Submitted by J.D. on Fri, 2005-07-22 01:39 | ||
o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world? Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one! Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? forums: |
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Correct! - they are Nen and Kirani (who has a hat made of red leaves..) - don't you just love their make-up - these dryads sure are a pretty bunch!
## BTW - I found the Inventory mod I was looking for - it's by Carsten Lervad - you can get it at: www.spectromania.dk
A. My first game was with Oreanna as a Combat Mage - I looked after the elflings and the cats while she was away fighting...
...that game is now suspended - she has still to defeat Valdis himself - at the top of the mountain!
Second time round I'm using Hengist Podd, he's an archer - pretty good, too - at the moment he's hunting for the dryad exile colony to administer the potion against the plague - so far, I haven't used Lothar this time - I find that he throws the scale off from the "smaller" chars in the game.. I may pick him up later, though!
Q. What's the best way to defeat Valdis, I know it gonna involve those "eye" things, but do I lure him into the beams or what?
Oops,sorry - 'twas I!
Q, But what about Valdis... Oreanna hit him with all guns blazing and powers on Max
Spoilers (highlight below to read):
When you hit one of the eye's it starts opening up, and will release a nasty death beam after a couple seconds. Valdis needs to be hit by a beam multiple times (3-4?) and then an NIS will start. You can try to time the death beam if you want, but I find it easier to just get him to stand in front of one, then shoot the eye with a ranged attack and step out of the way.
What's your favorite DS2 pet?
well considering iuse 2 in my wrecking party a Dire Wolf named DeeOhGee and a dragon named ofcourse KillerMondoDude id say both
If you could live in an era what era would it be and why?
around the time of Robin Hood - Merry Olde England!
..when would YOU like to have lived??
Robin Hoods time was dirty dreadful and dangerous (100 years war) not a nice time to live but for me id live in Neandrathol times twas simple all you had to do was eat sleep and procreate
Whats the difference between Live, Life and Exist (Live is pronounced lihve not Lyve )
Many would say that this time isn't all that safe, either.. I just like the idea of being a herald singing the news in the shires..
In answer to your Q - live, life and exist - all seem to be rooted in the same area..
discounting faith in general, then nothing exists without us to witness it, so I guess we might all just exist to live life
Hey Dude, I've been reading your songs at Herena's place - you have talent..
Q What's your favourite drinking song? (OK, I'll give you 5 choices!)
TUb Thumping by ChumbaWumba
Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly
One Bourben One Scotch and A Beer By George Thourogood
Gin and Juice cover by Blues Traveler with Dave Matthews Band
Its Five Oclock Somewhere By Jimmy Buffet and Alan Jackson
5 very good drinkin songs and i left out the greatest drinking song ever " Lets get drunk and screw"
Why did i leave that song out?
I have no idea... (Hey! You left "Lager and Ale" out!!!).
When weebles wobble, why don't they fall down?
Its a question of weights and balances Weebles have a very light top and a very heavy bottom with the rounded bottom nomatter where the weeble is in place it tries to center on the low point balance
WHy is Physics a mental workout not a physical?
Sounds like you're asking about the difference between Physical Education and Physics class... Phys. Ed. is about practical physical exercises, and Physics is the scientific study of the rules / natural laws that govern the possibilities of practical physical exercises. Basically, Physics is a scientific pursuit of knowledge, therefore mental in nature (not physical). The physical world is just the topic of study.
Do you know anything about metaphysics?
Some. But I still haven't been able to figure out how to levitate.
Would it be cool to be able to levitate?
8O Hey, sol - check this one out...
levitation may not be that far off - when lasers were first invented they called it a solution waiting for a problem...
Arthur C Clarke once postulated a theory envisaging a space elevator linked to a satellite in geo-stationary orbit - sounds great, but the drag might be a problem - I suppose you could make it aerodynamic to cut down on drag - I dunno...
- what inventions have impressed you recently?
The invention that has impressed me the most would be the one i also take the most for granted and that would be the internet for without it i couldnt talk to you all
What was the least greatest invention in the past 100 years?
What was the least greatest invention in the past 100 years?
I have a list of them:
1. The waterproof towel.
2. The solar powered flashlight.
3. Submarine screen doors.
4. A dictionary index.
5. Powdered water.
6. Waterproof teabags.
7. Inflatable dartboards.
8. A book on "How to read"
9. The helicopter ejector seat.
10. Glow in the dark sunglasses.
11. Chocolate fireguard.
Now for a question for you to ponder....Hmmmm
Given that Dryads are all female, and they do not interbread with other pointy eared life forms. [I'm an elf so I know the truth of the statement - elves do not bread with any of the lower life forms, human, dwarf, dryad, etc.] Where do their children come from?
