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Beta 1

Attached is a MODlet that includes Killergremals Enchanter store and Inns formatted for Zhix's 10x18 and 11x22 layouts. There is going to be a 30~60 pixel gap between the character display since they are from my own custom layout which has other size changes gong on.

mod categories: 

Dark_Elf's Pack Pets Broken World v1.0 for DungeonSiege II and Broken World

Dark_Elf's Pack Pets Broken World v1.0 for DungeonSiege II and Broken World

This mod makes all pets have 4 inventory pages to start with, as you feed them they gain 1 inventory page per level of growth till you max them they then have 9 pages.
also includes 2 new pets available at pet shops - Tragg (horned dinosaur from Legends of Aranna) and Paco (White dog from Legends of Aranna) they have no aura or powers but they still fight and still carry inventory.

Author: Dark_Elf
Special Thanks: ReadMe Template by Sharkull
Release Date: January 26, 2012

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