While the previous 'seizure' isn't really over (and related on content we rather should say: as consequence of it) i have been touched by another 'mapping seizure'. This time however, i didn't use the SE2 (so far), it's not really tuned to handle DS1, and this is what i did. 

The following mods are published based on the DS1 Modding EULA and Modding EULA from DS2.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map, Alpha 10 (82.7mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map Update, Alpha 10q (1.6mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Additional remarks:
- Please respect the initial release notes and also the notes in the 'ReadMe' files about the changes meanwhile.
- You also may like to check out Iryan's forum thread for additional map resources.
There is now also a Diabloish Map for DS2, Beta 2 e (16.4MB, for DS2 v2.2 ReadMe):

Compared to Beta 1 there are now some more NPCs, a shop with enchantable items only, two heroes to hire, better dungeon loading/fading, and instead of remote start positions now 'session portals' are available to let you always restart in Tristram and to take you back into the dungeons when you like to depart.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact Dr. Smooth aka James Lang so far (e-mail account still seems to be valid, but there was no reply) to ask him what he thinks about before investing more time in this map.
@Iryan: I alwas have the compatibilty to former releases in mind, but it may not be given in all cases.
So check once the fog data, or remove the whole [fog] part generally (also with original game defaults it should work).
For these two doors an exception is no problem, but generally I think it's too painful to add use points everywhere (don't want to recall Utrae...), so another solution would be much better...
I'm not really sure why the (round) vault doors didn't open. They are all locked initially and will be unlocked by death of the nearby monster boss. However as experienced once, such death-triggered things are quite vulnerable, but a work-around should be possible.
@Iryan: I haven't ran into such extreme cases of monster level as you.
I have been starting new characters for testing purposes, so the lower levels may not get hit so much. I have seen the occasional orange monster, but never a red one as of yet.
Edit: On a side note, there is a small problem with the job_collect_loot.skrit file. Had the problem for some time now but, was not sure where it was coming from as I started switching mods and playstyle on a grand scale a few years ago.
Characters will not auto collect loot if it is on a ledge, table or counter. Have to left click each item. Also if your inventory has a certain space full(seems to be about what would fill your normal, non-increased inventory), even if you are using an inventory increase mod, such as from Zhixalom, you get the "inventory is full" message and have to left click each item to pick it up.
The problem is exclusive to the Utraean Peninsula. I've fixed my version but Killergremal's version probably will still exhibit the problem, though I haven't checked. All the other maps should be fine until a permanent solution is posted.
I've also ran into the auto collect loot problem but was so busy with everything else that honestly I didn't know it was a problem. It did cause me to reposition a few fixed items that were originally inaccessible, you could click on them but not pick them up. With the loot dropping from monsters, there are times when that appears in inaccessible locations as well, I had to disable loot dropping from the Dragon Queen for this reason (it appears in mid air when she dies and disappears). I believe it's associated with the inaccessible doors and chests problem you described earlier, possibly the old DS1 terrain meshes are of different sizes or bounding size, etc. I know SE2 gives off a lot of "Error: duplicate mesh guid detected, colliding fuel addresses" messsages in the error log. Maybe someone more knowledgeable in this area may have a better idea of the reason.
Maybe is_usable = true and use_range = 1.5 could help (to pretend something like a lever). However DS2 also knows 'item generators', they generally work as weapon racks/barrels do - just with the look/model of item to give.
The a early/wrong 'inventory is full' message is often triggered because the currently used inventory isn't in sync with the grid data of the hero template.
I've revised once the collect job for the Level Adjustment mod (to pick up spaceless Exp despite of a full inventory), it does its checks by means of a 'full-ratio' that most probably depends on template settings, not on the real GUI.
Not sure however how far away a drop point can be on maximum...
Anyhow some orientation assignments turned anyhow form 0,0,0,1 into 0,-6.123e-008,0,1 (while moving the object in SE possibly). It seems v2.2 can stand such zero-rounding matters much better than the addon can!(?)
An orientation of 0,1,0,1 is logically the same as 0,0.707071,0,0.707071 however the path-finding seems to have problem sometimes to reach objects with such a (manually assigned) orientation.
