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Help in DS I

Too all that play this game, thanks for all your help.



Don't forget the best one of all. :dance1: Abstraction

Sharkull's picture

sjr wrote:
Don't forget the best one of all. :dance1: Abstraction

A completely unbiased opinion I'm sure...

I played the game last night and got to the caves of the Skull (?).
In the Town of Kroth there is a Dwarf that stands at the gate offering his
Services. He's about or the same as the Dwarf I have in Str., Dex, and Itel.
His melee is the same. So I elected to stick with my own little guy.

After finding the daughter in the caves she also offers her service ( but I wasn't ready for sex Varooop!!! ), but again she wasn't any better then what I had with me for Mages.

So is there any benfit to using those that offer?. Is that the way the game is designed?.

The NPC's you can hire are designed to match your party's level when you reach them. If you already have the right mix in your party then you won't want to hire anyone new, but if you want to adjust the balance, to add a mage instead of an archer, or vice versa, it's good to have the chance every so often. The ones you leave behind don't level up, so you need new opportunities as you move along.

You may also notice that the NPC hireables are specialists (at least at the beginning) with all their skills in one area. Your party members often have a second string skill that's useful in offering multiple approaches to the challenges you meet. E.g. the "everybody heals" discussed before.

When you encounter a new NPC, don't just compare them with the same types in the party. Think whether more ranged and less melee, more healing and less offense, or whatever other balance change, might benefit the party.

People have played the game with a party of all mules (except for the Hero), or all Mages, just to have a different playing experience, so NPC choice is always a good thing.

Sharkull's picture

Another thing to think about (when considering available NPC's) is replaying the game. Since you know what NPC's are going to be available later, you can plan ahead for their inclusion in your party by not "wasting" any experience points on characters you plan on replacing. This way you end up with a stronger party in the long run (i.e. the available experience is used effectively).

Thanks guys. I'm already looking forwardd to playing this over.

How many chapters in this game? I'm going on 7 right now.
As for Quests I think I sold the Holy Artifact to place on the Temple on the Altar in Chapter 5.
I missed another one in Chapter 6 but I'm going to go back get that one done.

Sharkull's picture

According to that walk-through I linked in earlier, there are 9 chapters.

Looking for Gregor. I have to tell him about the lost hunting party.

Where is he ?.

Sharkull's picture

IIRC, head backwards (the way you came from), and there are a couple cabins (Bonepicker's Post). One with a shop, and Gregor is in the other one.

Thanks again. Headed back.


How did I miss that shack. I remember talking to him ( Gregor )but forgot where he was.

OK, new deal. One of the quest is to reinforce Fort Kroth. I have been in and out of this fort several times. No one has asked me to do anything but go to the temple of the Skull ( or something like that ?). I have done that, found the woman.
My question is where is this Captain Tarish ?. I have killed the evil Nacromancer Gresh and yet the Reinforce The Fort is not done. What's up with that?. Is it linked with meeting Captain Tarish ?.

Sharkull's picture

He should be sitting in the center of the camp / fort... (not in one of the buildings).

OK, yes I have talked to him. I figured once I talked to the main man the quest book would light up and it is done. But going back he says to me

"We still got the problem with the Droog village".
Where the heck is that. I have wondered around near the place I killed the Nacromancer but nothing.
The road that leads up to the shack with the Bridge blown out or burned. It that anything ?.

Ok, I went back and found him, but I had talked to him before and I was expecting the Quest book to light up red and the Quest done. Except he keeps telling me

"We still have the problem with the Droog Village and your welcome to take a crack it". Where is the Droog village?. I have been in and out of the fort several times with no sign of a village.

I also do not know if this is significant of the Bridge burned out at the top of the Ridge ( with the building next to it ) hear the fort. It that just a dead end ?.

Ok, I went back and found him, but I had talked to him before and I was expecting the Quest book to light up red and the Quest done. Except he keeps telling me

"We still have the problem with the Droog Village and your welcome to take a crack it". Where is the Droog village?. I have been in and out of the fort several times with no sign of a village.

