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Hello Hello!

I have really missed Dungeon Siege and the community. I disappeared for a long time to deal with life as it was certainly too pressing for me over the many things I had going on all at once at the time.
I still dropped by randomly to see what was going on with the community here and there.
I figured for once I'd come back and actually say hello.
I'm playing through Dungeon Siege amongst many other games once again. It seems I'm getting a bit more free-time once again due to a schedule change at work that I've been forced on.

So.. Hello! How is everyone doing? Lol

Hello, and welcome back! As you see this forum is more or less deserted by now tho. Smile

I'm working a bit on this & that currently, like a collection of additional summon spells. There's more activity over on Discord.

foerstj wrote:

Hello, and welcome back! As you see this forum is more or less deserted by now tho. Smile

I'm working a bit on this & that currently, like a collection of additional summon spells. There's more activity over on Discord.

'tis a deep shame to see it so empty now, but I believe it will eventually revive. That is awesome though. I love summon spells. Are you working on DS1 and DS2 or just sticking to one game? I've always been more invested in DS2 since the DS1 Legendary Mod was released. That combined with Aranna Pegacy is the bee's knees. Though that's all I've got installed since I've yet to be turned onto other mods.

I'm only modding DS1.