Another reason not to be able reach openable containers is that they actually stay on an inaccessible node (although it doesn't look like this) or that their (calculated) use-point lies within the path-blocking area of the container itself.
In SE2 there is a button with 3 little cubes (red/green/blue) to dispaly the blocking area. This often helps.
Found why Ordus' Axe would not update as well as Spider Dungeon and tower fade problems in Kingdom of Ehb if you have not already fixed them Iryan.
There was a missing closing bracket for fade problems in path2sd and "specializes" block for Krug Shaman and Giant Rat pointed to non existant templates.
Thanks for the bug report.
The templates have been fixed (as the current beta uses an all new template arrangement) but the trigger hadn't been and I can understand how it may cause problems as the engine would stop intrepreting anything past that point.
I'm nearly finished testing and fixing the Utraean Peninsula again so a new beta will be up soon that supports 3 maps. I've just had more problems that I anticipated with starting positions and triggers which held me up quite a bit.
V2 is in your inbox Iryan.
Fixed the north vector I missed in the original, and cleaned up a couple other areas.
Still no idea why wd_r1a is not right. SE generates 5599 256x256 bitmaps at over 1.6gb for what should fit on one 64x128 (maybe 128x128) bitmap. :?
Thanks again, you're doing a great job here. It certainly adds to the ambience of the maps to have a good looking radar.
There must be something in a node, terrain sno or texture, etc for wd_r1a to act like that. Looking at SE's dev-error.log there's 70 references to that region. All are for duplicate mesh guids, colliding fuel addresses which isn't different to any other DS1 region loaded in the editor. For instance tr_r2 has 96 such errors.
There's also something obscure in Legends of Aranna. After the first few regions the town portal stops working as does resurrecting your party. Looking through the notes on SE2 university I think it's related to the game not being able to figure out where to send the party through the town portal or back to where they can continue the game once resurrected.
Another problem is the game locking up or graphical effects (mostly spells) breaking if too long is left between using spells, etc. This manifests in several ways, with the game crashing if trying to change tabs in magic categories in the store, saving the game or terrain not being generated in front of the party. This seems to mostly effect Legends of Aranna and also Yesterhaven to a lesser degree. The Utraean Peninsula and Kingdom of Ehb seem fine. Any hints on how to fix these problem would be appreciated.
Good catch KillerGremal. Hotpoint was the problem.
Will have to run back and see how it fits, and what all files are needed to be replaced/added to get it correct.
Expect Ehb_Radar_v3 soon.
Edit: Took a few tries, but I finally got the required files correct.
V3 is in tha mail.
Hi All,
There's another public beta of the DS1 MapPack for DS2 that adds an enhanced Utraean Peninsula to the previous 2 maps as well as an updated DS1_Logic to work with Killergremal's new Mod-DS1Content mod.
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS1_Logic_Beta_6a.ds2res 1.28Mb
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS1_Multiplayer_World_Beta_6.ds2res 4.29Mb
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS1_MapPack_for_Dungeon_Siege_2_Beta6.0a.mht Readme File in Browser Format (save file before opening it)
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS1_MapPack_for_Dungeon_Siege_2_Beta6.0a.pdf Readme File in Pdf Format
There's also Legends of Aranna available as well so now all 4 maps are finally released. Unfortunately you will have to convert the necessary resource file yourself with DS1's Tank Viewer and DS2's Tank Creator. This is in order to make the release "more legal" as the user has to have either Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna installed or has the original disks. If this doesn't scare you off, and converting the files is relatively easy if you have the necessary tools, you can download the necessary files here;
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS1_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_6a.ds2res 51.5Mb
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS1_LOA_Content_Beta_6a.ds2res 61.3Mb
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/Converting_Legends_of_Aranna_Resources.mht 1.94Mb Help File in Browser Format (save file before opening it)
http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/Converting_Legends_of_Aranna_Resources.pdf 1.00Mb Help File in PDF Format
I know that the mod is still very messy with 7 of my mods and 4 of Killergremal's mods required to get it working plus having to convert 3 original Dungeon Siege files in order to make the release "more legal" but at this stage we don't have much choice as there's been no response to numerous attempts to communicate with Square Enix over permission to release such a mod.