I also do not know if this is significant of the Bridge burned out at the top of the Ridge ( with the building next to it ) hear the fort. It that just a dead end ?.

Sharkull's picture

That bridge is a dead end, and the Droog village is quite a ways away... (through the caverns and along a deserty river...).

I have been to a catacomb Indian type village and all the Droogs are bowing to me. Is that the village? I was looking for the Castle Ebb. So what do I have to do there to get the good captain Tarish to say OK, quest done?

Sharkull's picture

You don't have to go back to the Captain. Just walk up to the Droog leader (in the village you describe) and it should trigger a quest update / speech (you might have to talk to him, I can't remember). There is a vendor there for selling loot / shopping too. After you do that there is a path to above the village, and your journey continues... (make sure you check out the dragon when you come to a fork in the road). Castle Ehb comes much later... don't worry about looking for it because you will run into it eventually.

Just got done killing the Ancient Dragon and on my way to Castle Ebb. Didn't lose anyone.

Thanks for the help.

I just entered the 9th chapter in the game. It's at the Castle Ebb.
I'm sure there is some Mundo killer boss at the end that will take out half of us.

It was a fun game. Took me awhile to get to it and to finish it but at least it's done now. Next I will take it up a notch to hard.
So is there another DS game out?.

Once you've finished DS1, there's a multiplayer map that you can actually do solo by starting a multiplayer game as host, but you don't get any hireables to play on your team in MP. Then there's Legends of Aranna, the official (i.e purchased) main expansion, or the smaller but free Yesterhaven. Then there are user-made mods like Lands of Hyperborea, Abstraction or Mageworld that are free add-ons to the base games. Each of those three is as long is the original game, and there are a lot more smaller ones.

And there's a Dungeon Siege II, with it's own expansion (Broken World), and mods to those...

You have several years of play to come.

P.S. Entering Castle Ehb is just the beginning of the end. The castle itself may be modest in size, but beneath it...

Thanks Gastley

I think I'm on the first or second level going down into the Dungeon for the Castle. I'm sure it's going to get nasty as I decend down.

Is there some place to sell all the stuff I have down there or do I have to go back to the Tribe people ?.

Sharkull's picture

nippaditty wrote:
Is there some place to sell all the stuff I have down there or do I have to go back to the Tribe people ?.

There is one more vendor... (in a jail cell).

Thanks Sharkull.

I hope it's soon. I keep throwing away stuff to make room for others. The Mule has a ton of stuff.

Sharkull's picture

nippaditty wrote:
I keep throwing away stuff to make room for others.

That's what the Transmute spell is for... converting the extra junk into gold.

Another valued hint. Thank you. I assume one of my magic
user has this spell ??.

I'm in a room that has cages that go up and down by pushing a botton on the floor. There is a small room that has the same set up but one goes up and down and the other will no longer work. What is up with that ???

Sharkull's picture

nippaditty wrote:
I'm in a room that has cages that go up and down by pushing a botton on the floor. There is a small room that has the same set up but one goes up and down and the other will no longer work. What is up with that ???

Those cages aren't important... one does have an interesting occupant ("Swammy", or something like that).

And you should have come across a Transmute spell very early in the game (it is a low level spell).

Well, I checked every spell I have and none of them change "Junk for Cash".
I did find the seller in a cell and sold to him. A Transmute spell is a Combat or Nature spell ?.

Now I'm up against a door that is stuck or jammed. I can see the Monsters inside. I also found a "Star Portal" (?) or something in the floor. It lights up when I run the cursor over it but does nothing. I'm not sure where the key is that someone gave me. I do not physically see it on my persons.

Transmute is Nature Magic.

The cellar/dungeon area is quite extensive, so I'm not sure where you are, and some of the areas are a sort of maze where you can only go through one path, so you'll be able to see through the bars but have to go the long way round to get to the other side.

The key to the Star Chamber is given to you when you find the right person, but that's usually happened before you reach the point where you use it. You may have to backtrack and collect it. Have you met anyone else other than the vendor? There should be at least one more significant NPC down there, and I'm not counting Swammy as he's a mini-boss monster.
