Hotfix Mod / Aranna Legacy Mod
Submitted by KillerGremal on Mon, 2009-11-02 06:04
I hope nobody has something against when i'm opening here a thread about the Hotfix Mod resp. Aranna Legacy Mod, but GPG's garage forum has widely lost its clearness and reliability due the flood of spam there.
So this thread here is rather intended to catch (rescue?) all GPG 'fugitives' than to start a new modding offensive. So many years have passed since the game was released and personal priorities have changed since then partially too - however, for the time being smaller bugs or lacks (probably) still will be fixed.
Mod download:
Hotfix Mod, Beta 5p (22.3MB, for DS2 base version, ReadMe) Aranna Legacy Mod, Alpha 4a (25.5MB, for DS2 Broken World addon, ReadMe)
Note maybe:
- The Aranna Legacy mod is basically the same as the Hotfix mod, but the Aranna Legacy mod
contains some additional fixes and tunings specially for the Broken World addon (v2.3/BW).
- If you don't like to read the entire ReadMe file right now, there's also a shorter overview online. |
Karthos tried to open the rift but he did not succeed?
Or the rift was open but no bugs went through?
Or you killed the bugs but the quest did not complete?
...it's just a bit unclear, in particular because there were no (direct) changes for Karthos or his quest.
Karthos opens the rift and the bugs come through. However he is stuck in his casting animation and still "opening" the rift even after bugs are dead and the rift should close.
I played further and came back after a short time and he was no longer casting, but did not recognize the bugs were dead.
@PhoeniX: Thanks, it seems the death of a Siege Bug did not count!?
Did one of the bugs explode possibly?
I don't see where you ever posted the tweak. The 'tweak' link from the options listing points to here but there's no info here about it other than that there is one. Could you post it, please?
Most evident thing in this tweak is that your spellbook will finally change its look and color, however main goal of this procedure is to enable the expanded auto-casting support in this mod for any of your current spellbooks, resp. to turn any spellbook into a spellbook that will be checked for spells to auto-cast even if the spellbook is not equipped (hence in main inventory only of your char).
This may be useful for example if you have two favorite spellbooks that you switch from time to time, and both magical bonuses and both with spells in it to be auto-casted.
So if you like to use this tweak/feature, here is how it works:
A successful transmutation will maintain the bonuses on the spellbook and the spells inside (if there are). However if the transmutation fails - all will be lost!
The exact gold is very critical for the success, and it's decisive too for the new color the spellbook will get.
, while 11, 12, ... or 19 gold will produce other (¤rainbow¤) colors. The original look will be restored with 9 gold.
If you put 10 gold on the ground (click the treasury icon in your hero's GUI) it will make your spellbook look grey like this
Thanks! I'll give this a try.![Smile](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/smile.png)
Chased the problem down to the new job_cast in Alpha3f. Problem was occurring in new game and tanked the job_cast from Alpha3e at higher priority and Karthos quest completes.
And found why monsters (Bracken, Taclak etc.) were not engaging sometimes. In k_job_c_attack_utils the TryJumpingNearEnemy function seems to be faulty.
That a very interesting hint, thanks a lot!![Smile](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/smile.png)
Hi all. I hope this message finds you well. Thanks for the awesome mods killergremal.
Started a new game and after finishing the morden towers quest line and getting rid of the ring, went for the falls in Eirulan but once I approach that device which opens the path for a few itens (little before the ghost in the bridge) a cutscene starts (???): just the camera behind my character and nothing happens. 'Esc' makes the screen go black and my machine to become slow, with no apparent resolution in sight, so I just have to open task manager and slowly wait the machine to answer my clicks.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge to check if that's being caused by the mod. Would it be possible for you (or someone else) to check?
Thanks in advance for any possible help. For the time being, I just won't go there anymore (hive queen's quest's not really important).
