While the previous 'seizure' isn't really over (and related on content we rather should say: as consequence of it) i have been touched by another 'mapping seizure'. This time however, i didn't use the SE2 (so far), it's not really tuned to handle DS1, and this is what i did. 

The following mods are published based on the DS1 Modding EULA and Modding EULA from DS2.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map, Alpha 10 (82.7mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map Update, Alpha 10q (1.6mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Additional remarks:
- Please respect the initial release notes and also the notes in the 'ReadMe' files about the changes meanwhile.
- You also may like to check out Iryan's forum thread for additional map resources.
There is now also a Diabloish Map for DS2, Beta 2 e (16.4MB, for DS2 v2.2 ReadMe):

Compared to Beta 1 there are now some more NPCs, a shop with enchantable items only, two heroes to hire, better dungeon loading/fading, and instead of remote start positions now 'session portals' are available to let you always restart in Tristram and to take you back into the dungeons when you like to depart.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact Dr. Smooth aka James Lang so far (e-mail account still seems to be valid, but there was no reply) to ask him what he thinks about before investing more time in this map.
Great stuff! I'll try it right away. It's amazing how you can come up with these enhancements so quickly.
The sanctuary doors work well and dynamically adjust themselves to the party's level if you return later.
However one perhaps unintentionally effect now is that training dummies also adjust themselves - or at least their health has changed even if their level is still zero. Normally they have only 1hp of health but now have 51hp of health. Takes a little while for a starting level character to whittle them down.
Another quirk discovered with the Level Adjustment Mod is that ghost rewards in DS2 don't dynamically change level with the player. Maybe not surprising as the rewards are specialized from base_generator_pcontent rather than container or chest. They start at level 28.
Would only be noticeable playing with a mod like DS2 Adepts which would allow you to get access to the chant of the dead at levels as low as 12-15 (since you get access to Aman'lu as soon as you completed curing the plague main quest with your hero).
well thats easy to fix. just patch the loot list file for the ghost rewards to inherit itself from container or chest.
do note however to be careful and not to break the set item reward for the ghostly visions set which is supposed to drop when u free some of the ghosts.
I will check this, this type of reward container (as used for the Ghost quest) should be supported already.
You're correct as I followed the dependencies through the various templates and it specializes from container at the very beginning as base_generator_pcontent.
I'm just wondering if the block [generator_object_pcontent] isn't fully support though?
There's a new version of the Level Adjustment mod, mainly fixing a lack for invisible containers.
Great work will try it out as soon as it's available (it says 5e on the thread link but 5d is still downloaded. Is still 790kb in size so I assume the file hasn't been uploaded yet?).
With this I'd say that the L.A.M. now has nearly 100% compatibility with DS2 and Broken World (assuming that those maps are enabled first).
Update: I see that quietly the mod has been update to 5e. Good Work. I'll try it out.
Hello people, Can anyone post how many exp i need for all levels up to 500lvl?
This is controlled by a file that can be altered by mods (or edited directly), so the generic answer is no, because we don't know the contents of your copy. Since the game-supplied one doesn't go to level 500, that becomes a definite no. You must have a mod that makes that change, and it would include a custom level/XP table.
the exp table for unmodded ds1 and loa goes up to lvl 150. the exp table for unmodded ds2 and bw goes up to lvl 310. however, exp table values past 100 are just artificial values to allow stats to rise to 310. the max level in unmodded ds2/bw is 100.
i suggest u just get the appropriate version of tankviewer for whatever version of ds u are using (ds1, ds2) from the downloads section. open your exp mod's dsres or ds2res file and look in world\global\formulas\formulas.gas for your exp table.
the experience needed from my level 500 mod is:
This takes you to a maximum of 510 for extra leeway.
I wasn't completely inactive the last time. Here some possibly not evident things that may help creating or tuning a map or mod:
First, there's something 'luckily strange' about ornaments in actor templates that can help to reduce the afford/need to make new textures.
It's not that uncommon in DS2 that a head is attached as ornament (in [aspect]) and not as custom_head (in [inventory]), and as components.gas states the ornament model can be followed by alternate textures.
