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Giovanna_del_Arco's blog

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Is This the Rarest Non-Unique Enemy?

An encounter with one of these things seems to be even less frequent than an encounter with the "???" character. I could be mistaken, but encountering a Bone Minion seems to me to be the rarest encounter in the game, barring non-unique opponents.

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Cinbri Vestments

Here's a shot of Lothar in the "Cinbri Vestments" Set.

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Probably Not Skath Artwork

Here's the image of the carving from the Northern Desert of Kaderak. Any other theories as to who carved it? I've abandoned my original view of it as Skath in origin, and tentatively hypothesized that it could be ancient Agallan or even Veranskian. I'm more sure of my opinion that it is intended to represent some Divinity.

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Unique Raven and Unique Woven

The attached image is an older one, when I still had a complete collection of Unique Raven gear (I seem to have gotten rid of the gloves accidentally, but otherwise I still have a complete set in this character's game). The attached file shows a complete collection of Unique Woven gear (which I discarded soon after getting it; as I said in a previous post, "that's an example in which the ordinary body armor looks better than the Unique, even with the addition of vibrant and bright coloring"). The screenie in the attached file also displays Arinth's Staff.

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Unique Mystic Complete

I finally got the "Harmony of All" Unique Mystic Helm, which completes my collection of Unique Mystic gear. The rest of the Unique Mystic gear looks very cool; the Helm is nice, but not as impressive as the other stuff. Having said that, however, I should note that I'm not very happy with the way that helmets in DS2 or BW look on female characters, nor am I very happy with the way DS1/LoA helmets look on female characters (although there are a couple of exceptions, those being the Raven Helm and the Parade Helmet, and both have color variations with different names).

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Skath Artwork

Here are a couple of shots that feature Skath artwork. The image is definitely artwork. The bones on the wall look like the Azunite symbol of Blindness and were probably done by the Skath in imitation thereof. The attached file is more doubtful, but it is too symmetrical to be accidental (unless it's just a coincidental result of the developers' work).

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Unique Mystic

Here is my current DS2/BW character (Aceria Rubra, a Dryad of Aman'Lu) in Unique Mystic garb: Nature's Avatar Mystic Armor, Growth of Ages Mystic Boots, Protector's Oath Mystic Gloves. I'm still looking for Harmony of All Mystic Helm, but since I'm already a couple of levels beyond the level required for use, it should turn up before much longer (or so I hope, anyway). She is also armed with the Archdruid's Station Yearling Staff, of course. These two screenshots are from somewhere in the Southern Vai'lutra Forest.



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