Mod list:
All updated as of 2012-12-05
Just tried to remove all of the DS1 map related mods but the error occurred even earlier, right after leaving the lever, on my way to the first bridge after the incantation shrine. Oh... =(
Edit 2:
Created a second toon to see if it would happen again and it did indeed...
@babaloo: The NIS you are talking about is actually produced by the Warhound Pet mod.
Why it doesn't work, I can't exactly say right now, for the addon/v2.3 it's always a bit tricky to find such things out. Most evident however is that your version of the Morden Snow Canyon mod isn't up to date - try to update it, hopefully it will work then also with you.
Maybe I'm bad at reading and this has already been covered, but the Hotfix mod seems to not be compatible with succubus manager?
Because remember that 'Exception Detected!' problem I asked you about? I think that was it. I have restored my computer and the game runs again, but I want the features of hotfix with succubus manager but it just won't work.
I'm sorrry to hear about your matters. Basically were shouldn't be significant incompatibilies between these two mods. Indeed there are some minor conflicts, but they shouldn't be able to crash the game.
Unfortunately there are several reasons for a 'data exception'. Try once to start a new hero, and when the problem still persists then remove temporarly all other savegames.
I've just uploaded a new version of the Hotfix mod resp. the Aranna Legacy mod particularly addessing an exp lack that could occur on custom maps.
Special thank to leocreed, Leohoshi, and PhoeniX for reporting bugs.
First of all, thanks for making and maintaining the mods. Secondly, here's a little report.
Installed mods:
1) Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha3g.ds2res
2) Mod-Pet-KohlBeast-Beta2j.ds2res
3) Mod-Pet-WarHound-Beta10n.ds2res
4) Mod-Pet-WarHound-Canyon-Beta1.ds2res
5) Mod-StorageVault14x19-Beta3.ds2res
6) NOT using All*Saves or Succubus manager
1) Game freezes in Eirulan Falls near ghost on the bridge in both DS2 and DS2BW (seems, that it tries to start some cutscene: black lines apper on the upper and bottom parts of the screen, but then nothing happens, party just stands idle) but ONLY if Warhound mod is installed; game responds only to ESC key and, if hit, freezes with black screen; the best guess is that this problem appeared in Beta 10n because of some map changes; I'm not sure, but I think it worked without problems in Beta 10k (that's the last time I played DS2). User "babaloo" has the same problem here.
2) "Morden two-handed sword" and "Morden shield" do not have skill requirements (Overbear and Barricade)
3) "Rending aura" spells have bad description, unlike similar spells from addon (ingame, they do not tell that they split exp)
4) Items from barrels in Eirulan town (from Warhound mod) are not always visible after dropping; it's like they're clipping inside the barrels; if that happens, they are not picked by auto-pick command, but can still be picked manually
1) Can "party_selection_key" be added with the same functionality as "pet_selection_key", but for non-pets, so player won't be able to accidentally select heroes during battle?
@sting: Thanks for the feedback, I will look what I can do.
For the problem with the War Hound pet mod at the Waterfalls there is temporary work-around for the time being.
Sting your comments are very good, but until you sign up as a member, the staff must find your posts in the approval queue and they might be masked by spam. So take a few minutes and join the site.![Smile](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/smile.png)
Thank You
A little intro about my view on game mechanics. Since I'm an idealist-completer-munchkin I believe that flexibility is a must for every game (especially action-rpg). By flexibility I mean the possibility to play the game whatever way you want without losing any of it content. Forcing someone to play only in a specific way is always a bad decision. That means that all rewards in the game must be RETROACTIVE.
Speaking of DS2, I believe that multi-classes must be potentially stronger (at least, concerning stats and health/mana) than dual or single-classes, although slower at leveling. I believe also that skill progression should be LINEAR or with a weak INCREASING RETURNS, instead of diminishing returns. Because in the latter case there is absolutely no reason to invest in skill past a certain point, which means that half of the skill is useless and that's plain stupid: player puts a bit of skill points into a skill and then forgets about it for the entire game, having no real skill progression. On the other hand, strong increasing returns can lead to: a) uselessness of skills at low level; b) overpowerness of skills at high levels (when fully invested in). That leaves us with the happy medium of linear progression or weak increasing returns: when a player becomes progressively stronger if he invests in chosen skills and when there's a reason to actually fully level a skill.