Rather inccidentally I've found some kind of 'dual-head' texture tweak. One variant looks like this:
The second possible variant of this tweak is to keep a head model as/in custom_head, adding the hair as first aspect texture (usually index
and to list the same head incl. skin texture as ornament.
Which variant to use depends a bit whether your template specilizes a template where a custom_head is already assigned. However if required a disturbing assignment of a custom_head also could be removed with empty quotes for example.
Main advantage of this tweak is that there is almost no limit to recombine the existing textures for NPCs. Disadvangates are that there may be sometimes a little alpha/transparency problem, also there doesn't seem to a way to re-tune such a setup with skrit (there may be component to do so). Nonetheless I think it's worth to remind it before creating and adding a new texture to a mod.
Another interesing thing I've found is related to flick and conversations, concretly about the talk-flick property. Instead of adding only the name of the flick like 'guard_talk', it's also possible to pass variables like the name of the conversation or a further role/scid to do anything with it, for example 'guard_talk?say_this=conv_hello&icon_emitter=0x12345678&icon_index=3'
Not to make the flick compiler complain in advance about undefined roles (may happen sometimes) there's a possible but inprobable/invalid scid (0xffeeddcc) pre-assigned for the role icon_emitter (in-game it will be overwritten, here with 0x12345678).Of course the corresponding flick must be tuned to accept this:
These varaible flicks make some sense if there are multiple flicks with (almost) the same structure.
Actually DS2 knows such generic/varialbe flicks, and to make them running often 'scid names' are used (can be assinged in the object proprieties in SE2), but compared to scid-name-depending flicks the example here with the instant varialbe assingment may be a bit more flexible and transparent.
In this context, there is also the trigger action 'launch_flick' available in SE2. Here too it's possilbe to expand the flick name with variables the same way as above, and for simple flicks it's probably easier to set up such a trigger than using an external cmd_run_flick object.
Unfortunately, as experienced launch_flick won't be executed (anymore) on a dead/killed actor, also the SE2 may show an additional warning sometimes that there is no catalyst/originator who triggers the action - but as long as no catalyst is needed in the flick this warning can be ignored.
Finally however, if you want to re-check this trigger in the gas file, it should look anyhow like this:
Exclusive means here that there only may be one flick of this name active and no other flick of the same name simultaneously - and I think exclusive flicks will only run on the server (when in Multiplayer).
Also when I remember correctly the flick engine will block non-exclusive flicks on client machines (when in Multiplayer) if the flick uses commands that are designed only to run on the server (there was only a warning in the logs, but nothing worse).
Very good discoveries. Especially about using skin and hair textures in the ornaments block to generate different appearances quickly without having to resort to creating new skins. Also very easy to create quick tests comparing different combinations to pick out what ones are useful or not.
The lack of variety within the npcs that populate the world was one of the poorest aspects of DS2, not so much with Broken World as it was sparsely populated anyway. The number of times npcs were reused with just a name change and perhaps a change of clothes was ridiculous.
I've update the content mod above, please see the ReadMe file for details.
There is also a little Update Alpha 10m for the map file (1.5mb, ReadMe) that just take cares about some major lacks that shouldn't be unsolved.
Note perhaps, this update may not be required, many of the tunings Iryan already realized in his update for the Utrae.
Some updates in the content mod are probably more interesting from technical point of view.
There is the component [texture_switch_on_event], which can exchange textures on objects or actors incl. their ornaments, weapons, boots, etc.
Goal was it to have a better possiblity to create or modify new (differently looking) objects or NPCs directly in the SE2 without the requirement of creating new templates - supposed it's known which alternate textures to use.
This component is still a bit experimental though, so only a few NPCs are carrying this component so far, however the is also the template 'lightweight_obj_texture_switch' to provide this feature for non-actors. Despite of remianing usage limitations during the recent days I didn't encounter major flaws when I met such instantly retextured objects or NPCs.
In conjunction the launch-flick trigger there's now a flick file called 'change_property', intended to bypass the requirement of attaching [cmd_change_property_owner] onto a template or placing an external cmd_change_property gizmo on the map.
