While the previous 'seizure' isn't really over (and related on content we rather should say: as consequence of it) i have been touched by another 'mapping seizure'. This time however, i didn't use the SE2 (so far), it's not really tuned to handle DS1, and this is what i did. 

The following mods are published based on the DS1 Modding EULA and Modding EULA from DS2.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map, Alpha 10 (82.7mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map Update, Alpha 10q (1.6mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Additional remarks:
- Please respect the initial release notes and also the notes in the 'ReadMe' files about the changes meanwhile.
- You also may like to check out Iryan's forum thread for additional map resources.
There is now also a Diabloish Map for DS2, Beta 2 e (16.4MB, for DS2 v2.2 ReadMe):

Compared to Beta 1 there are now some more NPCs, a shop with enchantable items only, two heroes to hire, better dungeon loading/fading, and instead of remote start positions now 'session portals' are available to let you always restart in Tristram and to take you back into the dungeons when you like to depart.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact Dr. Smooth aka James Lang so far (e-mail account still seems to be valid, but there was no reply) to ask him what he thinks about before investing more time in this map.
Thanks for your tests!
During my own (limited) tests I had no problem, but due to the changes I feared something could turn out possibly as it shouldn't be. :o
When you disable the Level Adjustment mod, what levels do the monsters have!?
So some monsters did not adjust their levels?
Does with happen always, sometimes, or only in a few situation (locally, or always on the same type of monsters)?
What was the average level of your party?
If you like to know, one of the key changes in Beta 5a is that there is only one omni-present game object to adjust all monsters.
This objects will be pretty stressed handling all these requests, the main advantage however is that a monster itself doesn't need to carry all the adjustment functions.
Just started testing right before Dwarven Mines and all monsters (Krug Shaman, Krug Guard and Krug Dog) were appearing sometimes without level adjustment.
My party was level 30.
Edit: Darkling, Scorpion, Rock Beast and Klaw also appearing not adjusted so it isn't just Krug.
If others aren't having problems I may have a file running in the background that is doing it. I will check.
There's definitely an issue with beta5a. Most monsters are fine but occasionally you run into this;

I checked the templates and sure enough 60 is the base level in the template. So sometimes your omni gizmo misses a monster, not a big deal if the monster's base level is less than your party but a killer if it's more than 3 times the mean level of your party. My party was level 17 here and they stand no chance even against a phrak when it's level 60!
Concerning the Beta 5a of the Level Adjustment mod, is this 'adjustment failure' completely random?
Does this happen too with a one-man party, or with smaller party?
Perhaps it's an addon-related matter too anyhow, I only did a few tests in v2.3/bw...
If somebody of you has got already a 'Rune of Mending', can it force the monster to get an acceptable level?
However if I can't find any clear reason I still can return to the old method, some higher memory load but it never missed a monster.
Monsters affected seem to be just random, maybe 10% or so of any monster template gets missed. I got the Rune of Mending from Erthos and still ran into the problem.
10% is actually quite a lot for a matter I can't reproduce so far... :o
I guess you know that this rune has to be outside of your inventory to be functional!(?)
However, the rune uses a slighty different check which could give some clues what went wrong and where.
Still not adjusting.
If you start a new game in Ehb, you should run into at least 1 if not 3 or more that do not adjust before you get to Edgaar's Cellar. :?
You are right PhoeniX. I took a new character into EHB and quickly encountered several monsters Krug and otherwise that where not adjusting to my character level but sitting at around 50 or 60. On the other hand when I take a party that is 60 or above it seems I do not run into this problem. So it appears that monsters will adjust upward from their base level to match your party, but they are unable to adjust downward so that they are of a similar level to the very low level character or party. Maybe if the monsters all had a starting level close to what a base level character starts at then they could adjust upward along with your party. PhoeniX you might wish to build a higher level party like level 60+ just to see if things work like they worked for me.
Interesting observation. If necessary I could adjust the base levels of all monsters in DS1_Logic down to a very low number so it would force upward scaling if it would help. The only reason they're like they are was the way I originally created the templates though a lot of copying and pasting to save time.
Another way to test would be to enable the MonsterLevelAdjust Mod in DS2 with this highly experimental mod; http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS2BW_Monster_Level_Adjust_Mod.ds2res
If you then played with a party above level 10 or so you would get a good indication of the upward progression of beta5a.