I understand, that my proposals may sound arrogant (it's all subjective and there's a lot to do to implement these ideas), but here they are nevertheless.
1) [balance, flexibility] Skill point rewards from quests: increase rewards a bit and make it so that only main hero gets them (heroes and pets get nothing); that way there won't be a reason to gather full party before completing the quests and stick with that party for the whole game. (or make it retroactive for ALL party members/pets).
2) [balance, flexibility] Skill Point of Omniscience (for dual and multi-classes): remove +1 skill point for every 7th level, but add +1 to all corresponding skills for every 20th level (starting from level 20; to a total of +5 at character level 100) to all rending auras; that way it won't be necessary to dual/multi from the very beginning not to lose some of the Omniscience skills AND it'll make dual/multi-classes a lot stronger. However, it'll require adding rending spells to all class combinations (even to melee/ranger/nature/combat).
3) [balance] Make skill progression linear for all skills. Lower skill cap to 20 as it was in DS2 (without the addon), but do NOT lower the skills' effect (for example, old_lvl30: +50% crit chance -> new_lvl20: +50% crit chance). That way there will be enough skill points to max 6-7 skills.
1) Does the hero leveling stop after getting to 100 in some proficiency (melee, ranged, combat or nature magic) or one can achieve 100 in all? For example, will hero increase his stats (namely, DEX) and ranged proficiency (from 0 to 100) after becoming pure lvl 100 fighter and then dualing to ranger?
NB! By the way, in current and previous reports I'm talking about single-player only.
Hello, I wanted to know how I could enable larger party configurations in multiplayer with this mod. For example, 3x4 (3 players with each having three NPC party members).
Also, is there a way to totally change a character's role, such getting rid of Amren's ranged abilities and instead making him a combat mage?
Mods that are changing the predefined setup of party members would be possible, but do not exist exist as far as i know.
Although I have no plans to do this right now, also I think it would be better to release it as separate mod due to the
different gameplay experience and the balancing issues it may produce.
>> Other 1): That's an nice input, it could be worth an game option once - only a skill point for the hero (or one extra perhaps).
Actually mod is partially auto-balancing additional skill points, so the game becomes a bit easier if heroes have none, and some harder if there are dozens.
It's a controversy thing indeed, but it's not against skill point rewards, it's just to help heroes or party members who have missed all these rewards.
>> Other 2): Well, interesting approach but it would be to painful to add/revise this.
By the way, the Skill points of Omniscience is a pure 'fix'/acknowledgment to those who complained there
wouldn't be enough free skill points for the new dual-class hero types (from addon) to feed significantly the second skill tab.
>> Other 3): That would be a possible way to go, but better should be content of another mod.
>> Question 1): The maximum level should not stop the growth of the single classes, however the maximum of STR/DEX/INT (without bonuses) will remain at around 330 (although class-depending it's limited by the hero level).
So is it safe to assume that both Hotfix mod and Arena Legacy mod would be compatible with the ds2mpmod you linked?
Also, are those two mods of yours fully compatible with Elys' Succubus races and everything?
High expectations
@Splondir: I have never tried out the MP mod, concerning the mod content however it should be compatible with the Hotfix and Aranna Legacy mod.
But note maybe, there are several reports that the Hotfix and Aranna Legacy mod are not as stable in MP as in SP - unfortunately the reasons for this are unknown.
Compatibility between Succubus mod and Hotfix mod (resp. Aranna Legacy mod) is widely given, as far as experienced recently there's nothing that will cause critical problems.
Edit: Now the links from below should work better: ds2mpmod.ds2res (3kb) from Google's cache (please be aware, I have nothing to do with the mods listed on that cached page, also I don't know who really made them or for which game version they were originally intended).
