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If I could only

If I could only find a way to swap this reality for the reality of the game I would do it in a heart beat. I know that sounds rather Tronish but killing Krugs and other things sounds like a vacation compared to my life in this reality. I shall not become more morose than that. However if ever when playing the game you meet a girl talking to a wolf about finding a smith that could build an 18 speed mountain bike with a trailer for a wolf and a wizard that could make an electric spell to power a laptop and invent fiberglass or carbon fiber for lighter arrows you will know that I had my wish granted.




Can wolves become werepeople if they get infected? Then you could use a tandem! (I haven't ridden one of those for nearly forty years, so I don't remember if either of us were werwolves at the time.)

ghastley wrote:
Can wolves become werepeople if they get infected? Then you could use a tandem! (I haven't ridden one of those for nearly forty years, so I don't remember if either of us were werwolves at the time.)

Werepeople - there people

Anyway Ghastley Dog is a bit lazy, even if he could peddle a bike he would more likely sell it for chicken fries and beer. Now if he were a werehuman we could just get two mountain bikes. That way when he sold his for snacks I would still have mine and he could just run along and loose the weight from all the beer and fries
