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The move!

Well we have moved again, we're getting good at this :), because Eccentricity who provided our old space ran into some problems. The dns for should be set to point here but that will take some time. For now use

We're sorry about any inconvenience caused by this.

Keeping track of this site is a full-time job in itself. Smile

Sharkull's picture

I come back from a long weekend out of town, post a quick joke over on the StheD v2.0 site, and then I have to repost it over here (v2.01?)... What's goin' on?!? Sad

Just kidding. :P
Good work folks, saving the site again. Laughing out loud

Is this a temporary host, or a long term situation? Just curious...

Temp host. I'm hosting std on a server I personaly use. The owner has pretty much given me free reins, but we need a bigger space to allow for attachments and hosted downloads.

So, are we going to have to repeat the registration process everytime there's a move?

No, just that one time when our host deleted our database. We had no way of doing backups with them, but now we have all the access we need.