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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

How to Edit a Post (missing edit button)

I can't see any edit button/function/link at my own old post when there is a following post.

So wow to edit my own post that is not the last in the thread !?
Is that allowed at all!?

I'm sorry but that is not allowed. However as you see you can still edit your post if it was the one starting the topic.

Sharkull's picture

Yeah, it's probably a Drupal thing (same behaviour as the GPGarage). If you NEED to make an important edit, send a PM to me (or perhaps another friendly staff member) with a link to the post and details of what you want to change. Nothing trivial please.

Yes, it is by design.

If someone has replied to your post you can no longer edit it, this is to avoid potential confusion and trolling. The comment system is actually threaded like it is on the garage but I have chosen to display it as flat. That is why you sometimes will still be able to edit your post even if someone has posted after you. Once the paging bug is fixed I have an idea to make this more clear.

A brief explanation about the content system of Drupal:

You can post two kinds of content, a node or a comment. Nodes are what comments are tied to and they are e.g the first post in a forum topic, a blogpost, a poll etc. I have set it so that these always can be edited by it's author. Comments are just that, comments to the nodes that have been posted. They are a bit more limited and actually don't need the same level of versatility.

Not the best explanation but I am a bit in a hurry. Smile

ps. so you should be able to edit your initial post in this thread.

It was about updating some web/image links because the remote account has changed.
But generally i can understand why it is disabled.

So i have re-posted the content: The images will show up again, no more commercial popup and the links automatically will open in new window. Feel free to move it or let it be as it is.