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o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world?

Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one!

Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? Cool (that was a question BTW)

Strider978's picture

Excluding the movies I saw as Mystery Science Theaters 3000, I do believe the worst one I've ever seen is Daredevil. /me shudders

Whats the most embarassing (in your humble opinion) song in your music collection at the moment?

gawsh I miss MST3K!! CRoooow!

the most embarrasing song I have (and I sing along with it too...eek!) is "Underneath your clothes" by is so goofy but i like it!!!

What color are your socks?


What color is your toothbrush?

erm, in answer to my own previous question, mine are white with blue and green flowers and they say "Girls Rock" in hot pink lettering....In addition to being a self proclaimed word nerd I have an exceptionally large and silly sock collection.

Pink toothbrush

Thunderstorms: scary, cool or both??

Sharkull's picture

Cool... unless I'm in an open area like a golf course... :lightning:

One pillow or more? (Two for me...).

I am a multi-pillower...

what is better...generic or name brand items??

(I go for the cheaper one, unless it is lipstick!)

Loup_Ombrage's picture

It depends, I'd obviously prefer a Washburn or Fender guitar to one that doesn't have a brand, I don't really care about whats on clothes and such but its hard to avaoid labled clothing for my age group nowadays unless you want to dress completely in black (I don't).

Do you like or dislike Crazy Frog, and why?

Eep! I don't know what a Crazy Frog is!!! Sad

Hmm, so I guess my answer is I am unsure and my question is what exactly is a"Crazy Frog"? :o

( Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud )

that is me, laughing at me...for being such a doof.

Hmm, editing the post....deciding to "google" crazy frog to find out for myself what crazy frog is supposed to be, ok...some sort of music thing, uh huh . well. crazy frog is a funny name so I will give a thumbs up to mentally ill amphibians, just because I like the name...

Pedicures, necessity or frivolity?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Pedicures are completely unnessecary, but I could be biased seeing as I'm an upper middle-class teenage guy :P

Q: What was your favourite PS1/Sega Saturn/Nintendo 64/that same time frame in computers game? I liked (and still do like) the MediEvil series and C-12.

awwwww: I can't answer this question... :? I hope someone will answer it soon. Crying
I hate to admit it but my first real exposure to a game of this type was actually Dungeon Siege 1 and being a latebloomer, I only started playing that this past summer when someone gave it to me as a gift. Prior to that the only computer games I played were Scrabble, card games and chess and those aren't the same thing at all.

Sharkull's picture

Q: What was your favourite PS1/Sega Saturn/Nintendo 64/that same time frame in computers game? I liked (and still do like) the MediEvil series and C-12.

I don't know, because I've never owned any of those platforms... I had an original Nintendo, and Mario3 was fun... For the Sega Genesis I had a few games, and NHL'93 was my fave there (we used to have tournaments within the University on campus residences Smile ).

(Note to Kathy, "I don't know" and silly answers are permitted... as long as you respond and then ask a new question... Laughing out loud ).

What's the first computer / video game you remember playing?
(For me it was Space Invaders on a Commodore PET in grade school... ~ grade 3. The game loaded from casette. Cool ).

I played "Elite" on the original 8-bit BBC B microcomputer. Wire-frame graphics, but a great mixture of joystick control skill/combat and trading. A game for both the thinker and the hack and slash junkie.

What's the worst game you ever played on a PC?

Hmmmmm....another trickesy question. Well, I am going to go for the silly answer :tease: and say when I was 12 or 13 I watched some one else play Pacman and that was a brand new thing at the time ( am I dating myself here? Laughing out loud )

Are people who use "baby talk" when speaking to small children or pets silly or normal?

(just for the record, I think it is silly but find myself doing it sometimes...eep!)

