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Hotfix Mod / Aranna Legacy Mod

I hope nobody has something against when i'm opening here a thread about the Hotfix Mod resp. Aranna Legacy Mod, but GPG's garage forum has widely lost its clearness and reliability due the flood of spam there.

So this thread here is rather intended to catch (rescue?) all GPG 'fugitives' than to start a new modding offensive. So many years have passed since the game was released and personal priorities have changed since then partially too - however, for the time being smaller bugs or lacks (probably) still will be fixed.


Mod download:

Hotfix Mod, Beta 5p (22.3MB, for DS2 base version, ReadMe)

Aranna Legacy Mod, Alpha 4a (25.5MB, for DS2 Broken World addon, ReadMe)

Note maybe:
- The Aranna Legacy mod is basically the same as the Hotfix mod, but the Aranna Legacy mod
  contains some additional fixes and tunings specially for the Broken World addon (v2.3/BW).
- If you don't like to read the entire ReadMe file right now, there's also a shorter overview online.

herites wrote:

I've just installed Aranna Legacy, and the rending aura descriptions are in Latin, without any understandable description. Is this intentional, or this is a bug? If it's a bug how can I solve it? Thanks in advance (hope the forum isnt dead Smile )

While the spell title should be translated in your local language, the description itself is in latin - by intention, to make you curious in hope you will check the readme-files or the internet for further hints.

In the broader sense it's a translation matter, not only latin-english, generally about how the he Hotfix resp. the Aranna Legacy mod deals with the expressions that won't be translated automatically into one of the 20(?) distribution languages of the game.
The mod can't/doesn't translate itself, so latin is just used here as universal language (as DS2 natively did/used it with several chants), not to expand (mix up) an non-english installation by a further/thrid language.

Great work! I have a little bug to report:

Both the Snowbrook helmet and armor requires "feral wrath" for some reason, due to how often it shows up in stores, makes it a hard life for my warriors who have fewer things to choose from.

Keep up the great work, I hope to see more updates on this splendid mod soon!

Troggyman wrote:
Great work! I have a little bug to report:

Both the Snowbrook helmet and armor requires "feral wrath" for some reason, due to how often it shows up in stores, makes it a hard life for my warriors who have fewer things to choose from.


Snowbrook armor pieces have rather low class-specific (melee) requirements but they want you to spend ~1% of your total exp for nature magic by the requested skill point. Of course it may look quite demanding e.g. having a helmet for hero level 78 that requires 1 skill point in 'nurturing gift' and thus 24 nature magic levels. Nevertheless for a level 78 hero these 24 nature magic levels would absorb less than 0.5% of his total exp - that's approxiamtely 1 additional monster per 200.
And since it's possible to reset skills even in v2.2, (temporarily) spent skill points aren't really lost.

But if you like to get a concrete benefit of these magic levels besides of the armor, then just get a better magical spell book! Maybe you have an old rare spell book left from your mage(s), otherwise buy and enchantable spell book (the shop in the Azunite desert of act 1 often has one) - below nature/combat level 25 it offers 6-9 squares to enchant that would help you to fix the owner's weaknesses.

Why now these armors/helmets appear frequently in the shops - actually i can't say, they are part of the random item pool, and there is no direct/exclusive shop delivery for the default shops. Maybe it's only accidental because there aren't many other items to offer around the levels/requirements the Snowbrook pieces have. However the level/requirements are story-depending, so after the Snowbrook chapter they surely will appear less often in the shops.

Troggyman wrote:

Keep up the great work, I hope to see more updates on this splendid mod soon!

Actually there is an new mod update you probably don't have yet, however it's more of technical kind.

i cant get it work tried succubus, all* and toolkit and nothing... i remember hat was a instller on gsp forum dont remember the name, i think it was hanker chief unoffiial patch... but cant downoad it... im not stupid or omething but i can get it to work i rename it ... rename the ds2res...and nothng can some1 help T_T

same prob

arcanjozero wrote:
i cant get it work tried succubus, all* and toolkit and nothing... i remember hat was a instller on gsp forum dont remember the name, i think it was hanker chief unoffiial patch... but cant downoad it... im not stupid or omething but i can get it to work i rename it ... rename the ds2res...and nothng can some1 help T_T

If you intend to use the retail version of the game then you just have to click the link and save the mod file in the resource folder of your DS2 game installation. For this the file must finally have the extension *.ds2res (but this should be the case).
If there eventually is a previous version of the mod, then please delete the old mod file.
To proceed playing with your existing characters you have to install All*Saves or the Succubus Manager (which contains the All*Saves functionality).

