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o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world?

Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one!

Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? Cool (that was a question BTW) forgot to include Franz Joseph Haydn, but don’t worry – I forgive you.

Haydn’s Quartet in D Minor, Op. 76 No. 2 (sometimes called “Fifths” or Quinten”) is particularly delightful, I defy anyone not to be amused by the wit and humour of the composition

What films have impressed you, recently?

Must a reply to a posted topic in the Off Topic Forum be on topic to any of the posts within that topic? :roll:

Strider978's picture

Yes, even though the forum is off-topic (off-DS) each post is in topic in its own way and therefore the posts must be on topic for that off-topic topic.

And you must answer the question beforehand before posting a on-topic post in this off-topic topic

Blondin's question stands...

Since my daughter is now 5years old my taste in movies has been reduced to kids movies and the best movie ive seen in a long time was Tim Burtons interpitation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was an all around damn good movie dealing with the values of family. Much better than "Barbie and the Pegasus" My daughter thinks there is nothing cooler than a pegasus.

Whats cooler than a pegasus? and add any good movie that is rescent so i know what to rent

A: An iced Pegasus... er, in the summer time!!
Q: er often do you go to the movies?

Hmm... maybe twice every year.

Have you started to mod DS2 yet?

'fraid not...
What's the best spelling in DS2?

the two i mainly used were lightning and fireball if you were immune to lightning fire would generally getcha and if you were immune to fire lightning would do the trick

Oh and i always kept the upgrade of multispark cause what it would do to the Zerg

How come within a crowd you can feel alone?

KillerMondoDude wrote:

How come within a crowd you can feel alone?

He who is proud,
stands free from the crowd...

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana 2. Nene 3. Nini 4. Nono - What is
the name of the fifth daughter...?

(someone else's question...)

Is this a biblical question, or is the answer mary?

How many avatars did I have over the past day before settling on this one? XD

18 to the power of 6

Its snowing here i love driving in snow at night as the snowflakes streak across your windshield, calling one to the beauty that can kill, ever vigilant against the snows hypnotic trance

Anyone else like that?

Sharkull's picture

I hate driving in the snow, and I don't really like driving at night either... Add the two together, and you get a deadly combination I try to avoid whenever I can.

Falling snow can be beautiful though... from the safe and warm confines of home. Smile

Has it snowed yet where you live?

briefly, with none of it sticking to the ground

what is your favorite smilie here? :gangster:

DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :crazyevil: :crazyevil: :crazyevil:

Does my fave smiley reflect my personality?

A: Let's see...

..oh yes, there is a definite similarity there..!!
-that's one "red-eye" problem that MS PhotoDraw just refuses to clean up...!! :woot:

Saw Sin City the other day - what a fabulous film..!!
Got Rosenrot - Rammstein's new CD as well - oh, what a joyous noise!!
Oh yeah, and I installed an FX6600GT (256mb) into elfling's PC - wow, what a difference it makes to DS2!!

Q: What hardware upgrades are you planning? ( ..or wishing for?)

yeah, yeah - I know.... sheeesh! 8O

Anonymous wrote:

Q: What hardware upgrades are you planning? ( ..or wishing for?)

A better motherboard and cpu.

Have you done something nice for someone else lately?

Ofcourse ive helped my family out and have helped my freinds/ schoolmates out and i did a most important thing thats incredibly difficult to do i shut up and just listened

Whats the most difficult thing youve ever done? (or are doing)

Not sure, but breaking up with my last girlfriend comes pretty close. Horrible experience.

When did you last get your hair cut?

Sharkull's picture

This past Tuesday.

What was your very first paying job?

Mowin lawns for 5 bucks

Answer me this riddle the hardest working or most fun jobs didnt pay jack but the jobs i hated paid really well. How come?

A: I guess you get paid more for those hateful jobs, because no-one would do them otherwise - but it's hard to find employment that's both enjoyable and that pays well - you're lucky if you get both!

Q: What item of clothing have you regularly worn for the longest time...??

Sharkull's picture

A black bomber style leather jacket I bought in high-school... It's a bit worn now, but still useful.

