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DoppleGanger Doubts

LoneKnight's picture

I've been converting some files from Legends of Aranna to traditional DS for Derelict. This is nothing new to me, but I've run into my first problems.

I was converting a doppleganger, which has given me a bit o' trouble. In Siege Editor, when I attempt to place a doppleganger, be it the generic version, the knave, or the boss, I get this error:

Could not find megamap texture b_gui_ig_mnu_doppelganger for aspect <aspect not found>

Now, I have searched vigorously for such a thing, but could not find it. Secondly, when playing in game, the dopplegangers will turn into my character fine, only they just sit there and watch me. If I attack, they fight back, but it's still a pain. Finally, when they die, the doppleganger disappears, but the circle of light around it doesn't. It just sits there. My character attacks the circle of light endlessly. Something is seriously wrong here. If anyone knows what's going on, feel free to post.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
I've been converting some files from Legends of Aranna to traditional DS for Derelict. This is nothing new to me, but I've run into my first problems.

I was converting a doppleganger, which has given me a bit o' trouble. In Siege Editor, when I attempt to place a doppleganger, be it the generic version, the knave, or the boss, I get this error:

Could not find megamap texture b_gui_ig_mnu_doppelganger for aspect <aspect not found>

Now, I have searched vigorously for such a thing, but could not find it. Secondly, when playing in game, the dopplegangers will turn into my character fine, only they just sit there and watch me. If I attack, they fight back, but it's still a pain. Finally, when they die, the doppleganger disappears, but the circle of light around it doesn't. It just sits there. My character attacks the circle of light endlessly. Something is seriously wrong here. If anyone knows what's going on, feel free to post.

Doppelganger texture is found in expansion.dsres/art/bitmaps/gui/ingame/menus/its near the top. Here it is if you still cannot find it. Laughing out loud

Answer to #3: Try making the monster explode on death, if you need a suitable effect for it, i can make it.

You will need to add code to regular DS as well as there is new skrit added with the doppleganger. Some LoA content will not work if you only have regular DS.

LoneKnight's picture

That explains why it couldn't understand the skrit code: forced_render among other ones. I found out that by deleting this skrit line, then you actually see the skin of a Darkling instead of a floating ball of light.