This is the unofficial method how to use mods as recommended in the read-me, compared to the official method it's much easier to realize.


I have decided to replay this game after a long while and somewhere in the middle of ActII on Mercenary thought that I should try your mods. Aranna Legacy installed without any issues and I was was very excited initially until I noticed that the fights that were pretty challenging in the past have now become walk in the park. I must admit that I tinkered with walking speed (set it to 130), FOV (set it to 50) and I did buy fifth slot in my party to add Finala. Did this screw up the internal balancing of the game? I really want to have combat mage in my party but at the same time I am not ready to let go of the wolfie who I grew to mature size. If I would want leave these configurations intact, what would you recommend to use as counterbalancing to make game challenging again? Or should I just wait until I advance to Veteran to have that fifth slot filed up?

Anonymous wrote:

I have decided to replay this game after a long while and somewhere in the middle of ActII on Mercenary thought that I should try your mods. Aranna Legacy installed without any issues and I was was very excited initially until I noticed that the fights that were pretty challenging in the past have now become walk in the park. I must admit that I tinkered with walking speed (set it to 130), FOV (set it to 50) and I did buy fifth slot in my party to add Finala. Did this screw up the internal balancing of the game? I really want to have combat mage in my party but at the same time I am not ready to let go of the wolfie who I grew to mature size. If I would want leave these configurations intact, what would you recommend to use as counterbalancing to make game challenging again? Or should I just wait until I advance to Veteran to have that fifth slot filed up?

Increasing the (camera) sight doesn't directly affect the game balancing, the sight is rather restricted due to technical reason. Of course a larger fog distance gives you a strategic benefit, but also without this you already can 'see farther than (instantly) act' in most instances.

With an additional party member the monsters get about 20% more life and your party will gain levels slightly slower - that's a native game setting/procedure in DS2 to re-balance variable party sizes.
So a 5th party member in mercenary mode is probably a small combat facilitation only.

However the faster moving speed of ~6m/s now is a bit more critical related on the game balancing since you can enter or leave the attack ranges of the monsters notably faster than usual. In contrast to the human player most monsters only attack/react once in 2 seconds, have an average moving speed of ~3.3m/s and only can see/think across 15m.
In case you like your party to move faster just for convenience but you like to be closer to the original game experience too, then try once to increase the game speed instead - or combine both, eg. +10% game speed and +10% run speed.

Hello guys,

I have a problem downloading "Hotfix Mod Beta 4f" from "" the download link sents me to a "ReadMe/TankLog" file not to the mod. Could you please share it through any file hosting system (rapidshare, megaupload, etc.) or give me any link to the mod that works.

Thanks in advance for your help.

DJEK wrote:
Hello guys,

I have a problem downloading "Hotfix Mod Beta 4f" from "" the download link sents me to a "ReadMe/TankLog" file not to the mod. Could you please share it through any file hosting system (rapidshare, megaupload, etc.) or give me any link to the mod that works.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Well, it seems to work well (again)!? Leave a little message if not, then i must check it a bit more profound.

Always in such cases the exact time would be useful (related on GMT), so i eventually can complain myself since not all servers involved are from 'economic' free hosters.

I read through all the posts and did not see this problem mentioned but, my apologies if it has. While playing act III on multiplayer the game works fine until you get to the elunei islands. Once you get here the game will freeze if you aren't playing by yourself and you need to restart the game completely. It's not a crash as you can still save and exit seems more like extreme lag. Well, I played through the islands by myself and then tried the next part with my friends. However, upon taking the south exit out of the town the game again does the same thing, I have been using the hotfix since I started this character and it was working fine until act III.