What's your favorite non-DS related computer game?

Got to be X3 The Reunion from Egosoft/Deep Silver..

Does anyone else here play X3 The Reunion?

Sharkull's picture

Not me...

Where did your user name here come from / how did you come up with it?

There was a Vid game in 84 that although sucked i mastered because of the 15 character limit on the name so i thought of the most original nomatter where i went in Nebraska and played the game people would know its me name

GreatGooglyOoglies It just rolls off the tongue

Kevbolicio Aol back in the day wouldnt let me pick kevbo without a buncha numbers behind it so i tried to put kevbolisciose and it didnt fit but kevbolicio did fit and i kept it

Howd ya Get your name? (Supplimentary question to be asked until everyone states their names origin )

Christmas or Holidays? and explain why

Sharkull's picture

My user name was derived from my University nickname (Land Shark... after an old TV show comedy skit). I think it was Baldur's Gate I was starting, and I wanted to pick a RPGish name, and there was a cheesy Kevin Sorbo movie being advertised named Kull the Conquerer (or something like that... never seen it). Shark + Kull = ... Laughing out loud

Christmas vs. Holidays:
Non-religious institutions / companies should themselves use Holidays (to be fair to all...), but individual people should speak their preference. If you are of Christian heritage, then by all means say Merry Christmas. If you're Jewish, then say Happy Hanukkah... I won't be offended because I know the phrase is a benign well wishing sentiment. If someone of Oriental heritage wishes me "Happy New Year" and it is not January 1st, then I'm not upset... I smile. Everyone has their own traditions, and I don't see why my benign traditions (regardless of their prevalence or history behind them) should offend anyone.

There is no such thing as a "Holiday Tree". The tradition is a Christmas Tree, and if one is put up then call it what it is. If you want to put up a "Star of David" (or "menorah"...) then call them what they are too. If your particular faith / traditions have symbols which are important to you, then Great, Wonderful... I don't have any problems with that. Just don't expect me to embrace your symbols while you denounce and strip me of mine. Hypocrisy sickens me.

Do you have any plans for the "Holidays"?

my nick was suggested to me by an ex-colleague of mine. he has an uncanny knack for picking very unique sounding internet pseudonyms. my previous net pseudonym sounded extremely....corny.... 8O 8O 8O so i was eager to change it to something more unique and better sounding. He also claimed the nick he suggested would be quite erotic when read by guys. Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

i did a bit of looking around various internet sites and found the names "Lady Femme" and "Miss Femme" were rather unique. no one seemed to have those same names.

one good place to find out how "unique" your net pseudonym is, is on gamespy arcade. if you do a nickname search, there are like over 30 accounts with the nickname "Femme Fatale" and over 10 accounts with the nickname "Femme". but only 1 account turns up with the nickname "Lady Femme" or "Miss Femme". (NOTE: on gamespy, u may need to replace the space with an underscore_ character)

i was initially torn between both Lady and Miss Femme. "Lady" gives an image of a mature woman while "Miss" gives a youthful image so i can still be a child at heart. Wink (yes, my bedroom is filled with stuffed toys lol... im over 20 and still keep/buy stuffed toys LOL) Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud so i said, ugh i might as well take both lol... u can never have too many unique sounding net pseudonyms hehe... Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud so i usually register both Lady and Miss Femme.

hope this gives you some insights as to the origin of femme and on how to pick a unique sounding net pseudonym. ch33rs!!! Cool Cool Cool

Sharkull's picture

Thanks for the post Lady Femme, but this thread is a "Q&A", meaning that you are supposed to answer the question above you (extra comments on previous questions are welcome too...), and then ask a question for the next poster.

This Q still stands unanswered:

Do you have any plans for the "Holidays"?

get to see the wonderment that is christmas from the viewpoint of a 5 year old

That is my plans

What was your best New year??? ( Mine was spending the millenium NY in Vegas BAYYYYYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 200,000 drunks was awesome i tells ya AWESOME so many hoties that after an hour of spinning i just sat back and enjoyed the view