Similarly to this there is the flick 'npc_animate_v1', although quite experimental too, it can offer an alternate way compared to the 'one-animation-NPCs' of DS2 or the cmd_animation_command linked NPCs as often used on DS1 maps.
By the way, I've also revised cmd_animation_command a bit. Although it accepted (and still does) an animation term like 'sit1' (incl. quotes) it had the unpleasant habit to transform it into a number, making it almost impossible to recheck later what animation was used. Now the SE2 will decode the number again to show you the animation as object screen name and on the 'debug circle' when the object is selected.
The alternate routine 'job_talk_animated.skrit' has been expanded to auto-defect if the possibly standing/stitting/lying actor is able to face the player when talking together.
This can help for moving/animated/patroling NPCs where you don't know in advance which posture they will have then the player talks to them.
And because this was rather dry modding work so far I became a bit unbalanced and made a gizmo called 'cmd_damage_under_water'. This gizmo must 'swimm' on the water surface (as altitude reference) and will punish all players who keep their heads too long below the water surface, and only the Invulnerability power or something (unknown) providing the 'Oxygen' state/enchantment may delay the inevitable asphyxiation.
Well, I have to admit, and although I like to have pets in the game, this feature is not really pet-friendly - too many of them have their heads simply too low! I guess someone needs to teach them how to swimm... :P
yea nice. thats a very interesting discovery. i think any future unofficial patches for ds2 shud include these methods of overhauling how npcs look in-game and to make the npcs' looks more diversified.
also, this technique shud simplify adding art assets for new equipment in-game.
also wonder if this technique can be used to downsize the art content in the .ds2res files since with this technique, u no longer need to make so many individual textures for each skin colour, race etc.
Another planned convention I forgot to mention... :o
So if the Level Adjustment mod shell be allowed to respawn a monster with extreme gib settings in [physics] then this monster must also have a negative physics:explosion_magnitude of -99999 (or below).
Right now the Level Adjustment mod is ignoring these monsters because they look too 'quest-like' and their Scid will change if respawned (may mess up with the flick/quest design), however extreme gib settings are also an easy work-around to prevent gibbing/exploding just because there aren't any fragments assigned for this monster.
Eventually it could work using the same model as ornament as used for aspect:model. One model for the skin, the other model for the clothes.
In case of texture flickering (2 models, same shape/size/place) both texutures probably would need transparent/opaque zones that are complementary to each other.
...but as soon it would be required to 'counter-sync' the transparent zone resp. to make skin overlay textures specific for one cloth texture, it would even result in one texture file more. So that only would make sense if these skin texture could be used at least for one other cloth texture too - besides on an advances skrit component to manage this.
I am interested in translating it to german if it hasn't already, however my writing isn't the best luckily i live close to my parents to ask them questions but they may not no all the lingo however, I can do my best. Whhich readme's need to be done etc.
There's a update of the content mod, it's rather technical though. So currently you only may notice this update at the way-posts that automatically open a Town Portal (where enabled).
There is now v.10 p/q, a more SE2-friendly release of the content mod.
I've experienced that having a path/files like 'world/maps/map_name/*.gas' in a mod (that is in the resources folder) the mod content may not be available in SE2.
This is fixed now, and there are also some minor changes related to NPCs, so I uniformed the structure of the template names and added pleasant heads where missing.
Following NPC templates all represent townsfolk (however covering only a small spectrum how NPCs may look like).
These templates are intended to be final/'leaf' templates, but specially when browsing gas files there may be several other templates beginning with 'npc_...' where it's not evident if they are final or just intermediate.Basically, if templates apprear in the SE2 they probably shouldn't be used to spezialize other templates from (better copy them and set a new template name) because - similar to 'base_...' and '..._stats' templates - when defining e.g. 'specializes = npc_dd_test_123' would remove template 'npc_dd_test_123' from the SE2 listings (amazingly, when already place once before, it may still appear/stay on a map).
Most of the templates listed above are also carrying the texture_switch_on_event component that could be used to change the NPC look.
