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Giovanna_del_Arco's blog

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

People & Places

Here are a couple of semi-random screenshots. In the image can be seen my only pet (aside from several packmules), a Dark Naiad (she's now a young adult, simply from feeding on excess treasure, because I've never taken her out adventuring), my current Dryad character, the Innkeeper in Dalrathia, and my summoned Forest Golem.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

A Couple of Screenies

Here are a couple of screenshots from last night's gameplay. I got the attached file after slaying the Archmage in Elite (I hate those death magic spheres that come out of the obelisks when he targets them). The shot of the fountain was just something I noticed when I was passing by there on the way to finish the Lore of Aranna quest and thought it would make a nic pic.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Qatall Runecaster

This is what I think the image on the floor in the "Qatall Artwork, Anyone?" entry looks like.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Qatall Artwork, Anyone?

This image shows something in the floor inside Lower Zaramoth's Horns which looks to me like a stylized Qatall (to the "northeast" of my character). Okay, you're maybe saying "Giovanna's got a vivid imagination," so I've attached a file in which I tried to draw attention to why I think so (forgive my crude attempts to emphasize the lines with my primitive software).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Valdis' Standard

Here are a couple of versions of Valdis' standard, for comparison with the previous blog entry image and attached file.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Zaramoth's Horns Art/Fossil?

Okay, I finally found what I was talking about in an outside area of Zaramoth's Horns. It looks a little different that I remember it looking on my old computer, but maybe I am just not remembering it correctly. Anyway, it's an interesting image, whatever it may be. I suspect that it either provided inspiration for the standard of Valdis' forces, or was inspired by that standard (speaking in in-game, in-character terms). Of course, Valdis' standard could instead have been an abstract image inspired by the statues of Zaramoth.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Talon & Elandir

Here are a couple of screenies I thought were good, the one of Talon is aesthetically pleasant, and the one of Elandir is interesting for his legendary status.

I have a suspicion that the Agallans are more or less Frost Giants, while the Utgard are more or less Fire Giants.



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