#UPDATE# Trying my own suggestion I found that about 5% of the Haku around Eirulan are still at their base levels of 3 or 4 while the rest were scaled up to my party's level of 16. So the bug effects both upward and downward scaling of the monsters. So maybe KillerGremal may have to resort to the old method of level adjustment.
There's now Beta 5 b of the Level Adjustment mod, using the former adjustment method again.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Beta 5a seemed to have caused more problems than assumed.
Here's a small mod that enables Monster Level Adjustment support for DS2 and Broken World
Requires the Level Adjustment Mod found at the start of the thread. Place into the DS2 or BW resources folder.
Monsters and loot containers will now level up with you, even if you played other maps (ie the DS1 converted ones) and are a high level (normally DS2 won't let you play Veteran or Elite levels until you beat Mercenary). So rather than continuously replaying the same map/s to get to really high levels like 90-100, you could start the converted DS1 maps and then continue the campaign in chronological order.
Even though this small mod is designed to support the DS1 Map project, there's still some benefits (or maybe not) if you still want to play DS2 and Broken World with a new character. The main benefit is that if you return to previously completed areas (which is required for some quests) then the respawning monsters will now be at your level (goodbye blue & green monsters). This also fixes the couple of occasions it was possible to encounter red or orange monsters as part of the normal progression of the game. The tutorial is also bypassed and shops will sell veteran and elite items even in mercenary mode.
However it's very much an alpha as it hasn't been tested past the first act (greillyn island up to where you recruit Taar). Though there shouldn't be too many major bugs there are some issues that may appear.
- Taar, Finala, Yoren, Ressa and Celebhrel won't level up when recruited unless you're at least 20 levels above their base level (this is because their talk flicks are so complex).
- Magic based attacks of the bosses haven't been tested though they should now scale in power (otherwise the bosses would be easier to defeat than regular monsters at higher levels - they would have high health but their attacks wouldn't harm you).
If anyone tests this mod out please let me know of any issues. Thanks.
Started a test and found there is a compatibility issue with Hotfix/Aranna Legacy because of the spells.
Yes you would be absolutely correct about that. It would also be incompatible with anything that changes the base monster DS2 or BW spells like the Hotfix does.
However looking at the way the Hotfix/Aranna Legacy templates are set out I may be able to bypass the issue. KillerGremal's mod doesn't alter any of the bosses' spells, at least in the version I have (I'll have to download the current version to double check). He also places them into unique gas containers. So if I just place the boss spells into an unique gas container like say spl_scaled_boss.gas, then theoretically there'll be no conflict with the spells.
Unfortunately the Hotfix/Aranna Legacy mod also modifies two boss templates like this mod does, archmage.gas and mage_triple,gas in actor b folder. Have to take my chances with overriding these two. I'm sure if there's any major problems, KillerGremal will help to resolve them.
So I'll cook up a quick fix, test it to see if it works and post it here soon, I hope.
Thanks for the report.
UPDATE# Here's the fix; http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS2BW_Monster_Level_Adjust_Mod_Alpha_1b.zip
The cause of the problem is that several of the bosses spells have been converted for use by the player in Aranna Legacy! Specifically 9 spells used by the Archmage and his cronies. Thus the incompatibility.
For this quickfix I moved all the boss spells not changed in the Aranna Legacy Mod into their own gas container. Regular monster spells are untouched now. However the Archmage and his cronies will now be wimps as I disabled the changes made to their templates in order to maintain compatibility for the time being. Will have to discuss with KillerGremal how to handle the changes made so that the mod will remain compatible with both Aranna Legacy modded games and vanilla games.
@Iryan: Thanks for your efforts. I will look at this matter as soon a possible.
Perhaps a work-around can directly be added to the Level Adjustment mod so all monsters (even the quest/act bosses) are supported independent from the existence of the Hotfix or Aranna Legacy mod.
There's two aspects that need to be taken into consideration for the bosses. One is that their health and attack is generally specified at a set figure, overriding the inherited properties. The other is that their spells are also generally set at a certain figure in either [attack] or [magic] blocks.
If the Level Adjustment Mod could be modified to act on those set figures then it would indeed be great as the bosses and their spells would scale up appropriately with adjusted levels.
So I played through Kingdom of Ehb, and now through Yesterhaven. But alas, just at the end there seems to be a lever missing or something. Is there a quickfix for this, any mods that might be the cause of this?