I would not use this component to redress a whole army (that may become too stressful), but it may help to individualize look of an NPC without editing or restarting the SE2.For example, assumed you have a metalic shield assigned in the Equipment tab for the slot 'es_shield_hand', but actually a wooden shield would suit better (there is none in DS2) then the setup below would make it look as made of wood:
Well, since most templates actually don't have the [texture_switch_on_event] component, there is now also the flick 'set_texture_simple'. Compared to the component this flick is rather simple, it has no scid-bit support and may only treat the aspect:model, nonetheless it can be use sometimes.
So in SE2 this would be an initially active non-single-shot trigger launched each time the actor/animal is loaded in order to start a little flick that would set the new texture with the specified name.For example, a white dove should be black for a few instances on the map only.
In this case a white dove could be placed with the following trigger:
The delay is optional and should be smaller than 1s (not to exceed the minimum expiration time), with monsters a delay of ~0.5s is probably the best concerning the interactions of custom respawning feature and level-adjustment.
Another special/experimental feature is included in the two 'npc_??_sit_03_utrea' templates.
While the sitting NPC templates in DS2 only provide actors that can nothing else than sit, these two templates are offering NPCs with the full amount of animations but who get their default fidgeting animation reset with a sitting animation by means of a flick file (the SE2 will show a warning though, but it can be ignored).
This flick-set animation will run/loop forever, or until another animation is set, for example with a further flick triggered when enemies are spotted.
Sometimes it's hard to say whether a SE2 warning is really important or not.
Related to this I noticed additional error warnings when the SE2 loads a region where some of custom flick files are used:
Now this warning appears because some events like we_entered_world or we_constructed usually don't provide a catalyst, so the [cmd_run_flick] component (for example) or the launch_flick trigger won't find a catalyst to pass it to the flick.
Some of the custom flicks however can still run without it, for example if 'catalyst' was used for an optional role only.
Note mabe that there also can be an 'instant' role-assignement like 'patrol_5pts_random_utrea=0x00c0045b' (offering a more flexible usage, but the SE2 can't detect this), and some other flicks actually require an invalid initiation of a role to be able later to re-assign it while the flick is running.
So these kind of warnings depend a lot on the flick file used. Sadly I haven't found a way so far to make the custom flicks more SE2-friendly.
However for flick files triggered on we_entered_world or we_constructed there is a work-around sometimes of an indirect flick activation. Work-wise if may be quite inviting to use we_entered_world directly to start the flick (one trigger less, with SE2 warning probably). But we also could set up an additional trigger to wait for we_entered_world in order to sends out/back we_req_activate (or we_req_use) which would start the flick then (hence one trigger more, but usually no waring SE2, specially if a little activation delay is set up too).
Utrea Content Pack Alpha 10 r:
Features better chances to find new/unknown chants. It also fixes a lack for some combative NPCs with over-head icons.
Note maybe, if you already downloaded Alpha 10r before April 13th please download it again (there was accidentally a former test build already online for some hours :o).
Diabloish Beta 2a:
Updates mainly objects and landscape at Tristram.
(links above)
Utrea Content Pack Alpha 10 s, Updates:
to explode after ~4 times when approaching too closely.
Related to some technical matters with (disappeared) Droog NPCs here now a list of templates and how they depend on each other currently (...not that i intend to change this again).
On the highest level the final/leaf templates, their names should match the template names as they were in DS1, also the animation should match again - so the 'droog_villager' is praying all the time as he did in DS1.The difference however is that 'droog_villager' is using a flick trigger to overwrite the fidgeting animation as assigned in the template, so 'droog_villager' can be used for other things/tasks as well (e.g. before+after a quest) just by deactivating/removing the trigger in SE2 or by resetting the initial flick with another flick ('npc_fidget_custom?chore=fidget' should be sufficient).
However this 'flick stuff' should be considered as feature and not as obligation, it's mainly intended to help against the DS2-flood of actors with extreme movement disorders - one actor template for walking, one for running, one for floor-sweeping with a broom, one template for drinking, one for sitting, one for laying on a bed, ... - and if animated to drink for example, then there is a high chance in DS2 that this actor can't walk anymore or even stop drinking. :o
To mention too, 'droog_ds1_good_stats' is a pleasant stats-template to make a combative NPC from, while 'droog_good_idle_stats' is rather intended for actor who usually are not/rarely involved in a battle.