I am using the retail version and have tried both the newest version along with older versions with the same result.

Juj wrote:
I read through all the posts and did not see this problem mentioned but, my apologies if it has. While playing act III on multiplayer the game works fine until you get to the elunei islands. Once you get here the game will freeze if you aren't playing by yourself and you need to restart the game completely. It's not a crash as you can still save and exit seems more like extreme lag. Well, I played through the islands by myself and then tried the next part with my friends. However, upon taking the south exit out of the town the game again does the same thing, I have been using the hotfix since I started this character and it was working fine until act III.

I am using the retail version and have tried both the newest version along with older versions with the same result.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, sadly i'm currently not able to launch real multiplayer tests (beyond code syntax checks).

So it would be help a lot if you can find a simple pattern to provoke this error - as specific as possible.
Screen shots would help too, as described above it doesn't seems probably that the error is really location related. The Elen'lu Isles are generally not affected by this mod. Aman'lu is affected by the mod though but improbable that something critical is triggered when leaving this area again).
It's more likely that errors depend on any actions, however not every action instantly has an effect too, sometimes there is a delay between making the whole situation quite intransparent.

Alternativey, if you like to do your own multiplayer test with your friend, you both also could play with DungeonSiege2Mod.exe from the toolkit. There will be a new installations folder, but resources and mods can remain where they are (auto-detected), although savegames have to be copied manually to the new "Dungeon Siege 2 Mod" folder within "My Documents / My Games", and you should start the games with the loadanysave parameter.
Benefit of this approach is that on server and on the client machine there will be "Logs" folders with the errors-computername.log file that eventually lists critical errors.

Problem with Broken World: In the Vault of Therayne, clicking certain lights to turn them off does nothing, so the quest cannot be completed. I have the updated Aranna Legacy mod, plus the War Hound pet mod.

Anonymous wrote:
Problem with Broken World: In the Vault of Therayne, clicking certain lights to turn them off does nothing, so the quest cannot be completed. I have the updated Aranna Legacy mod, plus the War Hound pet mod.

If you like, send me an e-mail with your savegame to warhound°support{Ã┼)hispeed°ch so i could take myself a vague look what is wrong. However remind maybe, there is no toolkit for v2.3/addon so it's usually quite complicated to trace bugs there. Sad


I've made a quick test this morning visiting the Vault of Therayne in mercenary mode, and i was able to activate/deactivate all stones resp. light beams from the first until the third quest. Also these quests seemed to react/trigger well, liberating Meraliss (F&K) and the caught monster boss was possible (while solving the third quest was too tricky *cough*).

Now this doesn't mean there are no bugs. As recent issues have shown, problems sometimes only appear in veteran or elite mode (for no evident reason), sadly i had no appropriate savegame to check out these quests in the these modes too.

Actually there is a knwon bug within the revised auto-casting AI affecting the 'Steal Magic' curse, so better try to avoid this spell currently (will be fixed in Alpha 2r).
Generally, the longer you play, the more probable is it that matters appear. So i recommend to do these quests as soon as possible after game start. As you know probably, the closest teleporter station is 'Western Vai'lutra Forest (North)', then just walk back southwards, the world map should show you the Vault entrance on the left/eastern side of the canyon/forest.

I moved and did not have the internet for sometime. I have not played this game for four month, but I did use the same saved game I had. I got to the point where you first come across Eva. The door was locked, I pressed the lever the door opened!

I seem to exit out of the game at that same spot everytime. Half the time it just would not open if I did not make it to the next save point. It's fixed now, and it worked for me.

If you recently experienced problems with auto-casting, the new version should (widely) fix it.

