New Addition to the Lineup
Submitted by Strider978 on Mon, 2006-07-17 21:36 | ||
New Addition to the Lineup Well I’d like you all to give a warm SiegetheDay welcome, to the newest sheriff in town, your very own kathycf has decided to join the prestigious gang of vigilantes protecting this here desert town. kathycf is our newest moderator if you didn’t understand that last little bit. This means she gets to enforce the rules and to make her job just a little bit easier I’ve decided to link a copy of the rules from the word ‘pancake’ more to get your attention then anything. Thanks for joining kathcf, I feel more secure already knowing that you guard our fair shores. forums: |
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I wish I was popular enough to be a mod.
Popularity has little to do with it... personality is a bigger factor. You quite simply don't have the right attitude / maturity to be a moderator.
[on topic]
:dance2: :dance3: :yahoo:
Welcome to the StheD team Kath.
Congrats on the position Kathy
AYE Congrats On this position! just no tasers PLEASE those things hurt =/
Go Kath 
laughs =)
ohh and im gonna end this with a
Strider, I am so not wearing a sherrif hat and badge!
Seriously though...To everyone: this is very nice, and I will do my best. Please bear with me as I learn the "ins and outs" of moderating.
(TAS, I don't think this is a popularity contest. I believe you have many friends here. I have been here since February, so perhaps that plus the fact that I am an old lady compared to most of you may have been some of the determining factors. :hug: )
And another :hug: to all the nice folks in the Dungeon Siege community. There are so many very wonderful and talented people in the community. I have made so many new friends since coming here last winter. You guys are great!
Geez Sharky, way to take a bite out of someone's ass.
I don't think we should encourage him......

Oh Oh ! I want a hug from the new Cop Kathy =/
you guys are all lucky.... I wish I wasnt soo grim ... Ahahaha *slaps his knee*
im so lame :?
A cop? heh heh. BTW, that second hug was for all the nice folks here, both grim or otherwise...
Hehe righton! >.<ty Kathy!
/snicker, Tas seems to be doing bit better these days and is young. I dunno about that sig though, lags me when I have se2 open and try to scroll up
. We do need an "old" lady and warm public welcome to ya Kathy
Most likely because of having se2 open...... :P :P :P
Game editors are notorious for hogging system resources.
Congrads, Kathy. I'm glad it was you who won. You'll wear the SiegeTheDay tags with pride....and let's hope you use your powers for good, and not evil. Again, congradulations!
TAS, as for you, being a moderator isn't that fun, actually. I've was an administrator at RPG-Network for over a year before it closed down, and all you ever use your power for is to kill bots and censor individuals who swear excessively. Nothing much else.