Picture of elevator at the end right before fighting the Fire King(Citadel of Ash - Yesterhaven)
Picture of my installed mods
NOTE: While playing through DSII, the default map, there was a similar problem. The lever, connecting Azunite Burial Catacombs and Azunite Burial Grounds, was missing. (yes I did the little puzzle correctly) So I couldn't continue, not a big deal since it's only mid-game (could start over), however the yesterhaven-case is a little agitating :s
Hi Kruglover
I have played through all of the converted maps at least 3 times and I never had an issue with that elevator. I will have a look to see if there are any differences between the revisions of the files you are running and I am running or if there might be any missing files. Give me a day or two please since I am busy with things occurring in the real world
@KrugLover: Sadly placement issues for levers are not really unknown, in context with DS1=>DS2 portations.
Thanks for the screen shots, they help a lot, however it would help even more with some position data.
So with the mods installed currently, try this once: Open your hero's inventory, keep Alt+Ctrl pressed, then right-click a health potion.
The elevator at that location in yesterhaven has always worked for me.
Here is a list of the mods I have in my DS2 resources folder that are necessary for running the converted maps. It should be noted that I have other mods installed in the resources folders for DS2 and BW however they are not required to run the converted maps. If I recall that elevator is quest dependent have you finished the quest related to the fire king?
The problem is associated with lever_glb_06, DS2 has problems positioning it in the correct spot. Originally you would find it floating in the air. It was fixed with the continuing revisions of the mod (by painstakingly readjusting the position of every lever in SE2).
Somehow it positioning has been messed up again. Thanks very much for the list of mods you're using, it helps a lot. The only mod there that may be causing the issue is BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy as the mod hasn't been tested with it. However I can't see why that would be so. I assume you have no mods in the DS2 resources folder? They would influence what happens in Broken World.
For KillerGremal the lever in question can be found in the interactive.gas of region fk_04_df. There's actually 5 of them and I assume that all would suffer the same problem. I would also assume that all similar levers in Kingdom of Ehb, Legends of Aranna and the Utraean Peninsula would also be effected. It's disturbing though that you had a problem in the DS2 campaign, this lever isn't used at all in DS2.
The good news is that you would probably be able to continue playing without any issues once a fix is applied/found. Just warp to the portal conveniently located at the start of the fortress. DS2 is good in that way. If KillerGremal has no suggestions I can provide you with an experimental patch that simply restores the original values of the levers. The worst that may occur is that you find them floating in the air.
So for the Fire King, I did complete all the quests. Just to be sure I went through the entire map again, with a different character on highspeed. Also making sure I did all the quests correctly, speaking about 3 times to every important NPC. Yet I have the same problem, no lever at the Fire King.
I don't know why I didn't post the screenshot from inside the Azunite Burial Grounds, but here it is, with the ctrl+alt location thingy you asked.
If it's not too much trouble I would like to try the patch. If you can figure out a leverfix here, I'm sure some people will find this a useful patch.
Also, how do I warp to the next portal? Yes I really don't know.
@KrugLover: Thanks for your screen shot anyway, it's a (famous) quest location so no problem to refind this place.
There you have to do first the '4 lever quest' by moving/turning these 4 oblisques into the correct position.
As soon as the 'icon combination' is OK the lever for the elevator will appear during a NIS:
I've replayed this with the Aranna Legacy mod (alone), so if the lever doesn't appear after solving the quest we must see on.
Yes I know the puzzle, I'm familiar with it, played through mercenary a dozen times. I did the puzzle, the elevator came up, I had the cutscene, just no lever, yup. If I could just reload the cutscene, maybe it would load the lever correctly. idk.
However I think the lever could be there, just ~1m below ground inside the wall/tube. Try once to check the screen/space with your mouse, perhaps the mouse cursor/icon will change.
@Iryan: This DS1=>DS2 lever issue is really strange. As work-around I've thought it would be a good idea to create 'DS1 variants' for DS2. That's why you will find in my content mod for example a 'lever_glb_06_ds1' (using the DS1 mesh, renamed+added too), in order not to mix DS1 meshes with DS2 placement data (or vice-versa).
Unfortunately this approach didn't work sometimes, specially when a region is opened+saved in the Siege Editor which seems to have its own intransparent way to face this matter.