In time I hope Killergremal and I can condense the mod down to 7 files (a Logic.ds2res, support content, monsterleveladjust mod and the 4 maps) plus the converted ones. And maybe someone will be successfull in contacting Square Enix and they'll be receptive to us releasing the mod with no or few restrictions or someone with excellent coding knowledge can build an installer to make converting and installing the files easier (I can make an installer but it wouldn't be able to convert the original DS1 resource files like we need).
In the meantime I hope anyone who downloads this Beta has fun, lets us know if they find things broken, missing, etc and if they know how to fix things (see the long log of such things in the readme) can do so if they have time. Anyone who contributes will be recognised in the release version.
Just been trying a few things to polish off the maps, with a lot of trial and error I've got simplistic NIS sequences worked out;
I've also tried and discarded DS2 tuning system for the maps, at least for Kingdom of Ehb, it may work well with the Utraean Peninsula. It sounded far better in theory than the actual implemention, even with a lot of fiddling to get spawn rates right.
Finally I made a mini-mod to implement Cat Mansion Characters for the Maps;

It also enables the dwarf models for Gloern and Stonepick. Just waiting to hear from Bare_Elf and maybe PhoeniX to see if they actually work in-game before releasing it. I've only tested it in a mini-map so far.
Iryan the Cat Mansion Girls along with Stonepick and Gloern work just fine. It seems that the girls can wear any of the DS2 armor and Also the DS2 Type6 armor (works exactly like the type1 DS1 armor for Cat Mansion girls)as it uses the custom cat mansion girl meshes. Thank you Iryan the game looks normal again
Here are images of the girls and two minor bugs in the EHB map.
It appears I've accidentally stepped on PhoeniX's toes a little as he already has a similar mod out;
I've been so busy that I've not checked beforehand. Last time I looked through the mods there wasn't anything but he's also updated his banter icons as well.
PhoeniX's mod works for the DS2 and Broken World maps however it does not work with the EHB and other DS1 Maps. So I believe both are necessary to play all the maps Iryan.
It appears that the enchantress does not work, in fact one can not even speak to her. Here is a screen shot of her not working.
One of the 'easiest' NIS I remember is the NIS showing the back entrance of the Hak'u cave (act 1, in the jungle to the Elven Shrine), but perhaps there are even simpler examples in DS2.
In case of radar problems due to large frustum heights additional fade triggers need to be added to hide the lower/upper region.
Unfortunately I don't know another work-around. Maybe a second elevator gizmo/'engine' would help (so each end of the elevator has one, assumed the platform is natively stitched anyhow with the tube node).
As a debugging hint, you may open your inventory and press Ctrl+Alt before you click on a potion. The potion will drop then, and the screen name of health potions will show the location, mana potions would tell you the current mood.
I had just picked up Phaedriel south of the traveler camp and continued south when something odd happened.
A screen for quest completed popped up however I had not completed any quest for a while. I checked the book icon that shows a ! when a quest is completed and there was no ! on the icon. Here is a screen shot of it. This does not cause a problem with game play I just found it odd that a trigger for a completed quest was here.
I still have the files also in my universal test mod with templates that are tanked at max priority so that is probably why they work for me. :?
As long as we have a working mod from Iryan, we are in good shape though.
Not sure how many are this way, but I saved my game and exited after I reached the Lang region and when I reloaded I was at the Trapper Camp.
Ran back to Lang and ensured I had actually enabled the save point then saved and exited game. Still the same results.
And kept thinking something was missing, but could not put my finger on it. Finally I realized the maps were missing the soundtracks, they had gotten lost somewhere between builds.
I retanked the DS1 music files and renamed from s_m_ to s_mu_, then did a mass replace for the moods1.gas because DS2 re-uses some of the music files and the music is back.
Will be doing the radar for Goblin Warrens, Pit of Despair and the final area beneath Hiroth. Had Goblin Warrens done on old computer that motherboard went out on and thought I had released that last year.
A bit to think about there, thanks.
Not sure why the save isn't working there. I checked the templates and they look okay and it saved fine for me during testing. Let me know if you strike anymore of these. I will be replacing the save points with proper teleports like in DS2 in the next release as it fits the Utraean Peninsula well.
