uninstallaton: Just delete the BW Rules Brilliance Mod.ds2res file or move it to another folder.


Known Issues:

1. This mod may conflict with other mods that modify the way passive skills work and/or mods that modify rules.skrit.