In this context, the 'solid' actors can keep themselves ~30% longer in a battle than the non-solid variants (...unfortunately there is still no tweak to tune the NPC defense on a larger scope in SE2 in a way that the automatic level adjustment can handle it exacltly).
Hi KillerGremal,
Not sure why this is happening but After Killing the Boss on level one of the Dungon and then moving down the stairs to level 2 the map locks up sometimes and the game crashes but not always. This appears to occur with both Adepts enabled and with Adepts disabled. My party is currently my main character, a direwolf and a packmule. It does not seem to matter which character is leading I am also not sure where the problem is. I am going to start by removing all mods that are not required to play Diabloish Map for DS2, Beta 2a. So would you be so kind as to let me know the minimum number of things that I must have installed?
Thank You

To play Diabloish you currently will need on minimum:
- Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10s.ds2res
- Mod-DS1Map-Diabloish-Beta02a.ds2res
- The objects tank from DS1 (or the Objects+Sounds Fix).
- Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5f.ds2res (technically not really needed but recommended gameplay-wise).
Thank you KillerGremal
I will run that configuration and let you know what happens. Then start adding things back in to see if I can reproduce the problem.
@ KillerGremal
I played Diabloish with only the following mods and Adepts installed:
- Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10s.ds2res
- Mod-DS1Map-Diabloish-Beta02a.ds2res
- The objects tank from DS1
- Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5f.ds2res
I was able to get to level two in the dungeon prior to the game going black. I had just clicked on the save point and was moving down the right hand path fighting monsters and the game froze, then the screen went black and Windows 7 gave me the message that the application stopped working.
Crash Report Follows:
-== App : Dungeon Siege II (C:\Games\DS2BWAdepts\DungeonSiege2.exe - Retail)
-== Log category : Crash Report
-== Session : 5/17/2014 09:57:41 AM
-== Build : Win2k (
-== Failures : 0 warnings, 0 errors, 0 SEH's
--==<< Top-level exception filter report >>==--
started = 57.1859, stopped = 57.1897, from = ws_loading_save_game, to = ws_sp_ingame
started = 48.7552, stopped = 57.1859, from = ws_main_menu, to = ws_loading_save_game
started = 28.6829, stopped = 30.7262, from = ws_intro, to = ws_main_menu
started = 28.6829, stopped = 28.6829, from = ws_init, to = ws_intro
time: system = 2830.919423, global = 2830.919423, world = 2772.919270, delta = 0.027914, sim = 103630
name = 'C:\Games\DS2BWAdepts\DungeonSiege2.exe', crc = 0x47E936F0, extra = 0xCAA45D2B
*** Report for process 0x00000850
Process command line : "C:\Games\DS2BWAdepts\DS2BWAllSaves.exe" save_path=C:\games\DS2BWAdepts\Save shots_path=C:\games\DS2BWAdepts\Screenshots nointro=true
Process priority class : 32
Process priority boosted: no
*** Report for thread Main ***
Exception code: access violation (continuable) - attempted to read data at 0x0000001C
Occurred at IP: 0x00504EC3
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 (The operation completed successfully.)
