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How to get the DS2 camera fix to work?

I downloaded the camera fix from this very site (, and I was super excited about it. However, it doesn't work.

All it contains is a 3KB file and a readme. The readme says to put the file in the maps folder, and I have done so. This does absolutely nothing.
The mod file is a .ds2map file, so do I have to, I dunno, rename it "world" so that it supplants the original map? That can't be it, since the mod file is only 3KB while the original map is 217035KB. But I can't think of anything else. The game menu doesn't have any "choose maps to play" options or anything.

I have DS2, without BW. I've tried both on my steam and a friend's gog version of the game. My steam version runs the hotfix fine.

It says in the readme that you need Dungeon Siege 2 Version 2.2, is your game patched to 2.2?. The DS2 patch is in the downloads Game patches section if you haven't got it.

Says I have version 2.30

Did your friends Gog version work or did it not?.

I'm using the Gog version 2.30 and I've put in the same camera mod that you're using, everything is working the same whether I put the camera mod in or take it out, as there aren't any clear instructions to the mod I would assume that its not working with the Gog 2.3 version.

File comparison with my Gog version and the camera mod, the file is World\maps\ds2_world\main.gas, the changes below are from the camera mod, there's nothing in there that will prevent the mod from working so I don't know why it doesn't work or how to fix it.

	  f max_azimuth		= 90.000000;		// defines maximum boundary for azimuth, in degrees.			  range( min_azimuth - 90.0 )
	  f max_distance	= 22.000000;		// defines maximum distance from target, in meters.
	  f min_azimuth		= -15.000000; 		// defines minimum boundary for azimuth, in degrees.			  range( 0.0 - max_azimuth )
	  f min_distance	= 1.0000000;		// defines the miniumum distance from target, in meters.

the camera mod may need retanked to be newer than the 2.30 cause world map files go by date and that mod came out before 2.3, so tanking at higher priority or even making it newer than 2.3 may fool the game and make it work again. I have no tanking software on this computer so maybe someone else can retank it!

Moros wrote:

Did your friends Gog version work or did it not?.

I'm using the Gog version 2.30 and I've put in the same camera mod that you're using, everything is working the same whether I put the camera mod in or take it out, as there aren't any clear instructions to the mod I would assume that its not working with the Gog 2.3 version.

File comparison with my Gog version and the camera mod, the file is World\maps\ds2_world\main.gas, the changes below are from the camera mod, there's nothing in there that will prevent the mod from working so I don't know why it doesn't work or how to fix it.

f max_azimuth = 90.000000; // defines maximum boundary for azimuth, in degrees. range( min_azimuth - 90.0 ) f max_distance = 22.000000; // defines maximum distance from target, in meters. f min_azimuth = -15.000000; // defines minimum boundary for azimuth, in degrees. range( 0.0 - max_azimuth ) f min_distance = 1.0000000; // defines the miniumum distance from target, in meters.

Darkelf wrote:

the camera mod may need retanked to be newer than the 2.30 cause world map files go by date and that mod came out before 2.3, so tanking at higher priority or even making it newer than 2.3 may fool the game and make it work again. I have no tanking software on this computer so maybe someone else can retank it!

Hmmmm, I used the Gog version of the file and updated it with the camera mods settings, I retanked it and it still didn't work, it doesn't bother me as I'm happy with the way it already works but UnboundDryad is not gonna be too happy about it. Sad

Dungeon Siege 2 and Broken World have a patch level of 2.2 in the retail version. Gog and steam put the patch level at 2.3. This causes a good number of things not to work. I could give a list of about 15 mods that do not function with the 2.3 patch level. There are several ways to fix the problem. However I can not answer the questions as I do not have DS2 installed. Easy fix, buy a used retail version of DS2.

i have mentioned this many times before. the entire ds2map files have to be retanked with tankcreator 2 for the camera mod to work. gpg changed the way tank resources are read by the game in one of their patches for the first ds so this also carried over to ds2.

since u have broken world, xds2world.ds2map in the bw maps folder is the file u have to retank in order for it to work. gpg added a minor map patch file override for the ds2world map for broken world using the xds2world.ds2map file. so retanking world.ds2map only fixes the camera for ds2 nox v2.2. the camera settings will get overwritten by the one in xds2world.ds2map from the bw maps folder.

i remember someone also created an executable file that patches the map file in binary with the camera mod so u dont need to retank. but i dont know if it still exists, as the person or file may have disappeared and i dont know if the file was uploaded and saved to this site. not sure if my ds2 and bw camera mods still exist on this site. cant seem to find it...

Lady Femme wrote:

i have mentioned this many times before. the entire ds2map files have to be retanked with tankcreator 2 for the camera mod to work. gpg changed the way tank resources are read by the game in one of their patches for the first ds so this also carried over to ds2.

since u have broken world, xds2world.ds2map in the bw maps folder is the file u have to retank in order for it to work. gpg added a minor map patch file override for the ds2world map for broken world using the xds2world.ds2map file. so retanking world.ds2map only fixes the camera for ds2 nox v2.2. the camera settings will get overwritten by the one in xds2world.ds2map from the bw maps folder.

So i've retanked all ds2map files without changin anything on their main.gas file, but the camera mod didn't work, tryed changing priority of mod to +1 or -1 and neither worked, than I changed the main.gas of world.ds2map and the camera did change, however not loading the changes from cameramod but from world.ds2map itself. Doing that also blocked me from playing kingdom of ehb.

So, is there no way to change the camera settings from ds2 maps?

Also, on a unrelated note, how did they make a separate starting point for single player and multiplayer? Is there any way to play the tutorial mode from single player into multiplayer?

I retanked the world.ds2map into a ds2res and it worked flawless, just like the kingdom of ehb mod did, at least for now.

I even deleted the world.ds2map from maps folder and it still works. Gonna do the same with the other ds2maps and turn them into ds2res, so camerafixes as ds2res should work without problem


yeah wtf indeed! i wonder which flavour of the game chaoruge has? the retail version or the online steam or gog version? those online flavours of the game are known not to play nice with mods.

Lady Femme wrote:

yeah wtf indeed! i wonder which flavour of the game chaoruge has? the retail version or the online steam or gog version? those online flavours of the game are known not to play nice with mods.

It actually is a Steam one