Yeh I tried that as well, seeing as there are some invisible vertical levers (on the wall, not the ground), but I can still activate those, no problem. All other levers are in place, it's just the one before the Fire King that is just completely missing, and the one in the Aznite Burial Grounds.
Anyway, if someone can explain me how to warp to the next portal or teleporter. So I can bypass the lever.
As for the Fire King, i'll just have to deal with it. Maybe import the savegame on my other computer to see if the lever is their without mods installed. This will show if it's the mods or just the savegame.
About the vertical levers, it's always the same kind of lever, special rooms in Cyrstwind Mines, Spider Dungeon right after Stonebridge, Goblin Warrens. But those levers do work with the hover option, they are just invisible, but PRESENT.
@ Iryan

I decided to take a few hours off from testing Adepts 2 and verify that the elevators in the Yesterhaven Citidal of Ash where still working for me. They worked just fine, true the button is a bit difficult to find on the elevator near the fire king but once I found it I made it out to the elevator with the normal lever that leads to the Yesterhaven Ruins. I did run the test using the broken world start from Elys Succubuss Manager.
Here are a few screen shots of the location of the button/lever/switch for the elevators in the Citidal of Ash (the Fire King's house).
If the levers are not there in your version reference my list of mods in previous post and remove the ones from yours that are not part of the list one at a time to see which one is causing the issue.
So, I didn't know this was possible but it's savegame related. My guess is that the lever is connected to the cutscene, activated by triggering the 4 pillars into place. Due to a corruption/bug/glitch/anything the lever just didn't load. It's just to bad I don't have a backup from a few days before.
Anyway here's the things I did to come to this conclusion.
1. I re-installed DS1 + expansion, DSII + expansion, loaded the safe game, still no lever. Did it with another character and the lever was present.
2. Put 2 savegames(including the corrupted one) on my other computer. Which never had mods installed, just the game. Just to be sure it's not my computer, or something left behind, even if I did re-install. (you never know) Same problem as no.1, First savegame didn't show the lever, second one did.
3. Downloaded and installed all the mods on both computers. Because maybe the savegame needs some of the mods, because I almost never play without them, you never know! SAME PROBLEM.
So my questions:
a. Is the lever connected to the cutscene? Is it possible just because of that?
b. Is there a way to fix it?
c. Please explain to me how to warp to the next portal. I can deal with not killing the fireking, but I want to play DS2 beyond the Catacombs.
About the lever in the Citadel of Ash, same problem as on the DS2 map. Corrupt savegame has no lever, other savegame does have a lever.
My conclusion, I somehow screwed up my savegame.
It is very possible that a damaged savegame could cause the problem.
Your question A. which game are you speaking of Yesterhaven or DS2
Your question B. same as A
Your question C. Not really. but you could send me your saved game for DS2 and I could try it. Check your inbox for how to do that.
Savegame corruption is always possible. I know I've had characters warp into others and even had my main character disappear.
Anyhow to answer your questions;
a) Yes the lever is there but is initially invisible and unusable (I checked it out in the editor). Once the NIS cutscene finishes it's suppose to change its state to visible and usable.
b) In your current game probably not. Though theoretically its possible to remove the trigger coding to the lever and make it into a regular one. That's a bit beyond my knowledge level I'm afraid.
c) Here's a hack that will enable you to warp to the next portal (Snowhaven valley?) from the portal just before where you're stuck. http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/DS2_Azunai_Tomb_Hack.ds2res
I've tested it and it works (I hacked the portal at Eirulan so my low level party could warp to the Azunai Catacombs' portal and then used it to warp to Snowhaven valley. Thank god I'm using the monster_level_adjust mod or my party would have been wiped out in an instant!). However you'll miss out on recruiting Princess Eva unfortunately. I fought my way backwards into the Azunai Burial Grounds but the door that Princess Eva opens for you is stuck. I was going to remove the door but found out in the editor that it's actually a node scripted to fade once triggered by Princess Eva. So again that's beyond my knowledge to fix. Sorry.
Yes I'm going to try this, thank you for doing this. I don't really need Eva since I already have a melee tank. My initial goal was to play the expansion anyway, so snowbrook is fine.
Ty ty ty
(I'm going to look into it myself, I'm probably not able to do anything since I know nothing of these scripts. I do know a little programming in some languages so maybe, just maybe that'll help me.)