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:57:40.282
Thread kernel mode time: 07:49:18.180
Thread user mode time : 767:10:41.500
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=00504EC3 eflags=00010246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=0028F75C ebp =00000313
ecx=1D51FFF4 ds=002B esi=1D56D348 fs =0053
edx=1D5198E4 es=002B edi=1DF42570 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0C7F
st1= 0.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=013F
st2= 0.000000 st6= 0.000000 tags=FFFF
st3= 0.000000 st7= 0.000000
Stack trace:
0x00504EC3 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x005043DE DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x006FBAFF DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x00710044 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x006F4DD1 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x006CA1AB DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0042E721 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0042ED6A DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0061545D DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0061781A DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0061236D DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0061249D DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x00427AAE DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x00A46004 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x324 ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,10:39:23.73
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000002 cs=0023 eip=770A1F46 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000004 ss=002B esp=15B1FE28 ebp =15B1FF88
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=00000002 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=022737E0 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x770A1F46 ntdll.dll: NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory + 18 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread SiegeLoad ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:57:42.513
Thread kernel mode time: 00:04:25.202
Thread user mode time : 00:20:1.208
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709FD91 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=0B40FE28 ebp =0B40FE90
ecx=00000001 ds=002B esi=0B40FE6C fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709FD91 ntdll.dll: NtDelayExecution + 21 bytes
0x74D244A5 KERNELBASE.dll: Sleep + 15 bytes
0x006D02F9 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0066D879 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0066D813 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x00A48882 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0xC48 ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:58:09.127
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:15.600
CPU registers:
eax=00000001 cs=0023 eip=75FF78D7 eflags=00000246
ebx=00050262 ss=002B esp=161AFEDC ebp =161AFEF8
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=161AFF1C fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x75FF78D7 user32.dll: DispatchMessageW + 92 bytes
0x74B6A44E ole32.dll: CoWaitForMultipleHandles + 17108 bytes
0x74B6853B ole32.dll: CoWaitForMultipleHandles + 9153 bytes
0x74B6A4AC ole32.dll: CoWaitForMultipleHandles + 17202 bytes
0x74B7CD48 ole32.dll: CoGetTreatAsClass + 9753 bytes
0x74B7D87A ole32.dll: CoGetTreatAsClass + 12619 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread RapiMouse ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:57:41.328
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709FD91 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000001 ss=002B esp=028EFE28 ebp =028EFE90
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=028EFE6C fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709FD91 ntdll.dll: NtDelayExecution + 21 bytes
0x74D244A5 KERNELBASE.dll: Sleep + 15 bytes
0x005289DA DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0066D879 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0066D813 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x00A48882 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x10BC ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:57:41.250
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=770A015D eflags=00000246
ebx=770D2E00 ss=002B esp=06DBFDF4 ebp =06DBFF88
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=02259868 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x770A015D ntdll.dll: ZwWaitForMultipleObjects + 21 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x10F8 ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:57:41.608
Thread kernel mode time: 05:49:10.934
Thread user mode time : 72:17:52.063
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709F8D1 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=07ABFECC ebp =07ABFF38
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=00000274 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709F8D1 ntdll.dll: ZwWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
0x76651194 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
0x76651148 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
0x6D51801F d3d9.dll: DebugSetLevel + 456558 bytes
0x6D518073 d3d9.dll: DebugSetLevel + 456642 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
0x00954C28 DungeonSiege2.exe:
*** Report for thread #0x112C ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:58:09.127
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000001 cs=0023 eip=770A1F46 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000003 ss=002B esp=15D2FE28 ebp =15D2FF88
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=00000002 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=02272A88 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x770A1F46 ntdll.dll: NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory + 18 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x126C ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : -15
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:58:13.245
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:01:2.400
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709F8D1 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=17F9FE84 ebp =17F9FEF0
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=000005A8 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709F8D1 ntdll.dll: ZwWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
