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Oh the noes! Where have the downloads gone?

Well as you might have noticed, or not, most of the downloads can't be reached. That is because the server that hosted them is no longer in use.
It was a service granted to us by Interested2 some time ago to solve our hosting problems. Thanks for your help Int2.

I am working on moving all the downloads to a new server as we speak and should be done with that in a day or two.

I was planning to be done by now but my offline life has taken it's toll on the time I have been able to spend on this site. A new version of this site will likely appear as well in a day or two. It will be pretty different but nice.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Will we keep the same color scheme? I have grown fond of the tan and maroon backround. Wink

I will convert the current theme if enough people ask for it.

Strider978's picture

The new theme is downright gorgeous though, so I wouldn't worry about it. The new site takes a little bit of getting used too, but it is hands down amazing.

Keep your eyes peeled....

There wont be a shoutbox for a while though. It's not functioning like I want it to right now. :/

Sharkull's picture

Yes, there will be lots of new features to play with for sure. Smile Keep up the good work Sol (and Strider)! Cool

I am moving the forums around a bit so it might look a bit odd for a while.

Pretty much everything is done so unless I run into any problems while moving the posts to the new database we should have a new site tomorrow. (I have tested it several times with no problems)

After that I will get to restoring the downloads.

ps. Whohoo, 501 members. ^^

firebat's picture

Thank you solly for working untill the middle of the night on the site :P

Things got delayed because of a visit. But everything is uploaded and waiting for the new database.

Sharkull's picture

Are you going to lock down this version of the site while you do the database copy (or am I misunderstanding what's going on...)?

No that's right. So if you can't post then you know it is on it's way.

ok dumb question......... will i automatically be re-directed to the new site when it is up and running?

Strider978's picture

Yes one day you'll wake up, or maybe get back from your lunch break and sign on, using the link and you'll be surprised by the sexiness of the new site. Also everything stays the same! All the posts will be here, profiles, ect. ect.

SWEET!!! thanks

Sharkull's picture

:o You mean I'm going to have to use the "real" address for the site now? Wink I've been using for so long... I guess I'll have to update my bookmark. :P