Where's the question?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?
(you know... this is the great Q&A thread...)
I don't know where Dryad kiddies come from but I bet the leaves don't fall far from the trees.
What kind of punishment do you think is appropriate for Savante having made a post in the Q&A thread without answering the previous question, nor asking another question for the next poster...? :P
HEAD KNIGHT: Firstly, you must find... another shrubbery!
[dramatic chord]
ARTHUR: Not another shrubbery!
HEAD KNIGHT: Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must
place it here beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you
get a two-level effect with a little path running down the middle.
RANDOM: A path! A path! Nee!
HEAD KNIGHT: Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must
cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!
[dramatic chord]
Is that appropriate punishment?
Ni! Ni! Ni!
(a classic movie)
Have you ever seen Monty Python and The Holy Grail?
of course
who didnt?
The dryads breed with the giants whom are all male ...
Geez get my head bit off *points warily at the nasty shark*
If smoking is so bad for you, why do so many famouse pipe-smokin' cigar gaggers live well past their 90s? and into the century-age. And so many famouse healthy people die of heart attacks...while jogging.
And in my defense, I didn't read the first page of this thread for the fine print...I just like wacking stuff with ma axe.
And for the graphically challenged, I'll interpret Sharkull's post for you:
Arrrgh! [Dwarf] Another post without a question!!! [I'm gonna wack ya]
LOL. How appropriate
and relax sheeesh.
Another post without a question!!! :bat:
Just joking... sorry if this came off angry. I had just posted earlier this weekend explaining the thread rules (after a different post without a question), and I forgot to add a " :P " here.
Is the concept of a Q&A thread too difficult to understand?
yes, there are 8 pages now and i still don't get it
can you see the hidden question?
Hey, Sharkull - Balderstrom has posed a question - see lines three and four.. huh, just like a dwarf to hide it!
Desperate Dan regularly smokes a dustbin full of rubbish through a drainpipe - and he lives on to this day - crikey, he must be old by now!
Shall I go to the top of the class? (..and leap off!!)
Yes, but don't leap off...
FB, yes.
My appologies to Balderstrom for the tone of my last post... it was not intended to be a flame at all, just a friendly poke in the ribs.
Should I be punished for a lack of friendly smilie use above?
Yes. But who should do it? I Vote for Angelina Jolie w/ a whip
Maybe we should start a poll? :twisted:
So do Sentences where you only add a questionmark to raise the lilt of the tone count as questions too?
Actually might be a little hard to get Jolie on short notice, maybe Bare Elf instead "?" (notice the lilting tone questionmark appended to a sentence)
8O OK with me!!!
All questions count (adding the "?" helps for reading
), and the only real additional rule is that you cannot ask a question that is impossible to answer (this is supposed to be fun after all...). :P
What make / model / colour of car would you buy (unlimited budget, but fitting within your current lifestyle)?
Subaru Legacy GT Limited Sedan, Obsidian Black Pearl (or Regal Blue Pearl)
What's your favorite song?
Of all time? Or just lately? ... lately
The Hand That Feeds, NIN :crazyevil:
Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you want to change it?
(Hmmm does each line of the song count as a question? LOL)
How about an easier one, favorite band of all time?
(Tom Cochrane/Red Rider)
#1 Pink Floyd
#2 Tool
#3 Modest Mouse
#4 Pearl Jam
And thrown inthe Mix somwhere is Portishead, Tricky, Judas Preist, Ted Nugent, Hird, Bazai Republic, Cotton Belly, Green Day, Three Doors Down, OLP (Our Lady peace), They might Be Giants, Alice in chains, The Bloodhound Gang, Thy Fighters of thy Foo, Les Claypool in all his incantations (Primus, Flying Frog Brigade ect), Massivve Attack, Nightmares on wax, Theivery Corp, Nirvana, Soundgarden, AudioSlave, Janes Addiction, Mozart, Yo Yo Ma, The Preidents of the United States of America, The dead Milkmen, Queens of the Stone Age, Reverand Horton Heat, Ministry, Rush, Sara Mcglaughlin, Susumu Harisowa, SOD, Talking heads, Van Morrison, Vinnie James, Ect ect
Is that enough??