0x76651194 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
0x76651148 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
0x6CB373EC nvd3dum.dll:
0x6CB37311 nvd3dum.dll:
0x6CDA60F5 nvd3dum.dll: QueryOglResource + 1690981 bytes
0x6CDA617F nvd3dum.dll: QueryOglResource + 1691119 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x1294 ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:57:41.265
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=770A015D eflags=00000246
ebx=06FBFBC4 ss=002B esp=06FBFB74 ebp =06FBFC10
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=00000002 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=06FBFBE4 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x770A015D ntdll.dll: ZwWaitForMultipleObjects + 21 bytes
0x766519F8 kernel32.dll: WaitForMultipleObjectsEx + 142 bytes
0x76654200 kernel32.dll: WaitForMultipleObjects + 24 bytes
0x770BA15E ntdll.dll: RtlAllocateActivationContextStack + 327 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x1374 ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,10:22:49.70
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000002 cs=0023 eip=770A1F46 eflags=00000246
ebx=00010003 ss=002B esp=15F2FE28 ebp =15F2FF88
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=00000002 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=022737E0 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x770A1F46 ntdll.dll: NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory + 18 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x1388 ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : -15
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:58:13.245
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:01:2.400
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709F8D1 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=17FAFE84 ebp =17FAFEF0
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=000005A8 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709F8D1 ntdll.dll: ZwWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
0x76651194 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
0x76651148 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
0x6CB373EC nvd3dum.dll:
0x6CB37311 nvd3dum.dll:
0x6CDA60F5 nvd3dum.dll: QueryOglResource + 1690981 bytes
0x6CDA617F nvd3dum.dll: QueryOglResource + 1691119 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread #0x15EC ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:58:30.920
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:15.600
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709F8D1 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=1809FE84 ebp =1809FEF0
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=000005EC fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709F8D1 ntdll.dll: ZwWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
0x76651194 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
0x76651148 kernel32.dll: WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
0x6CB373EC nvd3dum.dll:
0x6CB37311 nvd3dum.dll:
0x6CDA60F5 nvd3dum.dll: QueryOglResource + 1690981 bytes
0x6CDA617F nvd3dum.dll: QueryOglResource + 1691119 bytes
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
*** Report for thread SystemUICheck ***
Thread traits:
Thread priority : 0
Last error : 0x00000000 ()
Thread priority boosted: no
Thread creation time : 05/17/2014,09:58:09.330
Thread kernel mode time: 00:00:0.000
Thread user mode time : 00:00:0.000
CPU registers:
eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=7709FD91 eflags=00000246
ebx=00000000 ss=002B esp=163EFDF0 ebp =163EFE58
ecx=00000000 ds=002B esi=163EFE34 fs =0053
edx=00000000 es=002B edi=00000000 gs =002B
FPU registers:
st0= 0.000000 st4= 0.000000 ctrl=0000
st1=-11529259026533581000.000000 st5= 0.000000 stat=0000
st2= 0.000000 st6=15144042074846074000000000000000.000000 tags=E034
st3=-51881467707308114000.000000 st7=-18302672866098807000.000000
Stack trace:
0x7709FD91 ntdll.dll: NtDelayExecution + 21 bytes
0x74D244A5 KERNELBASE.dll: Sleep + 15 bytes
0x0049E204 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0066D879 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x0066D813 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x00A48882 DungeonSiege2.exe:
0x7665338A kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
0x770B9F72 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
0x770B9F45 ntdll.dll: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
I will try without Adepts Next
I tried next without Adepts and Starting in BrokenWorld -- Game Crashed (I have crash report if you want it)
I tried next without Adepts and Starting in DS2 -- Game Crashed (I have this crash report also if you desire it)
From his I must assume that Diabloish-Beta02a has a bug in it. I do not remember this occurring with the previous version but can not be sure if it would not have occurred somewhere in the dungeon.
@bare_elf: Thanks a lot your tests. I'm working on this matter at the moment...
I think the problem is caused by a mis-configured 'nodal_tex_swap' gizmo. I've used it quite extensively for Beta 2a, for example to replace the DS2 floor texture of the incantion shrine with a DS1 texture, and between Dungeon 1 and Dungeon 2 I have used it to try softening visually the transition area - which obvisually didn't work as intended.
There is now a new release of the Diabloish map, Beta 2 b (link on top) in particular fixing a critical texture error between Dungeon 1 and 2.
And there is also a new Content Pack for Utrea, Alpha 10 t (link on top too) which mainly provides a fix for the teleportation/portal feature at the beginning of a session.
You are welcome KillerGremal

The Content Pack for Utrea, Alpha 10 t fixes the portal feature at the session start very nicely. I will get into the Dungeon tomorrow and let you know how that works. I like testing things and making things more than actaully playing the game.
There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

I looked around town and killed the monsters over the bridge and in the grave yard. My party is two direwolves and my main character who is a level 40 ranger. Just after entering the Dungeon upon entering the first room with monsters the game crashed. Black Screen and back to windows. I am going to try with just a single character and no pets. Will start with a level 0 combat mage and see what occurs.