Gawsh,, I got logged out unbeknowst to me! Just for the record this was me answering Sharkull's question

Anonymous wrote:
Hmmmmm....another trickesy question. Well, I am going to go for the silly answer :tease: and say when I was 12 or 13 I watched some one else play Pacman and that was a brand new thing at the time ( am I dating myself here? Laughing out loud )

Are people who use "baby talk" when speaking to small children or pets silly or normal?

(just for the record, I think it is silly but find myself doing it sometimes...eep!)

ghastley wrote:
I played "Elite" on the original 8-bit BBC B microcomputer. Wire-frame graphics, but a great mixture of joystick control skill/combat and trading. A game for both the thinker and the hack and slash junkie.

What's the worst game you ever played on a PC?

American McGee's "Alice" was absolutely awful.

Will anybody answer my silly baby talk question? Smile

Sharkull's picture

No... :P Just kidding.

I most certainly don't think it's normal (at least it shouldn't be... especially to children), and while "silly" isn't the adjective I'd like to use, of the choices given that is my answer. Smile

What's your favorite TV show of all time?

heh... Shark
hmmm, there were so many shows over the years that I liked. That is a tough one. Well, I was certainly addicted to "Northern Exposure" for about 3 years, so I will say that one.

Chocolate, friend or foe?

Sharkull wrote:
No... :P Just kidding.

I most certainly don't think it's normal (at least it shouldn't be... especially to children), and while "silly" isn't the adjective I'd like to use, of the choices given that is my answer. Smile

What's your favorite TV show of all time?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Chocolate bar doesn't hurt you. Chocolate is your friend....

In responce to the "worst game" question, I would have to say either when I was forced to play my sister's "barbie race&ride", or this odd game that I can't remember the name of, where, using and axe and bottles of water, you rescue asian women from a multi-story laundrette.

What three things would you take with you if you were being left and a desert island for 2 weeks?

(edit: just making it clearer what question I am many questions, so little time!! )

Loup_Ombrage asked "What three things would you take with you if you were being left and a desert island for 2 weeks?"

Well, I suppose that depends. Are the necessities (ie food, water soap and TP) already there? I will assume yes, and answer:books, sunscreen and my best friend, HersheyBar. :mrgreen:

The new Doctor Who show(SciFi channel): What do you predict...will it be better, worse or the same as the original (providing you receive the SciFi channel and have seen the old show Smile )

kathycf wrote:

The new Doctor Who show(SciFi channel): What do you predict...will it be better, worse or the same as the original (providing you receive the SciFi channel and have seen the old show Smile )

I was a wee laddy in England when Doc Who first came out and as soon as that psychotic music happened id sprint to the back of the couch (my safe place) where id watch in sheer terror ( didnt miss it but it scared the heebee jeebeees out of me) This is the third incarnation if i am correct maybe more

What show scared the heebeejeebees out of you as a child?

*me* pokes GGO/ didn't give your prediction, though, thus not fully answering the question ( Laughing out loud I make so many mistakes, who I am to point out those of others? Smile ) I saw the first 2 episodes of the newest incarantion that aired on scifi last Friday and I thought it was ok. I guess since StarGate and StarGate:Atlantis have discontinued for this season, what the heck, might as well watch. I barely remember The "old" Dr. Who even though I am much, much older than GGO as he so sweetly reminds me. Wink Well, I will finish up blabbing and answer the question...

"What show scared the heebeejeebees out of you as a child?"
This is another oldie "Kolchak, the Nightstalker"

Which is your favorite M & M candy color? ( I call red!!)

But i did You just wasnt thinking abstract enough. If the show will make me run and hide then it will be as good and quite frankly i dont see that happening


Favorate non chocolate Candy?

(Mine is Jolly Ranchers)

A: Mmm licorice, the finnish kind.

Q: What is love to you?