Game type:
Installed mods:
Problems: (* - minor, *** - major)
Other: (* - minor, *** - major)
@Sting: Thanks for this big report.![Smile](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/smile.png)
>> P1 / Erasira's striptease: ...now since you mention it, yes this can be. It's caused by the manner she has been added, a manner originally made for objects only. However this can be fixed.
>> P2 / Training dummy at Eirulan: Aranna Legacy mod and the War Hound pet mod both have their own dummy. It the addon it seems unpredictable which one appears, in v2.2 it's the 'tachometer variant'. Time for remove the one...
>> P3 / Mida: funny, never seen. Probably a matter with the amount of object details (game options).
>> P4 / hu? don't understand...
>> P5 / Eriasira, costs: Costs currently only depend on the merc/veteran/elite mode. It's a matter of (not) auto-translating expressions and also that it's not possible to create conversations with variable parts (expect of hero's name perhaps). A big lack indeed...
>> P6 / Lances/spears: many custom items have (only) STR/DEX/INT as requirements (as it was in DS1). Maybe skill requirements would be more appropriate here and there...
>> P7 / Harpy description: This can be tuned I think...![Wink](https://siegetheday.org/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/Roving/wink.png)
>> P8 / Redundant bonuses: Not possible to combine (already complained during the Beta).
>> O1 / Item effects: An option tuning the effects off for (many) items should be possible. Spears have this partially for the left-handed weapon, I'm just not sure it really all items effects can be 'caught' like this...
>> O2 / 'Wrong' experience: Basically this can happen always. Only an exclusive revision of the rules could prevent this.
>> O3 / Tutorial beach: Generally possible, let me rethink about it...
>> Q1 : The mod BW_Effects-1a should be widely compatible. There are some exceptions, but basically effect files do not affect the 'operative' gameplay.
>> Q2 : Skill Points of Omniscience are retroactive for automatically levelled characters (those from the inn or for those you can hire).
>> Q3 : The Morden sword for the player is two-handed simply because it is so large, it's one of the largest swords at all.
In DS2 monsters don't need to respect the weapon restrictions/requirements as players need to do (generally the damage accounting works much different), so let's assume the Morden only can hold this sword in one hand and a shield in the other hand because they are so strong (monsters). It's imaginable they even suffer a penalty for this weapon combination - a Morden Fighter without shield possibly would fight much faster, perhaps as fast a Morden Lancers do (would mean a speed bonus of 50%).
Yes. It's not a bug and it's caused by the low detail video setting. She's sitting on the sack actually.
When the game session starts it's accompanied by the quick "mods checking" procedure to ensure mods' integrity. One of the last check is "Pet development bonus" that has "!?" symbols instead of "!". Moreover, in the conclusion of the checking procedure it shows 98/98 meaning, as I guess, that all 98 changes from installed mods are ok, although there might be some slight problem with "Pet development bonus". Maybe it's the same old Falls freezing problem, maybe it's something else.
How about replacing Erasira with the Trainer from the outpost? It'll fix inconsistency and respawn problems.
In case of misunderstanding: it's not a bug. The "summon teleport" spell is from nature magic and there's nothing wrong with it improving nature magic proficiency. However, the main idea was to be able to use it by all classes without gaining unneded exp to nature magic.
The same thing applies to "summon storage vault" spell from combat magic.
Also, here's another 2 thingies.
Problems: (* - minor, *** - major)
Other: (* - minor, *** - major)
Hi, i installed the mod and it is great. Unfortunately i still have a problem with the lap dragon emanation. Whenever i exit and reenter the 4 meter radius my damage stat is constantly reduced. imo is because of the bonus set stats. Can some1 tell me if this is fixable? 10x in advance
Interesting catch, unfortunately I'm not familiar with this bug - does it happen with other sets or items too?
And are possibly more than one Lap Dragon in the party (so two emanations of the same type would overlap
Originally it was only a magical resistance of 4%, it has simply changed to help a little bit in the beginning of the game - assumed the player couldn't find or enchant a more pleasant amulet yet.
