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Well, color me surprised and turn me into a newt..

Hmm... I haven't found any press releases that confirms it so we might have to hold on tight for a while... but...

Dungeon Siege 3 Announced

Check out he screenshots. Only 4 though. :/

It will be developed by Obsidian in cooperation with GPG.

More links.

Dungeon Siege III Coming To PS3, Xbox 360, And PC Care Of Square Enix

Obsidian does Dungeon Siege 3

So what do you think?

Sharkull's picture

Very interesting... good to see a bit of actual game-play footage. Thanks for the links! Smile

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

If we have Square Enix working on it, it should be either really good, or it will suck like Supreme Commander 2.

i like Dungeon Siege III's new website and eerie music it plays, not much on it yet though

They appear to have taken the worst aspect of DS2 and amplified it for DS3. My biggest complaint was that too many glows, flashes, drips and general "visual effects" crap was preventing me from playing the game because I couldn't see what I was doing.

And what's with the upside-down character in high heels? Not that I can see past the FX anyway. I think it's a character. It could be a lightning bug.

looking OK so far..


new trailer... dont look like we can customize our characters any more.

Sharkull's picture

I like the story premise better than DS2's though...

Have to play as a dude, the same dude! That alone pretty much kills my interest in this. The combat feels alot like it did in DS2, overpowered moves that clear entire mobs.

There seems to be other characters besides 'Lucas', at least three if you check the DS3 site. Lucas might be the main character though.

I myself like customizing my characters, but playing through a story with a set character isn't all bad either. It allows the authors to write a story that is more relevant to your character.

In the first game the main character was a redheaded girl who was called "The farmer" and is apparently later given the name 'the first Lady Montbarron'. She's on the cover of all the games. But you don't really know that she is the hero and you don't find out much about her in the games, which I think is a shame.

Obviously games like Tomb Raider are proof that fixed characters are viable for a game, but it's a different type of game when you do that.

The previous DS titles let you make a character of any available race and gender into any type of build, and that was a special feature of the series (together with the continuous world with no load screens). They backtracked a bit with pre-rolled characters as a shortcut into Broken World, which also added pre-biased races, but that didn't affect most players, who were continuing ones they made in DS2, and they were really only there to allow new players to jump in to the middle of a campaign. If DS3 is making that the only choice, then it's not really part of the series, it's a wholly different game with the same name. It could still be good, just different.

I won't object too much as long as there's a toolkit that lets me build other maps with my own stories. If I'm stuck with the story they wrote, and no others, then I won't like it. My worry is that Obsidian put emphasis on their story-making and don't really like the roll-your-own philosophy.

I'm doing mostly Oblivion modding these days, where I'm partly frustrated by the fixed (but extendable) map. At least I can make up my own characters and stories.

True, it will be different from the other DS games if you can only play fixed characters. I've just accepted that DS3 will be a lot different from DS2, just like DS2 was very different from DS1. It seems to me like the meta story and lushness of the environments are basically what ties the series together, and the hack-and-slash of course. Smile But not the way the games are played.

To me DS3 is just gonna be a new game that uses the meta story of the older games. I don't even expect it to be moddable. But if it is I'm gonna be very happy.

New videos Lord Gunderic Gameplay and Mire Hulk Horror Gameplay....looks incredibly.......different.....from previous games.

Sharkull's picture

Nice videos... looks more like Diablo than a DS game... right down to the Health / Mana orbs (vs. potions) being developed into Diablo3.

Pah, I thought I was watching Diablo III or something.

This video looks better than the previous ones, maybe they were for the XBox 360 version.
Katerina Vignette

Yes, that looks much better.

I hope the previous ones are from one of the console versions. If you watch this video they seem to show the co-op gameplay.

Hands-on video by G4. Tells us a little bit more than what we already knew.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I wonder if this will breath some life into the forums again...

Likely, not. That new video is a killing blow for anyone who loved the game for what it used to be. DS3 is a typical hack n' slash game now where individuals are more like demi-gods.

If I want that kind of gameplay I'll just stick with Diablo III. I loved the good old game where enemies were closely equal to your own party members, and if you didn't have healers you were good as raped.

Dark Horse has made a comic based on DS3, which introduces the first character. Seems you need an account to read the whole thing, and you have to pre-order DS3 om Walmart if you want it in print. More stories are coming. However, the story of the fourth character will apparently only be available in print. I haven't checked what the deal is for those of us outside the States.

the comic:

been playing the demo of ds3 so far, the hardcore mode is somewhat tough, got my first ally,

unfortunately the demo is only available on steam currently.

Is it a Dungeon Siege game, or something completely different with a DS label slapped on it?

IMO something completely different with a few references to Ehb and the 10th Legion thrown in for good measure. Gameplay and UI is very different from previous versions....and lags this computer something awful even at lowest graphic settings. lol

Calling something 'Dungeon Siege 3' rises many hopes and expectiations that this game doesn't really seem to fulfil... Sad

Did they eventually made a 'Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony 2' ?

It seems to me like the developers are trying to hard to reinvent the game. I did enjoy reading all the lore books, and I always enjoy leveling up a character so I did enjoy the demo. But I really missed the lush environment of the previous games, and how you could steer of the beaten path somewhat. Here you have to follow the roads and can't go into the forests to explore, at least in the demo. Oh, and I really disliked the controls.. Had I never played DS before they might have been fine but now I made so many errors when fighting.

I'm still getting it but I don't really think of it as a DS game, more along the lines of a game that is heavily influenced by the DS genre.

Ha! This is a complete dissapointment. There is no freedom or anything... im gunna go play ds1...

On further play discovered it is a W A S D movement and do not have to use the right mouse button to move, that makes it less "clunky" to maneuver. Don't know why the developers put the right-click and hold to move in the beginning tutorial tips.

Sure, but A and D also control the camera. But'll have to try playing with WASD again to see if that will work better for me.

I liked the whole stance thing though. Well not the controls, but it was fun to do a spin kick into the fray and then burn everyone.