Since the number of buff slots is restricted, still a buff won't casted if the buff is considered to be useless for a hero and his current weapon selection (while offensive spells count as weapon, support spells like e.g. the ‘Town Portal’ will be ignored).
Sometimes even the class levels will be considered to decide if it could be pleasant to cast a buff on a nearby party member. However if you think this decision is wrong (i couldn't test all buffs with all hero/weapon combinations) feel free to post it.

mv.c9 wrote:
Hi, I am tracking Aranna Legacy Mod, and well, it been quite a long while.
lately ive encountered a problem in the "Secondary Quest: Treasure Hunting" for Part 2 in Broken World, is abt solving a puzzle by pressing some stones, unfortunately 2 of the stones cannot be touched, i try and click on them several times but the character wont move to touch it, but is totally fine with the others. in the picture i posted. "the Red circle are the ones I can't touch, and Yellow Ones are the ones that i need to touch in order to pass the puzzle ! can you help me ?!

I have just encountered this issue myself (running the lastest Alpha 2S version). I did as KillerGremel suggested, as moved the mod out and tried again. I didn't have any problems getting back in the game (which I wondered about, since I had the six characters in normal difficulty), but the long and short of it was the problem pillars were usable again. (I didn't bother to check if any of the later pillars had any similar issues in the next puzzles.) So, I finished that quest, saved, exited, stuck the mod back in and restarted, all with no problems. I'm thus reporting this as confirmation of what to do is anyone else has this problem. (Clearly, something is upset by the mod somewhere.)

Notably, though, this is the first time I've really noticed the mod at all, as the performance has otherwise been flawless with the rest of the game - I started afresh, not having played in a long time - didnt finish Broken World the first time, and I've played through the entire of DS up to this point in Broken World without any trouble. So, thanks for the effort KillerGremel!

(You wouldn't *believe* how long it took me to find this forum because I missed the link on the mod download page! *facepalm* I was to shakes away from trying to post on the German forum - which I'd found through Google...! At least I found the issue I was looking for had already been brought up once! Glaar... It's been that sort of day...!)

@AotrsCommander: Thanks for this confirmation, something must be evidentially wrong there... :o
Unfortunately i wasn't able to reproduce this bug myself, so if you still have a copy of the affected savegame and if you are able to reproduce this bug yourself, then please send it to: warhound°support{ot}hispeed°ch

I will try then to look for the reason. However this will be difficult, since there is neither a toolkit for v2.3/BW nor any error logs to check. Sad

About the workaround of temporarily removing the mod... - well, this should work but in some cases it may invalidate custom items too. Thus i would suggest to try first to keep the playtime as short as possible before you start this quest. Please see my recent post which teleporter is next to the Vault and where to go then.


Edit / Work-around:

Thanks to the savegames i have got i was able to reproduce this strange bug. Smile / Sad

Until now it's not really sure why two of nine stone pillars can't be selected. Luckily it doesn't seem to be a specific savegame problem, also there isn't probably any external negative effect on the quest logic as originally assumed.
However if you temporarily install the Object Highlightning Tuned Mod too then all stone pillars should be selectable again.

I must take a closer look why this mod helps to by-pass this problem. I have a vague assumption, still wondering though why only one part of the stone pillars is affected...

ray2010's picture

Hello,dose anyone still here?please help me
since I install Aranna Legacy Mod,I found that Vai'kesh Archer Boss its bow display error
did anyone meet the same problem?

ray2010's picture

ray2010 wrote:
Hello,dose anyone still here?please help me
since I install Aranna Legacy Mod,I found that Vai'kesh Archer Boss its bow display error
did anyone meet the same problem?

@ray2010: Thanks for the feedback!
I've taken a closer look at his bow and there's really something wrong with it. I guess there will be another mod version soon.

I can't download the hotfix mod. the window comes up but nothing downloads I dont know why can anyone help?

Panic wrote:
I can't download the hotfix mod. the window comes up but nothing downloads I dont know why can anyone help?

Sorry for inconvenience. Maybe there was a server hick-up. These free web space servers are not always reliable... Puzzled

At least now everything seems to work (again) as it should !(?)

Panic wrote:
I can't download the hotfix mod. the window comes up but nothing downloads I dont know why can anyone help?

If your browser is Internet Explorer, that may be the problem. I just tried on my friend's computer and could not get the downloads with IE but was able to get them when I installed Firefox as my web browser.

PhoeniX wrote:
Panic wrote:
I can't download the hotfix mod. the window comes up but nothing downloads I dont know why can anyone help?