The music should be working as Killergremal re-enabled DS1 Sound support in the namingkey200.nkk, it did work for me. That's why I didn't include them or convert them to save on download size.
Taking that in consideration, the monster sounds and voices DIDN'T work for me though they should have.
Is anyone else noticing the same issues?
Thanks, it's really simple but helps enormously with the presentation of the map, especially with setting up the story. I hope to include a lot more at various points to try to enhance the storytelling aspect and key points of the map. For the Utraean Peninsula I can borrow my old setup from LOU.
I actually based the NIS flick on the soulshard encounter in the Insect Queen's Cave when Pedro, one of Vix's squad, is converted before the player's eye. Just before he's converted, Pedro tries the warn the party.
While it's certainly possible to recreate all of the Kingdom of Ehb's NIS sequences with flick, the triggers are extremely fickle and easily disrupted by other trigger's, etc. I had to move the player's starting position and adjust the camera's and cmd_run_flick command around until it suddenly clicked and worked!
I didn't encounter that bug but then I have the quest dialog prompt turned off in-game. I did discover a rogue cmd_auto_save that I haven't removed in that region so I think it's carried over from one of the previous quests that you've completed. I'll also check the enchantress as well.
Start positions won't update automatically, there is a on a trigger with the same name, for convenience the player's stash/chest did update the start position as well on my Utrae version.
So there may be many references to start group IDs on a map that need to be updated manually if the IDs get changed for any reason.
I've made an updated moods file using the mixed naming scheme for MP3 files. I'm going to forward it to you ... soon.
The mp3 files are referenced in the templates, but the actual mp3 files are missing from any of the current resources.
Indeed the MP3 sound files are referenced in the moods (mood templates), the files themselves are provided by the Sound.dsres from DS1 - so did you convert this resource tank for DS2 (as you did with the objects tank) ?
I had not converted them before because they used to be included, and I missed them being added to the list of required conversions.
I am just glad all maps use the same resources now.
I finished the EHB map without finding any additional bugs, spiders and dragons yes but no bugs.
So I decided to visit Yesterhaven where I had not been in what seems like centuries. When I got to the Broken Crypts while looking for the Undertaker I found Maid Gwendolyn. However I was not able to speak to her and thus could not complete the quest.
I think if I remember correctly, you have to get closer before she will respond. Takes some clicking as the area is very tricky to maneuver in.
I will walk back to where Gwen is and have a look see if getting closer helps. So I went back two saves and reloaded the map and discovered that beyond the white line in the image I could not go.
Maid Gwendolyn is suppose to be in the room behind her but I had to move her because that room became impassable for some reason. When I tested the map (on two separate play throughs) I was able to speak to her but obviously there can still be issues. So I can either move her again or try to solve the impassable room problem (there's suppose to be some enemies in the room too but I had to remove them as they were stuck).
The impassable room is very similar to the bug PhoeniX found in the ramparts in LOA but I checked for anything that may cause blocking errors but couldn't find anything.
Strangely the very first time I built Yesterhaven in SE2, the problem disappeared in one playthrough but after further editing in other areas it reappeared again.
Any help in solving this issue would be appreciated.
I've just updated the content pack (again).
While Alpha 10b was a an essential update for the addon/v2.3 (to fix some doors) 10c is rather a technical update now.
Alpha 10c will provide some (useful!?) content to open a teleportation portal at the session start to travel back to a remote location.
Currently a special type of lever has to be placed on such a remote location to mark it (and to save location and mood). I've prepared some 'extra ordinary' levers the player hopefully will associate with teleportation anyhow:
- lever_portal_stencil
- lever_portal_statue
- lever_portal_globe
- lever_portal_flag
- lever_portal_tiki (=> ok, this rather looks funny than TP-like ;))
Right now there is only a light ray effect on these levers, but a decal or any other effect certainly would accentuate it even better.
Actually there is no real need to use levers here, the data saving component is quite flexible so an area trigger would work too, finally however the player should become aware of the opportunity that this is a custom/simple save point (resurrection and regular town portal are not affected) he directly can return in the next session if he likes.