So some more lightning resistance (8%) would help against the Hak'u. Some early fire resistance has some importance too in the Azunite desert, however a decent amount of death resistance (7%) will become even more important when facing the mages after the desert in the Windstone Fortress.
i usually dont bother with the hero amulet. im afraid that the 5-8% magic resistance is pretty much insignificant at reducing the damage taken. statistically speaking, anything less than 10 percentage points does not have a noticeable or significant impact on anything which is true especially when monsters are set up to do almost a hundred points of raw dmg. even at the beginning when monsters do only a small amount of dmg, 5% of a small amount only results in a few points of difference which does not make a significant impact at reducing the dmg taken.
u actually get more benefit equipping +health and +armor magic items. armor rating reduces dmg taken from all attacks unless u changed it in ur mod.
u can easily enchant your own +health or your own magic dmg type resist amulet using the reagents and enchanter and equip them depending on the situation and enemies encountered. it wud prolly be better if u make the minimum magic resist higher than 8% or whichever amount that is better than any individual resist amulet u can make using any combination of reagents.
i understand your efforts at rebalancing the game but u also have to be careful of not falling down the slippery slope of nerfing everything until items become useless and insignificant (diablo 2 comes to mind) that there is no difference fighting in the buff rather than clothed. then all the items u painstakingly tried to rebalance become white elephants and u end up wasting your time.
I just reinstalled DS2BW and decided to try your mod this time around. To limit potential problems, i didn't install all the mods i'm used to. Unfortunately, even those i really really like don't seem to work, but no bugs yet.
This time i used:
-BW Auto Engage Drink v0_9.ds2res
The first thing i noticed was the auto-drinking does not work and i'm pretty sure the auto-engage doesn't work either. Also, i keep getting a message about my inventory being full when it's not.
I would love to still be able to use (or have the same result):
-Power_Level.ds2res (No level difference xp penalities, henchmen hero lvl-1 if dif more then 5)
-Six_Slots.ds2res (Can buy 6 slots)
-Treasure_Seeker.ds2res (Better drops, especialy lvl acurate drops)
From http://www.papagamer.com/extras/60-dungeon-siege-ii-extras
-GQArenaTreasure (Better Arena treasures)
-GQ_Shops.ds2res (All shops sell all lvl gear)
-BW_All_Setsv2 (When i want a particular set)
-respawn_only.ds2res (When i want some more experience)
Can you help me out? Anyway to make the auto-engage & auto-drink work with you mod? Witch of those last mods can i use? I figured power_level might interfere since you've balanced things, six_slots might be useless coz i think your mod might do the same (not sure yet), the GQ_shops light also interfere since you have new spells and items in your mod. I'm not sure if you changed the drops or not so Treasure_Seeker or any of the Set drop mods might work or not.
I would like to continu using your mod, especialy with the halfskill inversed.
Now, 2 critics about your mod.
1- How can i decide to keep using the staff (in the breakable area at the start) when all it says is Unknown magic?
2- I tried giving Deru the Archer/Nature buff, but it doesn't give 50/50, the archer always gets more so i have to keep using a nature spell to bring it back to 50/50. What's up with that?
I'm hoping for an answer.
actually, that is the way gpg designed it NOT killer gremal. gpg designed the fist of stone and blood asn buffs to split the exp 70/30 (melee or ranged / nature or combat magic respectively). no idea why gpg designed it that way but it might be for balance reasons or sumthing, since fos still use melee as their main attack and nm is the secondary skill thus they shud have more melee exp split. likewise for blood asn. they use ranged as their main attack and cm is the secondary skill so they shud have more ranged exp split.
as for my aed mod not working, i suppose its because the files that define the auto behaviour are also being modded by the aranna legacy mod since killer gremal also modded the ai in that mod thus there is a mod conflict.
I tought it might be something like that. Too bad the % split can't be set to 50/50.