If your browser is Internet Explorer, that may be the problem. I just tried on my friend's computer and could not get the downloads with IE but was able to get them when I installed Firefox as my web browser.

Indeed i rarely check the web site with IE 5/6/7/8/9. The HTML code used isn't that uncommon...
However i've changed now some pages details. I guess it will work now too with older/newer IEs, hopefully.

Hi! I'm using Aranna legacy for BW. I have founded some bugs:

Not related to Aranna Legacy:
- In the Deru's quest "Treasure hunt", we must found a key in a frozen cave. When we enter in the cave, we reach a closed door. Before we can open the door, Deru and Finala have a conversation. In one of the reply, the dialog box says that Deru is talking and also show the Deru's portrait, but instead Finala is talking!!

- When we open the inventory, we can see the progression of our skills and attribute. While the yellow bars of the skills work fine, the bars of the attribute remain near empty for the most of the time, then it fill up instantly when the attribute increase. Could you fix that? (I don't know if other people have this bug)

Aranna legacy related (they appear after installing it):
- When using the teleporter to travel from/to any activated teleporter, sometimes (10% of the travels) I get a CTD.

- If somebody is wounded (let say: 300/1000 HP) and I have a potion not big enough to heal it completely (example: small potion 300 HP), when I right-click on the potion (in the character inventory), sometimes the potion disappear without healing the character.

There's something wrong with the difficult.

Yesterday I was traveling in the snowbrook valley (just after killing the dark mage)
Just outside the crypt there's a teleporter.
I have activated it, killed many monsters without much problems, saved then closed the game.

Today I've loaded the game, play some rounds in the Amanlu arena, completed some secondary quests, then used the teleporter to continue the travel. I've encountered the same monsters I killed yesterday, but they became twice as strong!
Now they can kill (From life to death, without unconsciousness!!) my mages with a single hit and the archers with two hits! Before, they only were "dangerous" for my mages and archers, but now they are deadly!! Even my warriors dies with only 5-6 hits!

In my party there are:
- 2 warriors/fists of stone
- 2 archers/blood assassins
- 1 natural mage(combat magic as secondary skill)
- 1 combat mage (natural magic as secondary skill)

All my characters have powerful (even custom enchanted) armors, weapons, amulet and rings, and my mages cast mainly protective buffs.
And more important, I'm using a mod which give 4 skill points every level-up. So my party is more powerful than normal. But they die, even with cursed and weakened enemies!

How can it be!? The difficult is suddenly increased, or the monsters use drugs?

Updates/Fixes for Hotfix Mod Beta 4i and Aranna Legacy Mod Alpha 2t:

  • Problem with unreachable pillars in the Vault of Therayne solved (Aranna Legacy mod only).
  • Missing model added for revised bow of Vai'kesh Archer boss (Aranna Legacy mod only).
  • New type of spear added. They are all enchantable and look like a stretched wooden thorn. With some luck you also may find the 'Thorn of Pain' which is a dangerous unique spear for heroes with level 75 or higher.
  • Lack fixed in the party AI that prevented auto-casting in rampage mode if one of the party members was too far away.
  • Range for ranged attacks increases now automatically if aiming downwards, this is specially notable if the aiming direction is almost vertical.
  • For transmutation recipes needing '+xy Health' reagents now other health related reagents work too, however their effect is not as powerful.
  • Stats and requirements for several items slightly rebalanced.
  • Minor bug fixed for potion-increasing emanation of Scrub Boar pet.
  • The automatically re-opening town portal at session start (optional) was able to teleport away 'party-loyal' ambient NPCs. This bug has been fixed.
  • Wrong icon replaced for conversation between Finala and Deru near the Ice Cave in act 2 (thanks to Marco, see below).
  • Improved support for talking animations.
  • Missing sound file in DS2 has been replaced by an auxiliary sound file.