Oh, abstract...ahhh. Hmm, you mean there is such a thing as NON-CHOCOLATE candy??? :!: ok, I did know that, but what an utterly non-kathy concept it is.... Smile . I guess cherry LifeSavers are, you know ..ok. I like tootsie pops, but they kinda have chocolate in them, so I guess they don't count (cherry tootsie pops, NOW you're talking!!!)
Also; to answer sol77's question...
Q: What is love to you? I guess it would depend on what type of love you are talking about...I feel love in different ways, I guess. I love my family, but not in the same why I love a close friend, nor is it the same love I feel for my pets. I think the common thread here lies in the feelings of warmth and affection, plus, a concern and interest in the health and welfare of the loved one. Sharing things is also vital to love between human beings. I was watching a program called "Nova" a little while ago about terraforming and exploration of Mars, so this is the basis of my question...

Do you think it is possible (even if it takes a couple of centuries...) for people to colonize Mars?

KillerMondoDude wrote:
But i did You just wasnt thinking abstract enough. If the show will make me run and hide then it will be as good and quite frankly i dont see that happening


Favorate non chocolate Candy?

(Mine is Jolly Ranchers)

Ofcourse we can replicate everything but one thing water thats what will keep us from true deep space exploration

NASA Has proven that the human species can copulate in space now who woulda loved to have volunteered for that expiriment?

Actually, they talked about the water, apparently, Mars has ice caps similiar to earth's...if they are able to thaw it out, they speculate they could "seed" it with cyanobacteria to produce oxygen and thus simulate an earthlike atmosphere. Well, that is making it too simple, but you get my drft. Tis interesting, but...very, very costly.

*me* does not volunteer for experiments, no matter how intriguing they sound, re: KMD's question.

Q.) Who here is not suprised that KMD asked a question that had something to do with sex?? Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

KillerMondoDude wrote:
Ofcourse we can replicate everything but one thing water thats what will keep us from true deep space exploration

NASA Has proven that the human species can copulate in space now who woulda loved to have volunteered for that expiriment?

Loup_Ombrage's picture

Not me.

When I was a kid I was scared by the classic "Dog Dripping Blood" scary story... or should that be urban myth? (not my question)

Time travel, deep earth travel or deep space travel?

Urban Myths are generally Legendary half truths

Deep earth boring molten and nasty

Time travel possible because time is not linear but in reality it would be interdimentional travel (Some theorise the abscence of light photons is the same being as abscence of time in fact the philidelfia expiriment is supposibly based on warping light around a ship to camoflage it, as a result it put the crew out of sinc with this reality and weird shit happened: spectral phases, reamergance and all around goofy shit)

Deep space our sun will blow before were even close to exploring all our own galaxie. Deep space to me is the outer galaxies so id say no

Does all this intellectual techno theorizing mean i'm a geek or am i just a big goofy dweebus? or something else? Do tell and i want reasons dammit

"Does all this intellectual techno theorizing mean i'm a geek or am i just a big goofy dweebus? or something else? Do tell and i want reasons dammit"

EEP! Geek alert! Well...all joking aside, intellectual theorizing certainly doesn't make ME a geek, does it? DOES IT??!! :twisted: I think you know the answer to this one already.... Being smart is so totally cool and sexy, that any inadvertant "geek" factor is totally irrelevant. It's even better if one wears glasses...smokin'!!!

Q.) Do cheaters never win, or do winners never cheat?

KillerMondoDude wrote:
Urban Myths are generally Legendary half truths

Deep earth boring molten and nasty

Time travel possible because time is not linear but in reality it would be interdimentional travel (Some theorise the abscence of light photons is the same being as abscence of time in fact the philidelfia expiriment is supposibly based on warping light around a ship to camoflage it, as a result it put the crew out of sinc with this reality and weird shit happened: spectral phases, reamergance and all around goofy shit)

Deep space our sun will blow before were even close to exploring all our own galaxie. Deep space to me is the outer galaxies so id say no

Does all this intellectual techno theorizing mean i'm a geek or am i just a big goofy dweebus? or something else? Do tell and i want reasons dammit

we don't need to explore deep space - we're already there...