Marco wrote:
. . .
Today I've loaded the game, play some rounds in the Amanlu arena, completed some secondary quests, then used the teleporter to continue the travel. I've encountered the same monsters I killed yesterday, but they became twice as strong!
Now they can kill (From life to death, without unconsciousness!!) my mages with a single hit and the archers with two hits! Before, they only were "dangerous" for my mages and archers, but now they are deadly!! Even my warriors dies with only 5-6 hits!

. . .

All my characters have powerful (even custom enchanted) armors, weapons, amulet and rings, and my mages cast mainly protective buffs.
And more important, I'm using a mod which give 4 skill points every level-up. So my party is more powerful than normal. But they die, even with cursed and weakened enemies!

How can it be!? The difficult is suddenly increased, or the monsters use drugs?

Indirectly monsters profit too from the skill point reward per level, not with the same extent and in generic manner though.
It's a kind of partial self-balancing, and (sadly) also with the new version you may note this with a huge amount of additional skill points.


Marco wrote:

Not related to Aranna Legacy:
- In the Deru's quest "Treasure hunt", we must found a key in a frozen cave. When we enter in the cave, we reach a closed door. Before we can open the door, Deru and Finala have a conversation. In one of the reply, the dialog box says that Deru is talking and also show the Deru's portrait, but instead Finala is talking!!

Thanks, and fixed in last minute. Wink
However since the audio record is given, i've turned it this way that Finala is/remains talking with corresponding screen name and icon.


Marco wrote:

- When we open the inventory, we can see the progression of our skills and attribute. While the yellow bars of the skills work fine, the bars of the attribute remain near empty for the most of the time, then it fill up instantly when the attribute increase. Could you fix that? (I don't know if other people have this bug)

Hm, this could be tricky. It seemed to me that the yellow progress bars are internally calculated anywhere, not in the GUI itself...


Marco wrote:

Aranna legacy related (they appear after installing it):
- When using the teleporter to travel from/to any activated teleporter, sometimes (10% of the travels) I get a CTD.

I take notice of it with some care, but due to lack of a toolkit for v2.3/addon it's quite speculative what the reason could be... Sad


Marco wrote:

- If somebody is wounded (let say: 300/1000 HP) and I have a potion not big enough to heal it completely (example: small potion 300 HP), when I right-click on the potion (in the character inventory), sometimes the potion disappear without healing the character.

I already was informed about this, but thanks for mentioning the open inventory specially (that causes a higher CPU load due permanent stats recalculation).
So maybe this was a time-critical matter anyhow, however there are some related changes in the new mod version to prevent this.


About the CTD when using a teleporter:
When I activate the teleporter, it play the blue "star travel" animation, then the screen turn black, "Gathering exception data..." message appear, then crash.
The CTD never happen in Kalrathia. Now I'm start playing the BW map, and all run fine (for now). I start to think it only happen in Eirulan and Amanlù.
Also, I forgot to say: the CTDs happended also with the teleporter of "Summon teleport" spell.

I hope this can help you to find the problem.

KillerGremal wrote:
. . .
Marco wrote:

Aranna legacy related (they appear after installing it):
- When using the teleporter to travel from/to any activated teleporter, sometimes (10% of the travels) I get a CTD.

I take notice of it with some care, but due to lack of a toolkit for v2.3/addon it's quite speculative what the reason could be... Sad

. . .


Marco wrote:
About the CTD when using a teleporter:
When I activate the teleporter, it play the blue "star travel" animation, then the screen turn black, "Gathering exception data..." message appear, then crash.
The CTD never happen in Kalrathia. Now I'm start playing the BW map, and all run fine (for now). I start to think it only happen in Eirulan and Amanlù.
Also, I forgot to say: the CTDs happended also with the teleporter of "Summon teleport" spell.

I hope this can help you to find the problem.

Thanks. Due to your recent posts my first impression was it's eventually because of other mods that are incompatible, now since it doesn't seem to happen in/to Kalrathia, it's maybe something else, something what Kalrathia has but Eiruln and Amanlu not. Hmm...

Unfortunately i wasn't able so far to reproduce this bug myself. The time i'm spending in v2.3/addon is quite limited though...
Perhaps soembody else can confirm this bug or even deliver further hints what could cause it. Puzzled
